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Why IMMUNOCAL® is projected to become the #1 Nutritional Supplement of Choice

• Listed in the U.S. Physician’s Desk Reference from 2000-2008; not in the Supplement section, but the
Drug Section, because of it’s scientific validity
• Listed in the Canadian Compendium of Pharmaceuticals & Specialties beginning 2009

• Method-of-Use Pharmaceutical-type Patents for Immunocal, a natural, organic supplement, include:

Prevention and Treatment of Cancer, Treatment of HIV-AIDS, Improving the Immune Response, Bio-
Active Food Supplement
• Received complete clearance for Athletic Banned Substances from Consumer Labs and was the only
Natural Supplement advertised in the NBA Directory and NFL Directory for 2008
• Dr. Luc Montagnier, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2008 for his discovery of the HIV virus,
spoke about the efficacy of Immunocal at the 10th Annual AIDS conference in Japan. Dr. Montagnier
also devoted a complete chapter to the use of Immunocal in the book he co-authored entitled Oxidative
Stress in Cancer, AIDS, and Neurodegenerative Diseases

• 31 Published Clinical Studies in peer-reviewed journals including studies on: Cancer, Lung Disease, the
Disease of Aging, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Muscular Performance, Autism, Immune System
• Unique Slide Presentation on F.D.A. Website with nearly 1,500 CRITICALLY ILL PATIENTS
recovering in half the time with the Immunocal Link:
• Presented at International Meeting of the Institute of Human Virology, in Baltimore, MD
• Presented at American Lung Association International Symposium
• Presented at the “Lung Association” Quebec City, Canada

• Received a NPN (National Product Number) from Health Canada, as well as approval from Health
Canada to make a claim that the product improves the Immune System

• Used for over 12 years with no reported side effects

• Safe and effective for use as a preventative and as an aid for all types of illnesses
• Only contraindicated for individuals who have had organ transplants, and for individuals with specific
milk protein allergy
• Safe for all lactose-intolerant individuals
• A product that is proven to elevate Glutathione – Glutathione has over 80,000 articles in the medical
literature ( and is the hottest topic in Medical Research today – linking low levels of
Glutathione to virtually every medical condition, as well as high levels to excellent health

• The manufacturer, Immunotec, Inc., is a debt-free company, and publicly traded on the TSE (IMM)
• Immunotec offers a Professional Program for all Health Care Professionals, which is separate and
distinct from the Network Marketing side of the business; Professionals have the choice of participating
in MLM or remaining separate
• Immunotec is part of the Home-Based Business Industry, which is outperforming all new starts of small
businesses and franchises, due to low overhead, low start-up costs, and tremendous tax advantages
• Immunotec is part of the Wellness Industry which is poised to be a several Trillion Dollar Industry
within 2 years
• Immunotec is part of the Network Marketing Industry, which is credited by Donald Trump and Robert
Kiyosaki as the “most democratic” form of business and one of the best ways to earn a maximum
amount of money, or an additional stream of income, working part-time or full-time

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