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tce_ 9/95 2 onde 1361-1366 Poct 7-2 pil so SHEETS 22142. 100 sueeTs 22-144 200 SHEETS 22141 & Tite wae NATURE OF Son D-2 SOIL STRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS “1 Introduction Af Souk Stectue- 12, Clachiiak Charge rf Clay Parbites 13 Onrcrrrans of Coverage 2. Clay- Water Forces Bl Odended Wale 22 Defluar Drake Laas 2.3 Double Layer Reprbsion 24 Other Clay -Wele Frew 2:5 Phipaco- Chimacel Yfcte Shims Epa 26 Stungth Jeneresn. an. Sola 1) Frschenal ntocatence 2) Cohtawe 3, Soe! Struchsce s Effacks of Mineralogy ancl Environmental Facts 3) Clay Fabre 22 Shutctone of Dif Clay Mensrele $ bnflutna Emrammintl Fact s 1) Martrenitlenate 2) Karlin 3) Ue Fig 2-1 heachest Det Lay hepratinn | Attrarbn ve "olf Spacing por Panatll Pahl, Lets te t A Rw ~~ ae & 4 u 8 20 ee 95 | 1360-4366 Part B-2 pel T-2 SOL STRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS 4 (INTRODUCTION dt Soot Structure. Y) Dehaihon Sou) Struchre = Interparhch Forces + Fabric Typra } relent Onttntrstem. § Listasbashon. “nagritede of porticlic 2) Inderparticle Forces: Wank to cleorribe Aans obtan abusstal) and Normal abiarts ae anamitted betutin ant porlete, Sut lath, Namal abios, + Fram -¢fectwe shass principle (LIN Set. 142) Effie roomal ates (o's F) 2 Pohl normal shoes (7) marua Pre wastes prusouue (Ue Ua) + Thai afftchie akira 46 hamaritled by farcia, ater bobetin the Aol pasdacte (hence wer provinealy tena." rbegranalas' shes) «bn gentral prvitrkiaine Orda, Hea Henerrcetim Geis at two a (rhea tute Compeninte dha Sestier 25) = net shed Nange (Crntut) Sher x Crtect Grin Aare Frat Ling ange oben cas to Anafes (Ail ag frase We wll are deter that shear ahere(t) ane Prmarily Camu by Cortact ahessee 3) Fabrics We welt aeitengetal betrycen Fabre at thy mauo-Ltet (ceun ohaere Waratly) ya, Hat at the muvio-Lewl 4) wage Sailatuchut Complely difinen and bekang, Bat Mélity Ondy Com vse 120. Busted laokser- toAelp Pct | dyplang: Cutmn dapits of ort i (e.g, Uhatt Comsen" gach clays") femme CCUG / 95: 7 | A361-1,3b6 Part 1-2 | ae A2 Electrical Nature of Clay Farhélas : 1) Elactrics! Charges Face @) The two facia of ath postaliens meting Edge Aichatebitean, that 4 rot Face area > edge art, Tuctreligd by mtalegn catin Guse y \ Shr hee. fay tani sn idk) [ers I Sie Maat; 4) the edges of clay partidis usccatly have a posites charg. at Las fo sradetate pA¥/ But icteceig pH hay charge thas fo a regedit charge. , ©) the NET chaige of Cay poste ti gee — ange ‘negater, Nemee oppluntar xs = am slechuiat fault Yo 0. Stuprton a) 1 they packs tit cause pattily — |) DS to mare to the Anode. Cathe Shape tf ey patil electrophoresis 2) Exchangeable Tons. Semin the Onl must he ehicduially neal + The-negetec facts attract Lachonseable. cotears (wid! ct mich) + Prachue td gue atlanot tychanpeable Omeans Cr cates Y negutuaty charged) Edge reer Cee nun oem @ 2 off even clagena F pit =-log, (H*eme) PHS 7>@celi, pH >7 = baw Orne: (hgh 7) (ewe Wt, igh on”)

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