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Tegnrlfruauiie frdtriigtemlrt o aslto h eea oml tlzd o eemnn h oaiy f ouin i: s Mlrt XMlclrWih XVlm =Gas oaiy oeua egt oue rm MlsltrXGasml XLtr =Gasnee oe/ie rm/oe ies rm edd NT:Ti fruaasmsta teslt hsapretasy10 ad OE hs oml sue ht h oue a ecn sa=0% n ta i i asld Rmme,we atal mkn teslto,asal ht t s oi. eebr hn culy aig h ouin ml aon o sleti ue t dsov teslt. Sfiin sleti mut f ovn s sd o isle h oue ufcet ovn s te addt bigtefnlvlm t teseiidaon. I ohr hn de o rn h ia oue o h pcfe mut n te wrs asfiin qatt o sleti add(.. t yedte od, ufcet uniy f ovn s de qs) o il h fnlvlm,atrteslt i frtdsovdit avlm o ia oue fe h oue s is isle no oue f slet ovn. Tegnrlfruacluae hwmn gaso apr sldta ae h eea oml aclts o ay rm f ue oi ht r rqie t mk aseii vlm o aseiidmlrt. I sm eurd o ae pcfc oue f pcfe oaiy n oe stain i wl b ncsayt rarnetefrua iutos t il e eesr o erag h oml. T dtriemlrt: o eemn oaiy Mlrt =Gas(oeua Wih XVlm) oaiy rm/Mlclr egt oue Mlsltr=Gas[gasml)XLtr] oe/ie rm/(rm/oe ies I i ipratt ke tako teuisue t mk sr ta te t s motn o ep rc f h nt sd o ae ue ht h uiso ec sd o teeul sg aetesm. I tefrua nt n ah ie f h qas in r h ae n h oml aoe o tergtsd gascnesgasad1(/oe)i tesm bv, n h ih ie rm acl rm n /1mls s h ae a mls Teeoe tergtsd o teeuto cnest s oe. hrfr, h ih ie f h qain acl o mlsltrta i tesm a telf sd o teeuto. oe/ie ht s h ae s h et ie f h qain

Liquids and impure solutes

Teeaesvrlwy t cluaemlrt frlqisadipr hr r eea as o aclt oaiy o iud n mue sld. Teesetwyi t frtdtriehwmc o apr sld ois h ais a s o is eemn o uh f ue oi wudb ncsayt mk aseiidslto. Te dtriehwmc ol e eesr o ae pcfe ouin hn eemn o uh o teipr sldo lqi i rqie t gv teeuvln aon f h mue oi r iud s eurd o ie h qiaet mut o pr sld f ue oi. Pretasy<10: Atrdtriighwmc o tepr slt i ecn sa 0% fe eemnn o uh f h ue oue s rqie,dvd ta nme b teDCMLEUVLN o tepret eurd iie ht ubr y h EIA QIAET f h ecn asy(5 =08) Teaon o ipr slt rqie wl AWY b sa 8% .5. h mut f mue oue eurd il LAS e mr ta teaon o pr slt. oe hn h mut f ue oue Lqis Ms lqisaentpr. Teeoewe cluaigte iud: ot iud r o ue hrfr hn acltn h aon o slt nee,tocretosaerqie. I i ncsay mut f oue edd w orcin r eurd t s eesr t dtriehwmn gaso pr slt aepeeti amliie o o eemn o ay rm f ue oue r rsn n illtr f 1/2



teslt. Frtdtrietedniyo teslt i gasm. Ti h oue is eemn h est f h oue n rm/l hs i gvni tepolmo i tera wrd witno tesd o te s ie n h rbe r n h el ol, rte n h ie f h btl. Mlil tedniyb teDCMLEUVLN o tepret ote utpy h est y h EIA QIAET f h ecn asy Ti yed tenme o gaso pr slt peeti oem sa. hs ils h ubr f rm f ue oue rsn n n l o slt. Dvd ti nme it tenme o gaso pr slt f oue iie hs ubr no h ubr f rm f ue oue rqie t dtrietenme o m o eurd o eemn h ubr f l f slt ta aencsay Aan eog sleti addt qs te oue ht r eesr. gi, nuh ovn s de o .. h slto t terqie vlm. ouin o h eurd oue EAPE Oehnrdgaso apr slt aenee t cet a XML: n ude rm f ue oue r edd o rae seiidslto. Teaalbeslt i alqi wt adniyo pcfe ouin h vial oue s iud ih est f 12/ladapretasy=7% .gm n ecn sa 0. 12/lX07 =08 gaspr slt/l .gm .0 .4 rm ue ouem 10/08gm)=190 m 0g(.4/l 1.5 l Teeoe 190 m o teeitn slt aenee t yed10gas hrfr, 1.5 l f h xsig oue r edd o il 0 rm o pr slt. f ue oue T dtriemlrt: o eemn oaiy Mlil tevlm ue b tedniyt fn gasadd utpy h oue sd y h est o id rm de Gasaddtmsdcmleuvln o tepretasy=gaspr rm de ie eia qiaet f h ecn sa rm ue slt oue Mlsltr=Gas[gasml)XLtr] oe/ie rm/(rm/oe ies HDAE cnb cniee ipr sld. Dvd temlclrwih o YRTS a e osdrd mue ois iie h oeua egt f teahdosslt b tefruawih o tehdaet dtrie h nyru oue y h oml egt f h yrt o eemn te"ecn asy. Fns tecluaina otie aoe Rmme h pret sa" iih h aclto s ulnd bv. eebr temlclrwih o wtri 1gml. h oeua egt f ae s 8/oe


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