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Group 1

Message: #3 From: Message: #16 From:

Press Mexico

Dec 20, 2001 06:58 Dec 20, 2001 16:45 response to message
The first question is for all Groups: #3:

Industrialization transformed the Some advantages of industrilization

countries and cultures of Europe and are more places for people to work and
America in many ways. Today, many live. Since the towns will grow it will give
countries around the world are to develop people more oppurtunities for working
viable industrial economies. Mexico is a and living. Some disadvantages are
dramatic example. Not everyone in such overcrowdedness, poor living conditions,
countries welcomes the change. and pollution. While being industrialized,
In your opinion, what are the more important situations are overlooked
advantages and disadvantages of such as those problems.
industrialization? Please be specific when
you answer. And feel free to cite current
as well as historical examples.
The Press respectfully awaits your
Message: #19
From: Press

Dec 20, 2001 16:47 response to message


Good. You bring up some excellent

problems with industrialization, especially
as seen today. What were some of the
problems historically with
industrialization, in particular in reference
to children?
Message: #40 Message: #44
From: Press From: Mexico

Dec 20, 2001 17:02 Dec 20, 2001 17:06

In response to Press's message #19:
The press respectfully awaits a Some problems historically in
response to the effects of industrialization reference to children there is currently 8-
historically, especially in relevance to 22 million child workers in Mexico. They
children. work on jobs such as factories,
sweatshops, farms and on the street.
Their ages range from 15 and under. In
the 1800`s children as young as 10 years
old from 6 in the morning to 8 at night.
The children were forced to work because
of their families lack of income. Many of
the children worked in factories and
mines. Since they were so young they
usually were not able to work the
machinery correctly and were often
mutulated or killed by the machinery
because they weren`t able to operate the
machines in the correct manner. THe
children signed a contract that basically
made them the property of the factory
owner. If they disobeyed they were
usually fined of their already small
salary`s or beaten.

Message: #45 Message: #67

From: Press From: Mexico

Dec 20, 2001 17:08 response to message Dec 20, 2001 17:21 response to message
#44: #45:
In 1833, the Parliament passed the
Thank you for a comprehensive Factory Act. The new law made it illegal to
response. What effect did unions have on hire children under 9 years old. Children
the change in working conditions? from the ages of 9 to 13 were not to work
more than 8 hours a day. Children from
the ages of 14 to 18 could not be required
to work more than 12 hours. In 1842, the
Mines Act placed similar limits on the
work of children in mining.
Message: #66 : Press Message: #67
From: Mexico
Dec 20, 2001 17:21 1:
Dec 20, 2001 17:21 response to message
The Press respectfully awaits a #45:
response. In 1833, the Parliament passed the
Factory Act. The new law made it illegal to
hire children under 9 years old. Children
from the ages of 9
Children from the ages of 14 to 18 could
not be required to work more than 12
hours. In1842, the Mines Act placed
similar limits on the work of children in
Message: #68 Message: #73
From: Press From: Mexico

Dec 20, 2001 17:22 response to Dec 20, 2001 17:30 response to
message #67: message #68:
You are accurate in saying that
Parliament passed laws to protect The unions figured out that they had
children, but I am still unclear as to what strength in numbers. They used this
the role of unions was in the change in strength to help raise wages and improve
working conditions. How did unions working conditions. Because of their
change working conditions in general? numbers they could strike or refuse to
Message: #77 Message: #85
From: Press From: Mexico

Dec 20, 2001 17:33 response to Dec 20, 2001 17:42 response to
message #73: message #77:
Thank you for clarifying. Let`s look at Some coutries are not indutrialized
some other parts of industrialization. because certain countries don`t have well
Although we often think of the world as stocked food supplies, small work forces,
mostly industrialized, there are still many and they have a shortage of people with
nations that are not industrialized. Why is money to invest in the idea. Another
industrialization not universal across the reason is that they don`t have major
globe? inventions to industrialize around. These
are some reasons why some countries
don`t advance.
Message: #87 From: Press Message: #95 From Mexico
From: Mexico
Dec 20, 2001 17:45 response to
message #85: Dec 20, 2001 17:55 response to
I see. You mentioned that these non- message #87:
industrialized countries have not Yes, we do believe that countries should
advanced. Given what you know about industrilize. Industrial growth brings about
industrialization, do you believe it is technology, inventions and progress
better for a country to industrialize or not? causing there to be more suitable living
Explain your response. and working conditions. Some methods of
industrialization are large labor forces,
abundant resources, favorable locations
for trade, developed banking systems,and
political stability.
Message: #97 Message: #102 From:
From: Press Mexico

Dec 20, 2001 17:57 response to Dec 20, 2001 18:00 response to
message #95: message #97:
Thank you. Since you favor Some advice we would give to new
industrialization and you are aware of the countries who are industrializing are don`t
effects of industrialization, what advice be afraid of change because it will end up
you would provide countries that are being a good thing.
beginning to industrialize now?
Message: #106 From: Press

Dec 20, 2001 18:01 response to

message #102:

I was hoping for a more detailed

response, but let`s move on. Where did
industrialization begin and why did it
begin there?
Message: #109 From: Press

Dec 20, 2001 18:03

The Press would like to thank the
delegates for their sustained and careful
attention and for the serious effort to
respond to our questions.
we found your responses very
informative. We hope that we’ßll meet
with you again and discuss other topics.
We enjoyed the exchange.

The Members of the Press

Group 2
Message: #3 From: Press Message: #25 From:
Dec 20, 2001 06:58
The first question is for all Groups: Dec 20, 2001 16:53
We have agreed that the advantages
Industrialization transformed the of industrialzation are: more advanced
countries and cultures of Europe and technology, more people with jobs, more
America in many ways. Today, many products produced, more money for the
countries around the world are just economy, it keeps citizens off the streets,
beginning to develop viable industrial and the population will increase
economies. Mexico is a dramatic example. substantially. The disadvantages are: the
Not everyone in such countries welcomes enviornment will slowly erode, because of
the change. the increase in factories and the use
In your opinion, what are the harmful chemicals that will affect the
advantages and disadvantages of surrounding animal and plant life. Also the
industrialization? Please be specific when wealth will not be distributed as evenly,
you answer. And feel free to cite current the poor will get poorer, and the rich will
as well as historical examples. get richer. They will turn to children and
women for cheaper labor, as the factories
The Press respectfully awaits your expand. These things happened in the
response. industrial revolution of North America, and
Great Britain.
Message: #31 Message: #48 From:
From: Press Mexico

Dec 20, 2001 16:57 response to Dec 20, 2001 17:11

message #25: Some of the political effects of the
Thank you for that wonderfully industrial revolution are as follows : If
detailed and thoughtful answer. You are there was a leader in office while the
right about all of these affects. What industrial revolution progressed then it
political affects did industrialization have? would make the leader look better in the
Does industrialization change a country’s eyes of the country and the people would
relationship with other countries? If so, rally under his support. Then surrounding
how? countries would become drastically
The Press influenced from the ideas and the
inventions of the industrialized country.
They would see the progression and
improvement in their economy and
technology and try to adopt their systems.
As this spreads, most of the surrounding
countries would improve their own
systems and soon everybody would be
caught up in the industrial revolution.
Through there are different a country can
go about industrializing (i.e keeping their
progression a secret, as Great Britain did
by not allowing their engineers to leave
the country) this wouldn`t stay a secret
for long because of spys or tourists or an
engineer escaping from the country. The
government electoral candidates would
use the issues of Child Labor and
underpaid Women laborers as leverage for
their campaign, preaching change and
better ways to find labor, but they would
not follow through on their promises
because to change all that would mean to
change the whole way their economy
Message: #53 Message: #71 From: Mexico
From: Press Dec 20, 2001 17:26
Some countries are still far in debt,
Dec 20, 2001 17:14 response to or they just don`t have the money so they
message #48: cant industrialize. Some are still
Excellent response. You clearly have consumed by old religious beliefs and are
a good understanding of these complex not willing to change and givin to new
events. Let me ask though, if systems and ideas, and some are so held
industrialization is fated to spread, why back by their government that they don’t
are there still many countries in the world have the oppurtunity to agree or disagree
that have yet to really industrialize? with outside influences. For instens
communist societies like Cuba, the
government will not allow new
technological advances. In other countries
they are dealing with civil wars, and
outside aggressors that they do not have
the time o resources to industrialize.
Message: #74 From: Press Message: #88 From:
Dec 20, 2001 17:31 response to Dec 20, 2001 17:46
message #71: When the population increased they
were faced with problems about the lack
Good; thank you. We’ve talked about of jobs, the shortage of food and poor
the effects of industrialization and why living conditions, so they needed to come
some countries have had trouble up with ways to solve this problem. They
industrializing, but why do some countries started to build factories, especialy the
industrialize, especially in some of the older countries, because they were
early countries? What factors led to around the longest and they knew what
industrialization in Great Britain and the worked and what didn`t. So they got the
US, for instance? idea of industrialization that would be
better for the economy and the people.
Great Britan and North America had an
abundant source of natural resources and
a favorable geography. It started out with
crop rotations and it improved livestock,
then there was a rise in population
political stability and a good banking
system, then finaly inventuly new
inventions revolutionized the world of
indistry, and one inventoin led to another.
Message: #89 From: Press Message: #104 From: Mexico
Dec 20, 2001 18:00
Dec 20, 2001 17:50 response to This will probably be our last
message #88: response, the gov. put out the factory acts
Thank you for that good and of 1833 and 1844, in order to decrease
informative answer. You talked earlier the the amount of child labor. the 1833
about some of the negative affects of act stated that no cild under the age of 9
industrialization. What actions did could work, and the 1844 act stated that
governments (and societies) take to try no child under the age of 8 could work.
and deal with these affects? How But buisness`s did not listen to them, so
successful were these efforts? they with help from Great Britain, they
Message: #109 From: Press founded the International Labor
Dec 20, 2001 18:03 Orginization (ILO), which worked to
The Press would like to thank the protect the rights of women and children
delegates for their sustained and careful around the world. We think it was founded
attention and for the serious effort to in 1919, or 1903. They made striking legal
respond to our questions. we found your again, so the underpaid and over worked
responses very informative. We hope that people can demand better rights. Thank
weÕll meet with you again and discuss you for your questions, we were very
other topics. We enjoyed the exchange. pleased with your interest in us.
The Members of the Press

Group 3
Message: #3 From: Press Message: #34 From:
Dec 20, 2001 06:58 Mexico
The first question is for all Groups:
Industrialization transformed the Dec 20, 2001 16:59 response to
countries and cultures of Europe and message #3:
America in many ways. Today, many
countries around the world are just Some advantages of industrialization
beginning to develop viable industrial are more products produced faster, more
economies. Mexico is a dramatic example. money made because of selling products,
Not everyone in such countries welcomes and workers are having better lives
the change. because of the technology and machines.
In your opinion, what are the Some of the disadvantages are pollution,
advantages and disadvantages of because it effects us and also the animals
industrialization? Please be specific when and environment. Also there could be less
you answer. And feel free to cite current jobs because of the machinery. For
as well as historical examples. example in Great Britian the community
The Press respectfully awaits your started off very small with few businesses
response. but over time it became very
Message: #39 From: Press Message: #47 From:
Dec 20, 2001 17:02 Dec 20, 2001 17:10
Thank you for your specific response, Industrialization isn`t always better
especially the example you gave of for the workers because sometimes the
Britain. I`m interested in your comment machines take over their jobs, therefore
that workers have better lives because of leaving people jobless. The machines can
industrialization. Is this always the case? sometimes lead to fatal accidents, as well.
Message: #52 From: Press Message: #63 From:
Dec 20, 2001 17:13 Dec 20, 2001 17:19
Children are affected by
Thank you, it is true that industrialization because factories need
industrialization can be very hard for workers and the children need money to
workers. How are children affected? help support their families. They have to
The Press work long hours under harsh working
conditions. The factories get most of their
child labor from orphanages and poor
families. The children that work are
unable to get an education, so it is hard to
break the cycle for thier children. Also, the
children get paid 1/7 of every dollar a man
makes. The female children have more
work, especcially around the home, than
Message: #65 From: Press Message: #72 From: Mexico
Dec 20, 2001 17:30
Dec 20, 2001 17:20 Some of the changes being made in the
factories are some of the ages of children
Thank you for your comprehensive are not so low, and the unsanitary
response. What methods have been used working condition as
to push for change in the working there used to be in the past.
conditions of factories? On the other hand some of the things
The Press that need to be changed are women and
children are still paid less and should be
paid more equally. Also chilrdren either
lack or have no educational background.
International labor organizatoin forms
international standered for better working
and living conditions.
Message: #75 From: Press Message: #81 From: Mexico

Dec 20, 2001 17:32 Dec 20, 2001 17:41

Thank you for your thoughtful The cities started off as really small
comments. It appears life can be very villages and as other villages turned into
hard for workers in the cities. Why and cities the others got in the race for money
how did cities evolve in the first place? and power. Population and demand for
The Press workers lead to people leaving their
homes and farms to find buisness in the
Message: #91From: Mexico

Dec 20, 2001 17:53

We have been pushing NEW
any response except for group 2. What did
we do wrong?????????
Message: #94 From: Press Message: #99 From:
Dec 20, 2001 17:54
Dec 20, 2001 17:58
Perhaps there were no messages for
awhile. Please respond to the question The cities started off as really small
regarding the evolution of cities. How did villages and as other villages turned into
they come about? cities the others got in the race for money
The Press and power. Population growth and
demand for workers lead to peole leaving
their homes and farms in search of work.
Message: #105 From: Press

Dec 20, 2001 18:00

Thank you for your general response.

More specifically, can you explain the
three phases of development that led to
the creation of modern day cities?
The Press
Message: #109 From: Press

Dec 20, 2001 18:03

The Press would like to thank the
delegates for their sustained and careful
attention and for the serious effort to
respond to our questions. we found your
responses very informative. We hope that
weÕll meet with you again and discuss
other topics. We enjoyed the exchange.

The Members of the Press

Group 4
Message: #3 From: Press Message: #30 From:
Dec 20, 2001 06:58
The first question is for all Groups: Dec 20, 2001 16:55 response to
Industrialization transformed the message #3:
countries and cultures of Europe and The advantages of industrialization would
America in many ways. Today, many be that there are more job oppertunities,it
countries around the world are just would help the economy, increase trade in
beginning to develop viable industrial general,and
economies. Mexico is a dramatic example. increase technology . The
Not everyone in such countries welcomes disadvantages are over population,
the change. polution, and the amount of homeless
people increase in number.
In your opinion, what are the
advantages and disadvantages of
industrialization? Please be specific when
you answer. And feel free to cite current
as well as historical examples.

The Press respectfully awaits your

Message: #36 From: Press Message: #54 From:
Dec 20, 2001 16:59 response to
message #30: Dec 20, 2001 17:15 response to
message #36:
Thank you, those are good points. sorry we forgot
Did industrialization have any political
affects? Does it change a country’s Yes industrialization had political
relations with other countries? effects. An example is the lawsuits against
If so, how? the globalization of Nike having
The Press underaged and underpaid children
working in factories. Mexico is breaking
rules of NAFTA because of these
underaged workers and bad working
conditions and bad working conditions.
Message: #61 From: Press Message: #78 From: Mexico

Dec 20, 2001 17:18 response to Dec 20, 2001 17:38 response to
message #54: message #61:

Those are good examples. But more Industrialization is the same as

broadly, how are relations between globalization. Globalization is the
nations affected when they have reached expanding of businesses over countries.
different levels of industrialization? For example, McDonald`s. Initialy, it
The Press began in the United states, then it grew to
what it is now. Currently there are
McDonald`s every country.
Message: #83 From: Press Message: #90 From: Mexico

Dec 20, 2001 17:41 response to Dec 20, 2001 17:52 response to #84:
message #78: For most part globalization is the
That doesn’t quite answer the larger more advanced, version of
question, but let’s look at the response industrialism. Globalization covers more
anyway. I agree that globalization is the land more buisnesses and more
expanding of business among people. Globalization is similar to
many countries (globalization is also Pacman if you will.Pacman will be the
a cultural communication phenomenon), business consuming other businesses.
but is that the same as industrialization? Whereas industrialism is the
Could you please growth of the business.
explain the difference between the
two terms?
Message: #92 From: Press Message: #103 From:
Dec 20, 2001 17:53 response to
message #90: Dec 20, 2001 18:00 response to
message #93:
You talked earlier about some of the
negative affects of industrialization. What America went into mexico with nafta
actions did governments (and societies) to tell them to inforce their labor laws.
take to try and deal with these affects?
How successful were these efforts?
The Press
Message: #108 From: Press

Dec 20, 2001 18:02 response to

message #103:

What actions did governments take

within their own countries to lessen the
negative effects of industrialization?
Message: #109 From: Press

Dec 20, 2001 18:03

The Press would like to thank the
delegates for their sustained and careful
attention and for the serious effort to
respond to our questions. we found your
responses very informative. We hope that
weÕll meet with you again and discuss
other topics. We enjoyed the exchange.

The Members of the Press

Group 5
Message: #3 From: Press Message: #27 From:
Dec 20, 2001 06:58 Mexico
The first question is for all Groups: Dec 20, 2001 16:54 response to
Industrialization transformed the message #3:
countries and cultures of Europe and
America in many ways. Today, many Some disadvantages of
countries around the world are just Industrialization are, when cities become
beginning to develop viable industrial industrialized, population begins to grow
economies. Mexico is a dramatic example. which leads to overcrowding and that
Not everyone in such countries welcomes causes water/air pollution, crime, poor
the change. housing, and unsanitary living conditions.
In your opinion, what are the Some advantages of Industrialization are
advantages and disadvantages of that, since theres faster production,
industrialization? Please be specific when economic growth, and openings for jobs, it
you answer. And feel free to cite current provides a variety of work for many
as well as historical examples. different people. And when theres more
The Press respectfully awaits your people, that means more production.
response. Therefore the community has more
money to provide help for those in need.
Message: #32 From: Press Message: #38 From:
Dec 20, 2001 16:57 Dec 20, 2001 17:01 response to
message #19:
Thank you for your extremely
thoughtful answer. One other factor to When factories become more
consider when discussing industrialization successful in other countries where
is the working conditions humane laws are not strongly enforced,
for laborers. What were conditions then the factories hire children at very low
like during the Industrial Revolution in pay and take advantage of them. They are
England? forced to work because their family has no
The Press other way to make money and the
children are forced to work in horrible
working conditions to live. They drop out
of school and lose their chance to have a
succesful job by their lack of education.
Message: #42 From: Press Message: #46 From: Mexico

Dec 20, 2001 17:03 Dec 20, 2001 17:09

England protested low wages, long hours,
Thank you for your response. The unsafe conditions and the constant threat
conditions for children certainly can be of unemployment even though strikes and
terrible. Are men and women also affected unions were illegal. Self-employed workers
by factory work? If so, how? were being replaced by factories and
The Press machines by many industries. Since they
knew that one person standing for his/her
opinion they would create a large group of
men to form "labor unions."
Message: #50 From: Press Message: #55 From:
Dec 20, 2001 17:12
Thank you for your response. Dec 20, 2001 17:15
Remember too that during the Industrial Factory work made special problems
Revolution women were often forced to for women. Their jobs took them out of
take on the double responsibility of their home life for 12 hours or more a day.
working in a factory and at home. Your For women it was harder to make a living
comments about unions are very because they made less then what men
interesting. Who was the group in England made. Also, women`s choices for work
that was particularly famous and why? were limited to textile factories, piece
work shops and domestic service.
Message: #59 From: Press Message: #69 From:
Dec 20, 2001 17:17
Dec 20, 2001 17:23

Thank you for your excellent The International Labor Organization

response regarding the conditions for was founded in 1919. The purpose of it
women during the Industrial Revolution. was to make working and living conditions
What were the methods of better. They worked on underemployment,
change for working conditions in working conditions, technological change,
factories? Please refer to a specific group economic development, and international
in England. economic competition.
The Press
Message: #70 From: Press Message: #80 From:
Dec 20, 2001 17:26
Dec 20, 2001 17:39
Thank you for your impressive
answer. The International Labor There were three phases to the
Organization is a very interesting group. process of developing cities. The first
Remember that one of the first groups phase began with settlements that grew
working for change during the Industrial larger. The settlements depended on
Revolution was the Luddites. It sounds as domesticated animals and agriculture.
though there are many drawbacks for The settlements also attracted many
people to live and work in cities. Why and different people ranging from merchants
how did cities evolve in the first place? to government officials. The second phase
The Press came with the industrial revolution in
Europe. People were constantly looking for
employment and a way to a better life.
Since the industrial revolution, cities have
grown tremendously in size. The third
phase began after WWII. As the world
economy grew largely in size and became
more international cities from all over the
world began to grow larger, very quickly.
Message: #82 Message: #93 From: Mexico
Press Dec 20, 2001 17:54
Dec 20, 2001 17:41 Imperialism is the policy practice or
To: Mexico advocacy of extending the power and
GRP 5 dominion of a nation. The goal of
Thank you for your excellent imperialism is the search for profit and
response. Why did countries around the industrialization made it possible for
world develop differently? Please explain Europeans to produce large surpluses of
the relationship between manufactured goods. Certain countries
imperialism and industrialization in were often politicaly unstable, so they
your response. would not develope at the same rate as
The Press other countries. Some countries did not
have the same resources as others, which
also contributed to them developing at
different rates.
Message: #96 From: Press Message: #98
Dec 20, 2001 17:56 From:
Thank you for your detailed response. Mexico
Could you please explain the economic
relationship between industrial powers Dec 20, 2001 17:58
and their colonies? Use a specific example GRP 5
if possible. please be more specific
Message: #101 From: Press

Dec 20, 2001 17:59

I apologize if you did not understand

the question. Allow me to rephrase. Who
benefitted the most from imperialism and
The Press
Message: #109 From: Press

Dec 20, 2001 18:03

The Press would like to thank the
delegates for their sustained and careful
attention and for the serious effort to
respond to our questions. we found your
responses very informative. We hope that
weÕll meet with you again and discuss
other topics. We enjoyed the exchange.

The Members of the Press

Group 6
Message: #3 From: Press

Dec 20, 2001 06:58

The first question is for all Groups:

Industrialization transformed the

countries and cultures of Europe and
America in many ways. Today, many
countries around the world are just
beginning to develop viable industrial
economies. Mexico is a dramatic example.
Not everyone in such countries welcomes
the change.
In your opinion, what are the
advantages and disadvantages of
industrialization? Please be specific when
you answer. And feel free to cite current
as well as historical examples.

The Press respectfully awaits your

Message: #33 From: Press Message: #41 From: Mexico

Dec 20, 2001 16:59 Dec 20, 2001 17:02

GR #6: GRP6
The Press respectfully waits for your *sorry, we forgot our group number,
first response. here is the message again.
The Press The advantages of Industrialization
are that more products are produced,
there is more money circulating in the
economy, it helps develop technology (for
exampe, the invention and employment of
the Cotton Gin and Steam Engine), and it
rockets a country`s economy because as
more products are produced, there is
more trade with other countries. The
disadvantages of Industrialization are that
as more successful entrepeneurs and
businessmen become successful, the
hardworking laborers in the factories
become more underpaid, and poverty in
the community rises. Also with more and
more factories being built, pollution at
extreme levels is unavoidable, and the
environment is greatly damaged.
Message: #43From: Press Message: #58 From: Mexico
Dec 20, 2001 17:05 response to
message #41: Dec 20, 2001 17:17
- Employment rates were low before
Thank you. Your answer sets forth the Industrialization, because most people
generally accepted trends of the effects of lived at home and worked their farms.
industrialization. Do you have any specific When industrialization began, it created
information on how employment rates more jobs because large factories needed
before and after countries have laborers, and people moved into the city
industrialized -- that is -- swtiched from to work in the factories.
agrarian to industrial economies? What
eveidence is there that industrialization
increases employment?
Message: #64 From: Press

Dec 20, 2001 17:19 response to

message #58:

Thank you. Isn;t your refernce to people

working on farms an indication that
people were in fact employed? ANd that
industrialization just creatd new kinds of
jobs -- but not necessarily more? What
evidence do you have that idustrialization
/ globalization improves standards of
living for developing countries? Any
indicators, for example, such as life
expectancy or infant mortality rates?
Message: #76 From: Press Message: #79 From: Mexico

Dec 20, 2001 17:32 Dec 20, 2001 17:39

Gr# 6:
The standards of living increase for
The Press respectfully awaits your some, but for the majority they become
response. worse. Of course the succesful, wealthy
business men have excellent lives, the
The Press workers not only have horrible working
conditions (in "The Jungle" by Upton
Sinclair, the horrible sanitation and
working conditions in the meat packing
industry were illustrated brutally) But
many workers were forced to live in crime
ridden neighborhoods in small crowded
tenaments. Infant mortality rates
receeded from the Agrian times, but the
life expectancy loered tremendously, to
about eighteen to nineteen years old.
Message: #84 From: Press

Dec 20, 2001 17:42 message


Thank you. That was avery informative

and highly intersting answer with your
pointers to Sinclair. Your reference to
distribution of wealth is intriguiing.

Industrialization requires great

investments of capital. Where does such
capital come from and what affect does
the concentration of capital in industry
have on the culture of a developing
country? Perhaps you could discuss
Mexico as an example?
Message: #86 From: Press Message: #100 From: Mexico

Dec 20, 2001 17:43 Dec 20, 2001 17:59 response to

Could you also verify and repeat you message #86:
statistic about change in life
expectancy??? Industrialization requires a great deal
of capital (money), but as the change
The Press from Agrian to Industial culture occurs,
that money is generated by the growth of
Message: #107From: Press the area`s economy. The money for
businesses came from the country`s
Dec 20, 2001 18:01 response to banks, and it was usually only successful
message #100: if the country had a decent or good
banking system. As business grew, and
Again, I want to compliment you for a very more and more workers were needed, the
informative, thoughtful and detailed money began to circulate and grow.
answer. Given your understanding of the Because workers were not protected by
issues, what is your advice to developing child labor laws, minimum wage standards
nations about industrialization? etc, the owners of these businesses could
pay them as little money in wages as they
The press desired, keeping more money for
themselves, and more money for
From: Press investing, which circulated it back into the
banks. In mexico, workers to this day are
Dec 20, 2001 18:03 still exploited, being paid extremely low
The Press would like to thank the wages. Children are not only hired before
delegates for their sustained and careful they are of legal working age (14), but
attention and for the serious effort to they are hired by the millions and they are
respond to our questions. we found your paid so little wages that they have no
responses very informative. We hope that choice but to work for excessively long
we can all meet with you again and hours with no hope of having time or
discuss other topics. We enjoyed the money for school and education.
exchange. *our satistics were slightly incorrect,
the expectancy was 17 years (for a worker
The Members of the Press in the city of Manchester, England), and it
was taken from resource card 1 of the
Urbanization to 18 or 19
would be doing very well. This was
roughly the expectancy in other large
cities that were affected by
Inudstrialization, such as New York City,
London, etc.

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