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Different types of comunication methods

I sent an email to James the test planner, regarding the database.

He then replied say following:

Dan Brown Mark Belington Sian Evans Sam Paterson

Time and date

10 AM on 12/04/12 15:25 on 23/04/12 14:30 on 24/04/12 12:00 on 30/04/12

What I discussed
I discussed about the meeting via a telephone conversation as I couldnt meet the shareholder (Dan Brown) The things that I was discussing with mark where about the problem which were occurring when switch on the computer. Discussing a second meeting to take place with Dan Brown assistant Sian. Discussing with Sam on how to improve the Bling Bling projects.

Telephone Log between Hashim and Sally Hashim: Hi Sally, its me Hashim speaking Sally: Oh hello Hashim, how are you? Hashim: Im fine thank you and how about yourself? Sally: Just a bite tired at work. Hashim: Im just calling you to remind, you that we have a meeting on 5 th of May, at my office regarding two main topics about the budget and the equipment. Sally: .Excellent, thank you for reminding me Hashim: Ohh yes. Um can we have the meeting a bite early, say around 10:30 AM Sally: yes ok that find with me! Is it just me and you? Hashim: yes its just me. Sally: Thats great Hashim; see you on the 5th then. Speak to you soon Goodbye. Hashim: Wonderful, see you then. Goodbye.

Hashim Hatim 23-24 Bentley Avenue, London SW1 1AB Dear Mr Prabakaran 12-14 Downing ST Lodon SE5 4BQ

Dear Mr Prabakaran Change made in the design plan I am writing to inform you that I have made some changes in the design plan as there were some delays in the project speciation. It will take couple of day to finalise the design as the stakeholder made changes which needed to be improved.

Youre faithfully

Hashim Hatim (077065887490)

Hashim Hatim 23-24 Bentley Avenue London SW1 1AB Dear Sally Chester 54-58 Kenwood Avenue London SW3 FH5

Dear Sally

This letter is to confirm the following: The budget of 100,000 The equipment

The budget is 100,000 and the payback period will be 10,000 a months for 10 months, which is estimated from previous the records. The hardware equipment will be from Cisco and IBM, and it will include the desktops, servers etc.

Youre faithfully

Hashim Hatim (077065887490)

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