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Part 61 Private Pilot Requirements

Written Knowledge Oral / Practical Check Ride

Total 40 hours Dual 20 hours Night 3 hours o 50 NM total distance with 10 take offs and landings Solo 10 hours o 3 hours cross country 75 NM total 25 NM leg 3 take offs and landings

Part 61 Commercial Pilot Requirements

Written Knowledge Oral / Practical Check Ride

Total 150 hours o 50 hours in helicopters PIC 100 o 35 hours in helicopters o 10 hours of cross country Dual 20 hours o 10 hours of instrument o 1 Day VFR cross country 50 NM leg o 1 Night VFR cross country 50 NM leg Solo 10 hours o 1 cross country 50 NM leg Landings at 3 points o 5 hours of night VFR 10 take offs and landings

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