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Today I am not confident. I feel sick . Today is the day I saw a lot of things I never knew .And still I don't know how it happens .This ignorance is making me sick . I wish I had'nt seen these things . No I can't say that .....But its true that this ignorance is killing me . For a moment I saw the environment around me changing into a long straight long road .there's land on either sides. But its barren . looks deserted . no grass , no tree , nothing .I see mountains at the supposed to be visible end of the roa d .And I see large number of people walking through the road . all forward . all alone .men , women ,children , old folks all are walking towards the visible en d of the road . But I am standing still . Don't know why? May be got paralysed by the very sight of the long road . The devil appeared and started laughing . "How are u going to reach the end of t he road , Kochikkaran & When ?" I was answerless .The road seemed to be too long . Then suddenly angel appeared besides me . He said , "KOCHIKKARAN , listen to me and I promise u the way out ." I said "tell me ". He continued " the road is long all right . and u see that head at the end of th e road . He is too distant for u to catch up ......right now. But know this that he once walked beside the place u r standing right now .But he didn't stopped l ike u did right now . He continued his journey . That's why he is there today . so keep movi'n in u'r life . Never get dazed by the length and breadth of the ro ad u have to travel ." So my friends never get worried because of the road u choose to travel in your l ife . ..............KEEP MOVI'N .........KEEP MOVI'N .........

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