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The Chronicles Of Eridu is a modern day tale based on the Kemetian (Egyptian) myth of the Neteru (gods) Pa Neter

Asar-Enki (Osiris), Ma Netert Aset (Isis) and their remarkable son Heru-Marduk (Horus). And his mission to restore balance to the fallen planet Eridu (Earth). To assist in its evolutionary ascension to 4th dimensional reality as the planet Tiamaat. In order to succeed in his mission set out for him by the elders of The United Confederacy of Ra, Heru-Marduk has to confront his uncle and arch rival Seth-Yurugu who has other plans for Eridu. The tale is filled with ancient secrets, magical spells and rituals, used by the opposing forces of Heru-Marduk and Seth-Yurugu to gain the upper hand in the spiritual battle for the destiny of Eridu and its inhabitants.

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