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Time: 1 Hour Exam Max. Marks: 50

I. Fill in the Blanks

1 X 10 = 10

1. ___________________ is the father of Computers. 2. C.P.U. Stands for ____________________________________. 3. Computer Main Parts 1. ____________ 2. __________ and 3. _________. 4. ______________ Rows and ___________ Columns on the MS-Excel. 5. Cell Width default is _________________. 6. MS-Power Point extension is ___________. 7. G.U.I. Stands for _____________________. 8. ___________ Rows and ___________ Columns on the Monitor. 9. ______________ keys are there in Key Board. 10. MS-Word Extension is ___________.


Match the following


1. Close the Window 2. Refresh Window 3. New Slide 4. Select All 5. Help

( ( ( ( (

) ) ) ) )

a. Ctrl + M b. Ctrl + A c. F1 d. Alt + f4 e. F5

III. Answer the following questions any SEVEN

7 X 5 = 35

1. Structure of the Computer? Identify the parts? 2. Explain the computer main parts briefly? 3. What is key Board? How many types of keys in Key Board? 4. What is MS-Word? Explain about uses of MS-Word? 5. What is MS-Power Point? How to create slide? It is possible to more than one file? 6. What is MS-Excel? Enter 5 employee names, Designation, and Basic Salary. Calculate HRA, DA at the rate of 20%, 15% on Basic Salary. To find out Gross Salary. 7. Write 5 students name 6 Subjects marks to calculate Total Marks by using MSWord? 8. Answer the following short cut keys a. Particular Page Numbers. b. Slide Show. c. Print d. Bold e. Underline.

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