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Cargil Company

keyboard product

Candra edit Master Click to Aris Pujianto subtitle (108400059) style Gilang Maulid Kesuma (108400067)

Product Design

The Cargil Design Keyboard

Engineering Drawing

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Engineering Drawing

Keterangan : 1. Top case 2. Control PCB 3. Baut 4. Mur 5. Foot 6. Bottom case 7. Kabel 8. Key caps

Bill of Material

No. Nama Komponen 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Top case Control PCB

Harga Rp 5.000 Rp 10.000

Baut @2Rp 200 x Rp 1.000 5 Mur @Rp 200 x 5 Rp 1.000 Foot @Rp1.000 x Rp 4.000 4 Bottom case Kabel (1,5 meter) Key caps Rp 5.000 Rp 4.500 Rp 20.000

Total Biaya

Rp 50.500

Make or Buy Decision

No. Nama Komponen 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Top case Control PCB Baut Mur Foot Bottom case Kabel Key caps

keputusan Make Buy Buy Buy Make Make Buy make

Group of Technology

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Keyboard Group : 1. Top case (top) 2. Control PCB (pcb) 3. Baut (bt-01, bt-02, bt-03, bt-04, bt-05) 4. Mur (mr-01, mr-02, mr-03, mr-04, mr-05)

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