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Jordanian Doctor Discovers the Mystery Behind Stonehenge Circle

Date: Thursday, February 02nd, 2006 (CST )

Topic: Ancient History

The Jordanian junior doctor Emad Kayyam discovered a deep relation

between the anatomical human eyeball and the astronomical earth. "The
discovery led to interpret and explain the mechanism of function of
Stonehenge stone circle in UK - the megalith which is found in Salisbury
85 miles south-east London since 4500 years ago,'' Kayyam told Jordan
News Agency on Tuesday.

The discovery by itself is magnificent because the relation he found

between the eyeball and the earth ball opens a new door in the way we
understand the universe. He mentioned that the eyeball in the human,
who represents the only conscious life in the existence, looks like the earth ball in 3 major categories, the shape,
the tilt, and some essential movements and motions.

These motions, which produced by the earth planet, are vital for the life of the human being. Doctor Kayyam
stressed that the tilt of the earth is similar to the eyeball's tilt which is 23 degree of arc.

"The tilt in both causes similarity between the ground track of the sun, which represents the earth season from it
furthest point north east in June to its furthest point south east in December, and the congegate eye movement
from side to side in the horizontal plane,'' Kayyam added.

Dr.Kayyam pointed that all academic missions to Stonehenge stone circle agree that its an arithmetical system
produced by the relation between the sky and the stone which works as an astronomical calendar. He added that
when we compare Stonehenge to a horizontal section in the eyeball we find them similar in all aspects. The
similarity comes as a result of the same tilt of the eyeball & the earth, which causes the astronomical phenomena
that Stonehenge stone circle predicts,'' Dr. Kayyam said.

Article Source

This article comes from ThothWeb - Your Portal to the Unknown

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