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PT. Mega Alpenindo

Accounting, Follow Up, Administration

PT. Mega Alpenindo, we are a fast growing trading textile agency located in bandung city, seeking for qualified & motivated personal to fill the following position : 1. Accounting (Acc) Bachelor Deg (S1) Accounting, min 2 years experience, able to make financial report 24-30 years old Passive English, familiar with Ms. Office, preferable MYOB 2. Follow Up (FU) D1/D3 Textile industries, min 1 years experience in similar field 24-30 years old Fluent in English Job scope : - Assist customer (garment/buying agent) for their needs and daily updates. - Arrange & keep track of time frame for production/pre-orders to factory. - Pre-sourcing for special items. 3. Administration (Adm) SMEA/D1/D3 any discipline Computer literate, familiar with administration & secretarial responsibility Please Send application letter (in handwriting) & detail CV, together with 4x6 recent photograph, to: Jl. Kelenteng no.32, Bandung-Indonesia Or email to : Website :

Important company policy : - Office working hour : Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. Sat 8am-12pm. - All staff will be provided with lunch box everyday. - No overtime charge. - Eligible for paid on leave salary. (case by case consideration)

Please send application letter (preferably in handwriting) , resume or CV, and 46 photo to: Jl.Kelenteng 32, Bandung or by Email to Recruitment process are first come first serve basis.

NAMA PERUSAHAAN : PT Bandung Indah Gemilang DESKRIPSI PERUSAHAAN : BIDANG PERUSAHAAN : Manufacturing POSISI KERJA : Follow UP Impor Staff JENIS KELAMIN : Laki-laki dan Perempuan PENDIDIKAN : S1 JURUSAN : Segala Jurusan IPK : 3,00 TINGGI BADAN : MAX USIA : 30 Tahun KEAHLIAN : -Menguasai bahasa Inggris dan Mandarin -Komunikatif GAJI : PENGALAMAN : FG LOKASI PENEMPATAN : Bandung KETERANGAN : MASA BERLAKU : 31 Juli 2012
PT Ricky Putra Globalindo, Tbk
Ricky Group is a garment company with + 3.000 employees which is located in Jembatan Lima West Jakarta (Head Office) and Citeureup Bogor (Factory). Our main product is GT Man Underwear but

we also produce export garments and some licenses product. Right now were looking for professional, hard worker, honest, strong initiative, and dynamic employees to joint us for these following positions :

Merchandiser (Follow Up)

Citeureup (Jawa Barat) Requirements: Male/Female, maximum age 27 years old Minimum 1 year experience in Merchandiser Good skill in English both oral and written Good skill in operating computer Willing to work hard, honest and good communication Willing to be placed in Jakarta (Head Office) or Citeureup (Factory) Human Resources Division PT Ricky Putra Globalindo, tbk Email: or Jl. Sawah Lio II No.29-37 Jembatan Lima, Jakarta Barat For registered users, to apply online or via sms JSA (spasi) APPLY (spasi) ETVDMAJ Send to 9333

PT Daliatex Kusuma

Staff Follow Up Marketing

Bandung (Jawa Barat) Requirements: Lulusan D3/S1, Jurusan Marketing / Bhs. Inggris/ Manajemen Wanita, max. 27 tahun Menguasai bahasa Inggris aktif Menguasai komputer Domisili di Bandung

Lamaran lengkap kirim ke PO. Box 1740, Bandung 40017 atau kirim email ke :

PT Edward Forrer (Bandung)

Be a Part of Our Team.. Edward Forrer adalah Perusahaan Retail Alas Kaki dan Tas yang telah berdiri selama 20 tahun dan terus berkembang mengikuti jaman. Dalam mengembangkan bisnis, kami membutuhkan:

Follow Up Order
Bandung (Jawa Barat) Responsibilities: Menjalin hubungan baik dengan Franchisee, Distributor, dan Agen Mem-follow up Franchisee, Distributor, dan Agen untuk pemesanan barang Mengelola online shop dan penjualan melalui media online lannya (FB, Twitter, dsb) Menganalisa dan memonitor perkembangan penjualan, dan mengembangkan alternatif-alternatif strategi untuk meningkatkan penjualan Me-manage pertumbuhan akun penjualan dan keuntungan sejala dengan pertumbuhan bisnis

Requirements: Minimal D3 Familiar dan bisa menggunakan jejaring sosial Pengalaman minimal 3 tahun di bidang yang sama Komunikatif, tanggung jawab, inisiatif, dapat bekerja dalam tim Memiliki keinginan kuat untuk maju dan berkembang Kirim CV Anda ke:

Advertised:29-5-12 | Closing Date:28-6-12

Company Confidential
Kami adalah Perusahaan Garment Manufaktur dan Trading Nasional terkemuka dengan merk dagang

terkenal,saat ini membutuhkanpara tenaga profesional muda untuk bergabung bersama kami sebagai:

Merchandiser Garment (KODE: MD_G)

Bandung (Jawa Barat) Requirements: Usia maksimal 30 tahun. Pendidikan minimalD3 Fashion Design maksimal S1Fashion Design/Teknik Industri/Manajemen/Administrasi Bisnis. Tidak buta warna. Menyukai dan mengikuti perkembangan fashion. Menguasai Ms.Office. Lebih disukai berpengalaman sebagai Merchandiser Garment. Berdomisili di Bandung dan sekitarnya atau bersedia ditempatkan di Bandung.

Silahkan kirim surat lamaran, CV, Pas Foto Terbaru dan dokumen terkait anda melalui Email ke: *Wajib menuliskan kode posisi sebagai subject email dan menuliskan sumber iklan dalam surat lamaran. Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi syarat yang akan diproses.

PT. Matahari Sentosa Jaya - Merchandiser

Informasi Perusahaan Deskripsi Singkat Perusahaan Nama Perusahaan GARMENT FACTORY : Production : Acrylic Yarn - Fancy Yarn, PT. Matahari Sentosa Jaya Pile Fabrics, Sweater, Socks, Hat, Scarf, Gloves Industry Others Alamat Jl. Joyodikromo Kamp.Hujung RT.09/RW.07 Kel. Utama - Kec.Cimahi Selatan Leuwigajah - Cimahi - Bandung - Indonesia Bandung - Jawa Barat Website

Informasi Lowongan Level Karir Jenis Pekerjaan Posisi Lokasi Kerja Waktu Kerja Jenjang Pendidikan Umur Pengalaman Kerja (tahun) Gender Gaji yang ditawarkan Fresh / Entry Level Merchandising Merchandiser Bandung Full Time S1 22 - 31 Wanita Negotiable 1. Follow all the procedure of order, from received order until the goods ship out. 2. Purchase all the accessories packaging for sock ( follow it to the supplier until the actual packaging samples approved). 3. Purchase the raw material ( follow procedure from matching the colour until ready to be used) 4. Pushing the supplier to send all packaging

Deskripsi Kerja Please Send Your Resume, Recent Photograph and Expected Salary to : * And CC To : * 1. Fluent in English ( Writing and Speaking ) o Note : Mandarin and Japan is a Plus (+) 2. Familiar with Computer ( MS Office : Word, Excell etc.) and Internet 3. Possitive and Aggressive Work Attitude, Diligent, Careful, Neat, 4. Discipline and Organized 5. Good Healt Condition Batas penutupan iklan 1 Minggu dari waktu ikan ditayangkan,.. Tanggal Pemasangan Iklan 01 Jun 2012


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