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pore bearer

Characteristics of Porifera 1. 5000 - mostly marine 2. Mainly sessile organisms that do not move from place to place and attach themselves to a surface 3. Filter feeders method of feeding in which nutrients are filtered out of the water as it passes through the organism. 4. Multicellular organism composed of more than one cell.

1. Osculum large opening at the top in which water and wastes are expelled.

2. Ostia openings that bring water carrying food and oxygen into the sponge.


In this photograph, the pumping action of a sponge is illustrated. A non-toxic yellow dye has been squirted around the base of a purple tube sponge in the Caribbean. Shortly thereafter, the dye is pumped out through the osculum at the top of the sponge.

3. Epithelial cells cells on the outer surface that respond to touch or chemicals by closing the pore cells.
Pore Cells

Epithelial Cells

4. Choanocytes cells that line the interior of the sponge, each has a flagellum that whips back and forth bringing in water through the ostia. They also trap the nutrients.

5. Amoebocytes Located between the two cell layers, carry nutrients, aid in reproduction and help in the formation of spicules.

6. Spicules Form the hard support structure of the sponge. 7. Spongin is the more flexible protein fibers
The spicule can also be a form of defense. The internal support structure can be made up of spicules or spongin.

Spicules Calcium Carbonate

Spongin Fibrous protein material

Sponge Spicules

Reproduction in Sponges
Two Types of Reproduction Asexual Gemules food filled ball of amoebocytes that are capable of surviving harsh conditions. Regeneration Regrowth of missing part Budding Growth formation on original sponge Sexual Most are hermaphrodites, which means they produce both egg and sperm.

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