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A. INTRODUCTION Based on the history, the Audio-Lingual Method was developed in the United States during World War II. At that time there was a need for people to learn foreign languages rapidly for military purposes. Every methods of teaching has their own different characteristics, so the Audio Lingual has it also. The main idea of the Audio-Lingual Method is to build the way to make everybody grabs the language and behavioral psychology as fast as possible by memorizing, imitating and drilling materials. To understand this method, we just try to enter the classroom where the Audio-Lingual is ready to be practiced. It tries to the class of University Student of UNIROW East Java, Indonesia, in English Education Major. There are around 20 active students. B. PRACTICING The first thing we practice was that the students were attentively listening as the teacher was presenting a new dialog written in the blackboard. It was the conversation between two people, Student A and student B. The teacher gave the instructions in order to the students know that they will be expected to eventually

memorize the dialog the teacher was introducing. All the instructions were in English.
Sometime the teacher could use his actions to convey meaning but no more mother tongue. After giving instructions, than the teacher said: Ok class, now I am going to repeat the dialog, please listen carefully. Two students are walking along and meet each other in some place, they know each other, as they meet, they stop to talk. I give the name are student A and student B. Now listen to their conversation please. Student A: Student B: Good morning,, Good morning,,

Student A: Student B: Student A: Student B: Student A: . Student B:

How are you? Fine, thanks. And you? Fine too. Where are you going? I am going to the post office. Where are you going ? I am going to the town square. Post office is next to the town square. lets go together Sure.

After the teacher read the dialog, he asked the student to listen again one more time to understand he said. He repeated each line several times before moving up to the next line. Sometimes they had to stumble a bit in the repetition. The teacher, at this position stopped the repetition and used a backward build-up drill. Its used to break down the troublesome sentence into smaller parts. The teacher started with the end of this sentence and asked the class repeated just the last two words. After that, the teacher had the student to memorize each material given I order to can practice them self in the chain drill. The teacher than initiated a chain drill with the fifth and sixth line from the dialog. It gave an opportunity to say the line individually. The teacher later told which student to become the partner of that part of conversation. Even the communication is very limited, the teacher addresses the student nearest him to practice, than followed by the other student next to them. Finally, the teacher selected two students to perform the dialog in front of the class. Final steps , the teacher used the cue technique. It began by reciting a line of the dialog. I am going to the town square. Following this he showed the students a picture of an airport and said the phrase, The airport. He paused, then said, I am going to the airport. From the example the students realized that theyre supposed to take the cue to the phrase, which the teacher supplies, and put it into the proper place in the

sentence. Then he showed the other picture to complete the dialog. When the student did correctly, the teacher smiled and said, Very Good!.

C. ANALYSIS From the method given, the material can be grabbed interestingly and full of attention. As the writer observes, this method is very proper to the class in the elementary school. They will get the interesting learning process while doing this method. It can give the effect of being easily to get the goal of learning. But if the teachers only do this method and dont combine with the other method, it will be very monotonous and boring.

D. CONCLUTION The Audio-Lingual is the method allows the users any technique as repetition, chain drill , etc. The Audio-Lingual can be very effective if it s used as the compliment of any technique and to avoid monotonous. This method is very proper to the class in the elementary school grade. to contact actively by using

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