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Argusville City Council Public Hearing and Protest Meeting

May 21, 2012 Meeting called to order by Gary Tandsater at 7:00 with the following in attendance: Governing Board David Becker, Scott Leverson, Wayne Slinger, Randy Teberg; Moore Engineering - Brandon Oye, County Highway -Tom Soucy, Jason Benson, Andrew Wrucke; recorder Kirk Howatt (for auditor Mary Howatt) and sixteen city residents (available in city office). Oye explained the steps needed to recertify the city levee in accordance with requirements outlined by FEMA and the Army Corps of Engineers. He detailed city plans to achieve certification and responded to questions. Hearing no objections, Motion Teberg Second Becker to approve resolution to proceed with Levee Project as presented by Moore Engineering. Motion carried. Motion Leverson Second Becker to direct Moore Engineering to provide project specifications and obtain bids. Motion carried. Oye introduced the team working on County Highway 4 and drainage project. The team fielded questions from residents and provided project information. Meeting adjourned 8:05 PM.

CORRECTION: Motion Leverson Second Becker to direct Moore Engineering to prepare plans and specifications and obtain bids for Levee Improvement District #2011-1. Motion Becker - Second Leverson to accept amended minutes. 6-4-12

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