7 Cs of Communication

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Managerial Communications

Presenter: Rajsee Joshi

GLS Institute of Computer Technology - MBA, Ahmedabad.

Topics Covered
Characteristics of Effective Communication: 7 Cs of Communication

Characteristics of Effective Communication


Conciseness Consideration Concreteness Clarity Courtesy Correctness

1. Completeness
Provide all necessary information
Answer the five Ws: a) Who b) What c) When d) Where e) Why f) Also how

1. Completeness
Answer all Questions asked Stated and Implied Omissions cast Suspicions Give something extra, when desirable E.g. Please fax me in return the departures from Singapore to Hong Kong on the 8th. How come my request for an interview letter did not receive a response?

Letter sent by Axis Bank to a customer who has recently opened a Savings A/c. Make this more effective with respect to completeness. Thank you for the confidence you have shown us by the account you recently opened. All our facilities are at your disposal and anytime we can be of service, please call on us. Our appreciation is best expressed

2. Conciseness
Eliminate Wordy expressions Include only Relevant material Avoid unnecessary repetition

Eliminate wordy expressions: Exercise

Use single word substitutes 1) I am reading at this time 2) Due to the fact of my illness 3) I have a need for report 4) We will be replying in due course

Omit unnecessary expressions 1) Please be advised that your admission statement was received. 2) Allow me to say how helpful your response was. Replace wordy conventional statements with concise versions 1) Please find attached the list you requested. 2) Such refreshing comments are few and

Some more.
Avoid overusing empty phrases 1) There are four rules that should be observed. 2) It was known by Mr. Shah that we must reduce inventory. Omit that and which clauses whenever possible 1) She bought dresses that are of the executive-types 2) The receipt that is enclosed documents

More to go.
Limit use of passive voice. 1) The reports are to be submitted by employees prior to 5.00, at which time they will be received by Mr. Shah Eliminate unnecessary phrases 1) In most cases the date of the policy is indicated in the upper right corner.

Include only Relevant Material

Stick to the purpose of the message Delete irrelevant words and long-winded sentences. Omit information obvious to the receiver Avoid long introductions, unnecessary explanations, excessive adjectives. Get to the point tactfully and concisely. E.g. We hereby wish to let you know that our company is pleased with the confidence you have reposed in us.

Avoid unnecessary repetition

Use shorter names once they are mentioned Use pronouns rather than long names Remove phrases and sentences that are needlessly getting repeated.

Avoid unnecessary repetition Exercise

Will you ship us sometime, anytime during the month of October would be fine, or even November if you are rushed (November would suit as just as well in fact a little bit better) 300 of the regular 3by 15 inch blue t-shirts with white sewn letters in the center. Thank you in advance for sending these along to us by parcel post and not express as express, is too expensive

3. Consideration
1. Focus on You instead of I or We 2. Show audience benefit or Interest in the receiver 3. Emphasize Positive, Pleasant Facts We-Attitude: We are delighted to announce that we will be extending our hours to make shopping more convenient. You-Attitude: You will be able to shop evenings with the extended hours

Use passive voice in negative situations

1. You failed to enclose your cheque in the envelope. 2. You had not mentioned the address correctly, that is why the parcel did not reach on time

Show Audience Benefit

Whenever possible and true, show how your receivers will benefit. Show interest in and concern for the receivers needs or viewpoints. E.g. You will be glad to know that HDFC Bank now has a walk-up window open 7-9 am and 3-8 pm every weekday.

Emphasize Positive, Pleasant facts

Stress on what can be done instead of what cannot be done. 1) It is impossible to open an account for you today as you do not have an address proof. 2) We dont refund if the returned item is spoiled and unsalable. 3) When you travel on company expense, you will not receive approval for 1st class.

4. Concreteness
Use Specific Facts and Figures Put Action in your verbs Choose Vivid, image-building words

Use specific facts and figures

Student GMAT scores are higher. Eastern Europe is making progress in obtaining investments. Shes a brain.

Words that can lead to uncertainty

Slightly Small Soon Early High Most
About Slow Very Almost Several A few

Put Action in your verbs

The tests were administered by the professors. - passive Professors administered the tests. active Grades of students will be sent to you by the school. The school will send students the grades.

Active verbs help make your sentences more:

Specific: The director decided is more explicit than A decision has been made. Personal: You will note is personal than it will be noted Concise: Figures show is more concise than It is shown by figures Forceful: Passive verbs dull action. the students held a contest is more emphatic than A contest was held by

Prefer passive voice in the following situations:

To avoid personal, blunt accusations: The October cheque was not included. To stress the object of action: Your savings account is insured upto Rs. 100000. When the doer isnt important in the sentence: Three announcements were made before the meeting started.

Choose vivid, Image-building words

Sensory Appeal : It is hot in the factory. Comparisons : The project submitted is uninteresting. Figurative Language: Some women were stopped in their promotions

5. Clarity
Clarity of communication means transferring the meaning from the mind of communicator to the mind(s) of receiver(s) accurately. Choose Precise, concrete and familiar words Construct effective sentences and paragraphs

Choose Precise, concrete & Familiar words

Unfamiliar: After our perusal of pertinent data, the conclusion is that a lucrative market exists for the subject property. Familiar: The data we studied show that your property is profitable and in high demand.

Classic Story
A plumber wrote to the National Bureau of standards to tell them hydrochloric acid is good for cleaning out clogged drains.

Response by the bureau

The efficacy of hydrochloric acid is undisputable, but the corrosive residue is incompatible with metallic performance.

Another try
We cannot assume the responsibility for the production of toxic and noxious residue with hydrochloric acid and suggest you use an alternative method.

Dont use hydrochloric acid. It eats the hell out of the pipe.

Construct effective sentences & paragraphs

Length Unity Coherence E.g. After planting 10000 plants, the deer came into our botanists farm and crushed them. Emphasis E.g. Candidates should be motivated and have interest in static and dynamic testing of material.

6. Courtesy
Be sincerely tactful, thoughtful, and appreciative Use expressions that show respect Being aware of the perspective of others and their feeling is true courtesy in communication. Mere mechanical insertions of polite words such as please or thank you doesnt help much. Choose nondiscriminatory expressions

Be sincerely Tactful, Thoughtful, and Appreciative

Tact E.g. I rewrote the letter three times; the point was clear. Im sorry the point was not clear; here is another version. Thoughtfulness and appreciation Helps build goodwill of the company

Omit irritating expressions

Irresponsible Obviously you overlooked We expect you to You did not tell us You claim that You failed to Your complaint Your neglect

Choose Nondiscriminatory Expressions

Questionable Freshman Manpower Man-made

More desirable 1st year students Workers, employees, work force Manufactured, Constructed

Singular Pronouns
Anyone who comes to class late will get his internal marks reduced. Each customer will have the new changes noted on his bill You should all be concerned about exams. Each manager has an assigned parking place. He should park accordingly.

Undesirable Raju Joshi and Ami Mrs. Ami and Rajoo

More desirable Raju & Ami Joshi Mrs. Ami and Mr. Rajoo

7. Correctness
Use the right level of language Check accuracy of Figures, facts and words Maintain acceptable writing mechanics

More Formal Participate Procure Endeavour Ascertain Deem Utilize Interrogate

Substandard Language
More acceptable
Aint Isnt, arent Aim to prove Desirous of Regardless Stolen Brought

Aim at proving
Desirous to


Should of

Should have

Check accuracy of Figures, Facts, and Words

Verify your statistical data Double-check your totals Have someone else read your message if the topic involves data Determine whether a fact has changed over time

Exercise: Rewrite in Nongender terms

I would like your support along with that of John to serve as cochairman of our Staffing Requirements Committee for the Communications Planning Centers. As you know the CPCs are a most important sales tool, and we need highly qualified manpower with top salesmen. The other committeemen I have appointed to work with you are Anil Patel, Ajay Choksi, Miss Rani Dave, and Mrs. Shah. One of the important jobs at the centre is that of professional sales demonstration, which requires many man-hours of work. This man will be an entry-level group manager responsible for all

Thank You

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