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Real Conversation Questions

Hello! Nice to meet you/ Nice to meet you too Whats your name? Who are you here with? What are you doing here? Where are you from? o Have you always lived here/there? o Why did you move/ didnt you ever move? o Is there much to do here/there? o What do you like about _________ (location)? What do you do/ whats your job/ what do you do for a living? o How did you get into that/ how did you end up doing that? o What does that involve? o Is it a difficult job? o What are the hours? o Do you enjoy it? What do you do for fun/ what do you do in your spare time/ what kind of things do you like to do? o What is that? o How did you get into that? o How long have you been doing that for? o Where can I find more information about that? o Would you mind if I joined/ could you give me the contact details? Do you mind if I... o Smoke? o Listen to music? o Borrow your pen/newspaper/phone o Take your phone number?

Reactions Really?!/ wow!/great!/nice/cool/interesting/mmmm/ah/okay... That sounds... like fun/difficult/interesting/strange/great/different I have a friend who....Is a/works at/ always/ does.../plays.../likes to... Closing a conversation Well it was nice to meet you/ it was nice chatting with you/ I have to go now because.../I had better go because.../ I hope to see you soon/speak to you soon Goodbye

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