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Oxford Structural Geology Seminar

structural geology network

Subsurface Mapping Techniques

Subsurface Structural Mapping

Oxford Structural Geology Seminar

structural geology network

Seismic interpreters spend the majority of their time making maps The industry maps capture a variety of data, including structural and stratigraphic features such faults, folds, unconformities, channel systems etc Subsurface structure maps are rarely like geological maps, but rather are topographic maps for a chosen seismic event or reflector

Basic Seismic Mapping

Oxford Structural Geology Seminar

structural geology network

Learning to Pick Wiggles! to maximize the geological information from the seismic data through careful structural and stratigraphic interpretation techniques, routine use of attribute and coherency mapping tools and attention to detail in the generation of structural maps Use the spatial arrangement of seismic and well data to create accurate and reliable models of the subsurface This is no longer done by hand, but via the use high-powered interpretative or graphic workstations that rapidly access huge volumes of 2D & 3D seismic data

Seismic Structural Interpretation

Oxford Structural Geology Seminar

structural geology network

Subsurface Structure Mapping

Oxford Structural Geology Seminar

structural geology network

Fault Gap or Fault Polygon

Structure contour maps are a common way of representing structural geometry in the energy industry Are often used in the past as basis for a variety of other important work

reservoir volume calculations and reservoir simulation modeling

Starting to be superseded by true 3D models, however maps are still common communication tools between geologists, geophysicists and reservoir engineers
1 km
C.I. = 50 m

Fault Polygon Definition

Oxford Structural Geology Seminar

Fault Cutoff Maps

Not just gaps in horizons but the termination of discrete surfaces in space be as rigorous as possible they are not easily predictable, especially in complex structural settings
Plunging folds, salt diapirs

3D Interpretation

structural geology network

Geometric definition

Requires that all structural surfaces are mapped in 3D and integrated with stratigraphic surfaces
Map Representation

The Mapping Process

Oxford Structural Geology Seminar

structural geology network

Start with the faults and think about how they connect up in 3D Begin infilling with the key stratigraphic surfaces Extend these to intersect the mapped faults Interpolate the surfaces over the entire area of interest Evaluate the integrity of the resulting model

Generate grids and contour the gridded surface

Does it make sense to you? If not, why not?

Subsurface Structure Mapping

Oxford Structural Geology Seminar
FW Cut-off

structural geology network

Fault Gap or Fault Polygon

Structure contour maps are a common way of representing structural geometry in the energy industry Are often used in the past as basis for a variety of other important work
reservoir volume calculations and reservoir simulation modeling

Starting to be superseded by true 3D models, however maps are still a common communication tools between geologists, geophysicists and reservoir engineers
1 km
C.I. = 50 m

HW Cut-off

Subsurface Structure Mapping

Oxford Structural Geology Seminar

Real Normal Fault Network

structural geology network

Resulting 3D Structural Model Structure Contour Map Derived from 3D Model

Using An Interpretive Workstation

Oxford Structural Geology Seminar

structural geology network

Immerse yourself in all of the data Rapidly explore the implications of a variety of different structural or stratigraphic interpretations Effectively integrate all other available subsurface data (wells)

Faster, therefore cheaper Better and more accurate, therefore, less risky However, demands a high degree of geological and geophysical understanding to be more effective

Fault Polygon Continuity

Oxford Structural Geology Seminar

Zig-Zagging Polygons

structural geology network

possible over-linkage of separate fault segments assess the interpreted length as a function of the maximum displacement on the fault surface

log displacement (km)



acceptable size distribution




log length (km)

Oxford Structural Geology Seminar

structural geology network

Quantitative measure of the lateral continuity of seismic events Actively enhances the imaging of small discontinuities such as faults, fractures, or channel margins at or close to the limit of seismic resolution
such features would be more or less impossible to map using traditional manual picking techniques

Excellent for defining lateral extent of and linkage within fault networks

Coherency Image

3D Visualization
Oxford Structural Geology Seminar

structural geology network

Slice & Dice the 3D seismic volume in a variety of different orientations

in-line, cross-line and time slices horizon and fault slices

Co-visualization of multiple seismic attributes

multi-volume rendering and analysis

Increasing use of auto-tracking technologies and smart applets the recognize geological features

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