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P.O. Box 126 Weston, MA.02493

Board of Selectman Town Hall 878 Tremont St. Duxbury, Ma. 02332 Dear Board Members: As you know we have applied to the town so that our liquor license will include the entire premises. In 2008, Massachusetts Legislature passed under G.L. Chapter 138 12, an amendment. Chapter 300 of the Acts of 2008 holds that a local licensing authority may grant a license for the sale of all alcoholic beverages or a license for the sale of wines and malt beverages, at any location on the grounds of a golf course as it deems responsible and proper. Furthermore, the ABCC has guidelines for this license extension in which many have been granted in the state. After hearing negative comments at the meeting last month as well as reading the comments in the local newspaper, I am troubled that this issue again has turned into a political struggle based on our litigation with the town. The facts are and remain: 1) In fourteen years of operating a liquor license at North Hill there have been zero incidents. 2) JGM has been nothing short of professional, responsible and responsive in every aspect of the operation at North Hill including our liquor license. 3) JGM has held as many as 5 liquor licenses at the same time and again there has been no trouble. Now it is an issue. Why? Back in the days when North Hill was a bar room with a golf course where was the outcry? Before our time in 1994 the capital improvement at North Hill at the towns expense was to buy a new beer cooler. The golf course was in disrepair, but the most important issue was a new beer cooler. The town has never bought any piece of equipment in our years; anything that was spent went into the golf course. The fact is that golfers from Duxbury (including members of the NHAC) as well as out of town golfers have in the past brought alcohol onto the property. This continues to this day. It is a cat and mouse game and becomes a policing action that we (the operator) cant win at. If we throw them off the course we are considered jerks and theyre not coming back. Its a reality. Granting us an extended liquor license would improve the policing of drinking on the golf course. We would have a tip certified person serving and the serving is limited under

the ABCC guidelines. We would know if someone brought their own alcohol onto the course because the course will be monitored for alcohol as well as playing conditions. Having an extended license gives us the ability to compete with many of our competitors for outings and leagues, whose members want to enjoy an alcoholic beverage while their event is taking place. As you know, in the last year the Town of Duxbury has done nothing positive to help promote North Hill. In fact, the town has been negative. Examples: 1) Attorney Troys remarks in newspapers in 2009 that the course will be back out for bid for 2010. 2) The town, for the first time ever in our years would not publish rates and memberships being available in the fall of 2009. 3) The town made us apply for a new liquor license in 2009. As a result we did not have a license for March, April and most of May. 4) The town has failed to address any capital improvements at North Hill as shown by a budget of $2,000.00 less than 2% of what the town collects in lease payments annually. All of the above has affected us tremendously and the liquor license extension will add to the anti-business agenda at North Hill. There is already enough uncertainty caused by the town, not by JGM. All we did was bid on a project only to see it awarded to a totally unqualified company. In conclusion, I will not subject myself, any member of my staff or my attorney to another public meeting so someone can bring in all the ridiculous negativity concerning this issue. You have the necessary information so please act on it. Respectfully,

Douglas W. Johnson

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