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Kill Team, June 15, 2012 Pg 214, 4th edition rulebook -Your Faction must do recon of the Imperiums

defenses, while at the same time preventing the Imperium from doing recon of your own landing site/chaos portal/webway gate/ cult location. -Each player will play at least 2 games, as the Kill Team and as the Brute Squad. To determine the mission type, roll a die. -On a roll of 6, play the Reconnoitre mission. At this point, information is far more valuable than assassination or blowing something up. -On a roll of 2-5, play the Escape mission, as the kill team has already achieved their objectives and must get back to their forces as quickly as possible. -On a roll of 1, play the Last Stand mission. Something has gone horribly wrong for the Kill Team, and now they have become trapped behind enemy lines. To the Victor go the Spoils: -If the Kill Team wins, that player may get a Veteran skill for one of the units in their army. Headquarters are more willing to commit veteran troops to the early battles with the additional information provided by the Kill Team. -If the Brute squad wins, that player may get an additional number of points (most likely 50) for the next battle. The Kill Teams activities have made it clear where the enemies push will most likely be, so additional reinforcements have been sent to that area. **Please note that both of these are cumulative, so if you win both games, then you get a veteran skill and 50 extra points** **Only the first game as either the Kill Team or the Brute squad counts towards this. (So if you need to play more than 2 games because of an odd number of players or something, only the first times as either the Kill Team or the Brute squad count towards getting bonuses)** FAQ -Breaking Immutable Laws of Kill Team may be discussed with your opponent beforehand. -pg 218, having your Kill Team comprised of more than one unit type and ignoring minimum size restrictions count as breaking mutable laws 1 and 2 -pg 219, the more than one model being able to choose wargear. --This is in reference to the old armory system. If your codex still uses it, follow this rule. If your codex does not, ignore this rule.

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