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Advance Java Technology Assignment / Question Bank Module 1 : Introduction to Jframe and Japplet. 1.

Write down shortnote on Applet lifecycle. 2. Write a java Applet for demonstration of paint and update method. 3. Write a java Applet for display a banner of String in applet also configure applet by passing a parameter. 4. Write a short java applet for demonstrate textfield and textarea. 5. Write a short java frame program to demonstration of different type of dialog in java.(Hint The dialog in java message dialog , input dialog , confirm dialog.) 6. Write a short java frame application to display small shopping cart using vector and iterator.

Module 2 : Introduction to Jframe , Japplet and JDBC. 1. Write short note on different type of JDBC Driver. 2. Write short note on JDBC url and how to connect with databse. 3. Expain in brief JDBC-ODBC bridge. 4. Explain different three type of statement in java explain with small example. 5. Write a short note on Resultset and metadata. 6. Demonstate a CallableStatement with Storedprocedure. 7. Write a small java application to demonstrate a Scrollable Resultset. 8. Write a small java application to demonstrate a executeBatch() method of PreparedStatement. 9. Write a small application to demonstrate a small Addressbook with database connectivity. 10. Write a java application to demonstrate JscrollPane and Jtable wih student grading application.This application should register sutdent , delete student ,update student and show student data in Jtable.

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