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Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning Social Cognitive Theory

Classical Conditioning
Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936) US, CS, UR, CR, Stimulus generalization

John B. Watson (1878-1958) Extintion

Classical Conditioning
CS (bell) US (food)
No response or irrelevant response

UR (salivation)

CS (bell)

US (food)

UR (salivation)

CS (bell)

CR (salivation)

Operant Conditioning
B. F. Skinner (1904-1990) Reinforcement



Operant Conditioning
Types of Reinforcement and Punishment
Present Stimulus
Response Increase Response Decrease Positive Reinforcement Punishment 1

Remove Stimulus
Negative Reinforcement Punishment 2

Social Cognitive Theory

Albert Bandura Modeling, reciprocal determinism Vicarious reinforcement, self-reinforcement

Attentional Processes Retention Processes Motor Reproduction Processes Motivational Processes

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