Composition 4

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David Martnez Prez 16th December 2011 I'll never forget when I was ten.

It was in the evening, I'd returned from school and I was watching tv lying on the couch when suddenly someone called at the door. When I opened the door I didn't understand, there was nobody. While I was thinking about what was happening a weak cry was heard. I looked down and I saw a small white dog in a basket. It was a white poodle and It was wearing a red loop in the head. Quickly I called my dad and sister, they were in the kitchen cooking dinner. Suddenly my mum appeared, she'd been hidden and looking the scene. Then I understood everything, this was a gift from my mum. I said to my mum: It is the best gift my sister and me ever had, I love you mum. Two days after, we decided to call her Kira. We lived a lot of good stories, but it is another story.

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