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Film reward

Im going to introduce the sustainable table.It is a film about the impacts result from our daily food.The first part is the history of agriculture.It s said that our technology is keep improving so we can use less people to feed us.Like the invention of farming machine.Also include the using of pesticide,which will harm our soil. Part two is about animal agriculture.Nowdays,most of meat are come form factory farming.Animals in it are confined in close quarters,they have no space for moving,and may never seen sunshine until they die.To talk about chicken,their beak will been flatten by high temperature to avoid they peck each other,and male chickens are killed as soon as they born because they cant lay egs and having less meat.Another inhuman process is slaughtering,animals may be hang up and cutting their neck while they still have felling. Part three is the plant-based diet.Generally,americans have a stereotype that vegetarians are skinny,pale,scrawnyBut,exactly people eatting vegetables can still have incredible mucles. So,be a vegetarian have no physical harming on us,it can even lower the posibillities to get heart attack and cancer.To be short,eating vegetables instead of meat can make us healther. The fourth part is talking about organic farming.We customers got to consider not only whether the vegetables are grow up without pesticides but whether it will harm our planet.A truelly organic farming is without pesticides,their delivery miles also should not to be too farm or it will consum too much oil and making emission of CO2 and methane. My reflection:The most impression part of the film is the slaughtering segment.I have never know that the food we eat is based on a unhuman process.That means the more meat we eat,the more pain we make to animals.I think will eat less meat and eating them with appreciation,but I still cant become a vegetarian out of the rooted diet hobbit.I think I can protect our planet in another way,like turn off the light,pull out outlet when I dont need it,reuse plastic bag...Those are what Im doing now.I also fell sorrow about the painful animals.They cant speak,they need someone to help them.I think make the slaughter process clear is a good way to forbidden this inhuman farming.If customers know what they eat is so horrible,they are very possible to

choose another brands meat that treat their animals with humanity.In the end,only the humane farm will left.

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