Business Achievement Awards Information

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Future Award Complete a total of 10 Activities.

SERVICE (Complete 3 activities from this section. The first 2 are required.) Activity 1 Communications/Service Learning Required. Donate five (5) hours of service to an educational or service organization (e.g., March of Dimes, parent-teacher association, chamber of commerce, Habitat for Humanity, Red Cross, etc.). (Complete the interactive form.) Activity 2 Communications/FBLA Organization and National Programs Required. Prepare a bulletin board or display promoting FBLA. (Upload a scanned or digital photo of yourself by your display or bulletin board.) Activity 3 Communications/FBLA Organization and National Programs Help your chapter adviser(s) with activities to celebrate American Enterprise Day or FBLA-PBL Week. (Upload a copy of a press release that includes at least one digital or scanned photo of students involved in activities.) Activity 4 Communications/Service Learning Participate on your chapter's community service project committee. (Upload a 100-word summary describing what you learned from participating on this committee and how it benefited you.) Activity 5 Service Learning/FBLA Organization and National Programs Participate in a promotional or fundraising project for the March of Dimes. (Complete the interactive March of Dimes report form.) Activity 6 Communications/Service Learning Become a pen pal with a senior citizen, a child in a hospital, a child in another country, or a soldier in the military. (Prepare a memo to your local adviser in proper business format summarizing the benefits of this project and upload at least one letter that you wrote). Activity 7 Communications/Service Learning Write a one-page report on a service organization in your community and present it to your chapter or a business class. (Upload a copy of the report.) Activity 8 Service Learning Other-As designated by local adviser. (Prepare and upload a description/summary of 100 words or less.) EDUCATION (FBLA members must complete 3 activities from this section. The first 1 is required.) Activity 9 Technology/FBLA Organization and National Programs Required. Complete the Future Award test with a score of 92 percent or higher. (Complete the interactive test - students may take this test as many times as needed to achieve the proper score.) Activity 10 Marketing Complete the advertising slogans worksheet. (Complete the interactive worksheet.) Activity 11 Accounting Using a spreadsheet, create a one-month budget for yourself or for your local chapter. (Upload Spreadsheet.) Activity 12 Career Awareness and Exploration List at least 5 goals (related to school, career, and personal) and include a description of how you plan to accomplish each one. (Complete the interactive form.) Activity 13 Communications/FBLA Organization and National Programs Read a business article or story from Tomorrow's Business Leader, FBLA's national publication. Write a one-page letter in proper business format summarizing and reacting to this article. Address the letter to your local chapter adviser. (Upload a copy of the letter.) Activity 14 Career Awareness and Exploration Write a one-page paper on a business career. (Upload a copy of the paper.) Activity 15 Career Awareness and Exploration List five (5) personal strengths and one personal weakness. Write a 100-word summary on what you can do to overcome the weakness. (Complete the interactive form.) Activity 16 Technology/FBLA Organization and National Programs Visit and register and take a free certification test. (Upload results).

PROGRESS (Complete 4 activities. The first 2 activities are required.) Activity 17 Communications/FBLA Organization and National Programs Required. Bring a friend who is a nonmember to a local chapter FBLA meeting. (Complete the interactive form.) Page 10 Activity 18 Communications/FBLA Organization and National Programs Required. Attend at least three (3) local chapter meetings and prepare a one-page paper that includes the date of each meeting and a bulleted list of meeting highlights. (Upload a copy of the paper and at least one scanned or digital photo from one meeting.) Activity 19 Communications/FBLA Organization and National Programs Complete the national programs worksheet. (Complete the interactive form). Activity 20 Communications/Career Exploration Invite a business leader to speak at a meeting. Write a letter inviting this businessperson to your meeting. (Upload a copy of the letter and prepare and upload a speaker introduction.) Activity 21 Communications/FBLA Organization and National Programs Attend a local chapter activity/event. Prepare a 100-word summary describing this event or activity. (Upload a copy of the summary and at least one scanned or digital photo from the event.) Activity 22 Communications/FBLA Organization and National Programs Recite the FBLA Creed at a chapter meeting or event and explain your understanding of this creed as it relates to your future and to the business world in a memo to your local chapter adviser. (Upload a copy of the memo.) Activity 23 Communications/Technology Text five (5) friends and invite them to the next FBLA meeting. (List the names on the interactive form.) Activity 24 Communications Prepare an invitation inviting students to attend the next FBLA meeting. (Upload a copy of the invitation.)

Business Award Activities Complete a total of 12 Activities.

SERVICE (Complete 3 activities. The first 2 are Required.) Activity 1 Communications/FBLA National Organization and Programs Required. Make a 1-3 minute oral informational presentation about FBLA to a business, a class, or at a chapter meeting. (Prepare and upload a podcast or video of you giving your presentation or an outline of your presentation and a copy of a 1-page fact sheet about your chapter.) Activity 2 Communications/FBLA National Organization and Programs Required. Design a poster encouraging students to join your local FBLA chapter. (Upload a scanned copy/sample of the poster design.) Activity 3 Communications/Service Learning Research community service grants that are available. Present your findings and any recommendations on grants to pursue to the FBLA Local Officer Team and Local Adviser(s) in a onepage memo. (Upload the memo.) Activity 4 Communications/FBLA National Organization and Programs Prepare a print ad and an audio podcast about American Enterprise Day or FBLA-PBL Week. (Upload a copy of the ad and the audio podcast.) Activity 5 Communications/Service Learning Participate in a community service project that your chapter is sponsoring. (Prepare and upload a news release for your school or local paper about this project.) Activity 6 Communications/FBLA National Organization and Programs Help plan and conduct one of the FBLA Ceremonies (FBLA Emblem Ceremony, Chapter Installation, Officer Installation, or New Member Induction Ceremony) at a local chapter meeting, an Open House, a local chapter event, or for a new or reactivated FBLA chapter. (Prepare a meeting agenda listing this ceremony as part of the meeting or a program containing the ceremony.) Activity 7 Communications/FBLA National Organization and Programs Help organize an activity or event for your local chapter to promote American Enterprise Day or FBLA-PBL Week. (Complete the interactive project report form.) Activity 8 Communications/Service Learning Participate in a literacy project i.e. visit a kindergarten classroom and read a book, tutor in an after-school reading program, or help plan a chapter book drive. (Upload a scanned or digital photo and a news release as part of this activity). Activity 9 Communications/FBLA National Organization and Programs Prepare a local calendar of activities for your local chapter with at least two ideas for chapter activities each month. (Complete the interactive form.) Activity 10 Communications/Service Learning Help create and present a skit that teaches (i.e. Halloween safety, internet safety, the importance of the environment and going green, etc.) elementary children. (Upload a scanned photo of the activity and a copy of a press release or a podcast of the activity.) EDUCATION (Complete 5 activities from this section. The first 2 are required.) Activity 11 Technology/FBLA National Organization and Programs Required. Complete the interactive Business/Internet Scavenger Hunt. (Complete the interactive form.) Activity 12 Entrepreneurship/Career Awareness and Exploration Required. Prepare a resume, cover letter, and job application, applying for your dream job. (Upload a copy of your resume and cover letter. Use the online job application form.) Activity 13 Technology Complete the interactive Internet Ethics and Safety Quiz. (Complete interactive quiz). Activity 14 Entrepreneurship You have just been hired at the XYZ Corporation. Your first task is to develop a new green product/invention. (Please review the project requirements and create and upload a video, movie, or podcast of a commercial advertising your new production/invention.)

Activity 15 Accounting Explain the importance of high ethical standards in the preparation of financial statements and what FBLA-PBL goal that this could tie to. (Write and upload a one-page paper and relate it back to at least one of the 9 FBLA-PBL goals.) Activity 16 Business/Career Exploration Successfully complete one (1) grading period in a business course with a grade of 'B' or better. (Your teacher must complete the verification/interactive form). Activity 17 Communications Prepare an agenda for two (2) chapter meetings. (Upload copies of the agendas.) Activity 18 Entrepreneurship/Career Exploration Visit/tour a business. (In proper business format, write a letter addressed to your adviser describing this experience and a thank you letter to the business.) Activity 19 Communications Complete a one-page report on a local, state, or national business leader. (Upload a copy of the report which includes at least one digital photo or image of the business leader). Activity 20 Technology/Marketing Read an article from the internet or a business magazine on a new trend in technology. (Write and upload a one-page paper summarizing this article and how it might help market FBLA). PROGRESS (Complete 4 activities from the list below. The first 1 is required.) Activity 21 Information Technology/Communications Required. Prepare a recruitment brochure for your local FBLA chapter. (Upload a copy of the brochure). Activity 22 Communications/FBLA National Organization and Programs FBLAs parliamentary authority is Roberts Rules of Order-Newly Revised. (Complete the interactive form). Activity 23 FBLA Organization and National Programs Plan an icebreaker for your local chapter members and present it at a local chapter meeting or in a class. (Upload a podcast, movie, or video of yourself teaching the icebreaker to members at one of your local chapter meetings.) Activity 24 FBLA Organization and National Programs Recruit one (1) new Professional Division member. (Enter the name of the professional member and the date joined on the interactive form). Activity 25 Communications/FBLA Organization and National Programs Submit an article/news release about your chapter's activities to Tomorrows Business Leader, our national publication, and include at least one scanned or digital photo/image. (Complete the interactive form). Activity 26 Technology/FBLA Organization and National Programs Participate in the Virtual Business Challenge. (Enter the names of the team members on the interactive form). Activity 27 Communications/FBLA Organization and National Programs Write a letter to your school superintendent or principal about the benefits of FBLA. (Upload a copy of the letter). Activity 28 FBLA Organization and National Programs Participate in a task that is assigned by your local chapter adviser. (Prepare a 100-word summary describing this activity.) Activity 29 Communications/Technology Use FBLAs various social media tools. Join the FBLA National Center Facebook group, sign up for Twitter, and read the FBLA Blog. (Complete the Interactive Form). Activity 30 Communications Attend a community or school meeting (Rotary Club, Chamber of Commerce, School Board, Jaycees, Kiwanis, PTA, Etc. (Upload a one-page report about the meeting you attended.)

Leader Award Activities Complete a total of 14 activities.

SERVICE (Complete 5 activities in this section. The first 3 are required.) Activity 1 FBLA Organization and National Programs Required. Run for local, state, or national office, serve as a campaign manager for an officer candidate on any level, or serve in a leadership role i.e. committee chairman. (Upload a copy of a campaign or qualifications flyer and a copy of the campaign speech or podcast for you, the candidate your or managing or if you are serving in a leadership role, a paper about why you are qualified and what you learned from the experience). Activity 2 FBLA Organization and National Programs Required. Participate in a national FBLA service program (e.g., Prematurity Awareness Month, FBLA-PBL National Community Service Day, i-Safe, Eco-Chapter Project, Presidents Volunteer Service Awards). Prepare and upload a 200-500 word report with a title page describing what you learned. Include at least one graphic and one digital photo). Activity 3 Communications/Leadership Required. Prepare a 1-3 minute electronic presentation, movie, or podcast promoting FBLA. (Upload a copy of the presentation, movie, or podcast). Activity 4 FBLA Organization and National Programs Design three new items for MarketPlace. (Upload items, one must be a FBLA t-shirt that any chapter could buy, and the other two are your choice. Prepare a proposal to the attention of API about why they should choose your items. Include some survey data that you have gathered from students from your FBLA chapter and school). Activity 5 Communications/Service Learning Help your chapter organize and conduct an environmental service project i.e. litter clean-up, donate energy efficient light bulbs to senior citizens, celebrate Earth Day, volunteer to help teachers clear the clutter and clean up their classrooms, sponsor a coloring contest (using an environmental picture) for elementary students after presenting a skit or presentation about the environment, etc.) Attach a copy of a scanned photo of this activity and complete the interactive activity report form. Activity 6 FBLA Organization and National Programs Prepare a feature story on your local chapters community service project for Tomorrows Business Leader, our national publication. (Upload a copy of the feature story it must include at least 2 digital photos, at least 200 words, two quotes, and one item that shows evidence of publicity received). Activity 7 Communications/Service Learning Volunteer to be a teachers aide during your study hall. (Upload a 100-word summary of the activities that you were involved with). Activity 8 Service Learning Volunteer at least 10 hours of service to a charity or service organization of your choice. This must be a different organization than the one that you volunteered for when completing the Future Award. (Upload a 100-word summary of this activity and at least one digital photo). Activity 9 Service Learning/Communications Research volunteer organizations or service businesses in or near your community (Big Brothers, Big Sisters, Habitat for Humanity, leadership groups, community colleges, AARP, senior centers, nursing homes, Kiwanis Clubs, Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Clubs, etc.) and prepare a proposal concerning partnering with them on a project. (Upload a copy of the project proposal with a cover memo addressed to your local chapter adviser). EDUCATION (Complete 5 activities in this section. The first 3 are required.) Activity 10 Career Development Required. Participate in a mock interview for your dream job using the resume and materials that you developed for the Business Award. (Interview Evaluation Checklist, and scan and upload the job interview scoring rubric and job interview evaluation form.) Activity 11 Communications/Technology Required. Create a travel brochure and a movie or podcast (no more than 2 minutes in length) about the NLC destination in San Antonio, Texas. Include the following information: facts about the city, how to get around, two panel spread (at least four places of interest - landmarks, attractions, etc), historical information or a map, at least four photographs/images of the city, a brief FBLA NLC promo, and any other information for the traveler. (Upload a copy of the brochure and Podcast/movie).

Activity 12 International Business Required. Create an electronic business presentation on a foreign country of your choice (which will include an outline of your topic) to be presented at an FBLA meeting. Presentations must include: title slide, country information, things to know before traveling, making appointments, business dress, addressing others, gift-giving, entertaining, etc. (Upload the electronic copy of the presentation). Activity 13 Career Exploration/Entrepreneurship Complete a half-day job shadow experience. (Upload a twopage paper with at least one (1) scanned photo summarizing this experience and the benefits that you gained, a thank you letter written to the business in proper business format, and a copy of a press release or newspaper clipping.) Activity 14 Technology/Information Processing Design an environmental newsletter for chapter members. Include 'green' tips for students, information on 'green' chapter projects, an article on the importance of recycling, an article on Earth Day including the history of the day, an article on an important environmental issue, an article about the importance of saving the rainforest, and an article about an endangered species. You must include at least one graphic and at least one photo and at least two additional environmental or green articles of your choice. (Upload a copy of the newsletter). Activity 15 - Accounting Accounting. Analyze the FBLA chapter financial statement and compare it against the budget. (Write a memo to your local chapter adviser in proper business format describing your findings. Prepare a Treasurers Report and a budget for your local chapter.) Activity 16 - Marketing Identify the different ways that businesses compete with one another. Present your findings in a chapter meeting or in a business class. Include how FBLA can use some of these ideas for promote the organization. (Prepare and upload a 100-word paper.) PROGRESS (Complete four activities from this section. The first one is required.) Activity 17 FBLA Organization and National Programs Required. Complete the requirements for Membership Madness or recruit one new Professional Division member. (Complete the interactive Membership Madness Form or Professional Division Recruitment Form). Activity 18 FBLA Organization and National Programs Serve as a voting delegate at a district/regional, state, or national conference. (Complete the interactive form). Activity 19 - Communications Prepare and present a workshop at a local meeting or state conference. Include evaluations for each participating. The topic must relate to leadership. (Upload an outline of the workshop and a summary of the results and well as a self critique using the interactive form). Activity 20 - Communications Write a letter to a government official about the benefits of FBLA. (Upload a copy of the letter) Activity 21 - Communications Write a letter that secures a donationi.e. chapter members attending the NLC, etc.-to attend the National Leadership Conference, for a chapter scholarship, etc. (Upload a copy of the sponsorship letter and a copy of the letter or e-mail from the business concerning the donation.) Activity 22 Communications/Information Technology Design an advertisement and an audio public service announcement promoting FBLA national competitive events program. (Attach a copy of the advertisement and public service announcement.) Activity 23 FBLA Organization and National Programs Participate in a task that is assigned by your local chapter adviser. (Upload a 100-word paper describing the activity.)

America Award Activities Complete a total of 15 activities.

SERVICE (Complete four activities. The first three are required.) Activity 1 Communications/Information Technology Required. Complete the FBLA International Recruitment Project. You will use the country and the information that you compiled for the Leader Level. (Please upload a copy of the report. Complete project details are located on the interactive form.) Activity 2 Communications/Information Technology Required. Create an online autobiographical scrapbook presentation (movie, podcast, or slide show) highlighting your life this must include FBLA activities, community service activities, and demonstrate leadership skills. (Upload a copy of the presentation. Complete project details are located on the interactive form). Activity 3 Communications/Information Technology Required. Participate on a committee to plan a free enterprise project for elementary or junior high students. As part of this project, design a free enterprise board game or card game (i.e. bingo, etc.) to help students learn these concepts. (Complete the interactive Project Activity Report form; prepare a copy of a news release, a description and rules for the game, a digital photo of students playing the game, and a podcast of the teaching demonstration to the students.) Activity 4 Service Learning/Communications Do something special for Adviser Appreciation Day during FBLAPBL Week for your local or state adviser. (Write and upload a one-page summary of what you did for your adviser. Include a thank you letter to your adviser in proper business format and a scanned or digital photo of you and your adviser.) Activity 5 Service Learning Plan and participate in leadership project of your choice that is designed to help your local chapter recruit and retain members and that has been approved by your local chapter adviser. (Prepare a memorandum to your local chapter adviser describing the benefits that you gained, complete the interactive Project Activity Report form, and prepare a press release.) Activity 6 - Communications Contact local businesses to find door prizes for members for drawings for local chapter meetings. (Upload a copy of the letter to businesses requesting this, a summary/review of this activity as a recruitment tactic, and a list of businesses contacted and donations secured.) Activity 7 Communications/Service Learning Help your local chapter sponsor an environmental slogan contest and an environmental project of your choice for your school. (Upload a copy of the contest rules and create a flyer promoting this activity, and a news release about the project). Activity 8 - Communications Work with your local chapter adviser to plan a special Power Lunch meeting with chapter members. Invite a guest speaker from business and prepare a program. (Upload a copy of the letter inviting the guest speaker and a copy of the program). Activity 9 Communications Help prepare skit about the benefits of saving money and present to middle level students. Plan a project where students use the information that you taught them. (Upload a copy of a video, movie, or podcast of the skit, a news release of the project, and at least one item showing evidence of publicity received). EDUCATION (Complete six activities in this section. The first three are required.) Activity 10 Information Technology Required. Use the template to create your own Blog. (See the Blog criteria sheet on the interactive form). Activity 11 Information Technology/Communications Required. Complete the E-Portfolio project by using the interactive template. Some of the items that will be included will be a title page, a letter to the viewers, a table of contents, photographs, voice recording, videos, scanned documents, projects, a FBLA marketing plan. etc. (Complete the interactive template. See the criteria sheet on the interactive form).

Activity 12 Informational Technology/Communications Required. Create a TBL Magazine cover and feature story about the San Antonio NLC with at least three photos and two quotes for the spring issue of Tomorrows Business Leader, FBLAs national magazine. Include at least one photo on the cover as well as a bulleted list of articles that are inside this edition. (Upload a copy of the magazine cover.) Activity 13 Communications/Social Media Watch the Video Social Media, is it a Fad. Submit a feasible, detailed plan to President and CEO, Ms. Jean Buckley, for a new nation-wide project. This proposal must be at least two pages in length, include a budget, and a bar graph for pie chart. (Upload a copy of the proposal). Activity 14 Communications/Information Technology. Develop a FBLA game show, a FBLA music video, or a reality show about FBLA. (Prepare a story board and using electronic media such as video, You Tube, podcast, etc) (Upload a copy of the project. See the criteria sheet and details on the interactive form). Activity 15 Technology/Communications Develop and post a You Tube video about how FBLA has helped you prepare for your future career. (Upload a copy of the video.) Activity 16 - Communications Plan and prepare a report for district/regional, state, or national competition (i.e., Business Plan, American Enterprise Project, Community Service Project, Local Chapter Annual Business Report, or Partnership with Business Project.) (Upload a copy of the report, prepare a 500-word summary of the project, and present at a local chapter meeting-include an outline of the presentation with your documentation.) Activity 17 - Technology Research virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and holographic entertainment worlds. Discuss how this technology will reshape economics and marketing and how FBLA can use some of this information in a two-three page report. (See criteria sheet on interactive activity. Upload completed report). PROGRESS (Complete five of the activities listed below. The first three are required.) Activity 18 FBLA National Organization and Programs Required. Complete the requirements for Membership Mania or recruit 2 Professional Division members. (Complete the interactive form). Activity 19 Communications Required. Secure a letter of recommendation about your leadership skills and why you are deserving of the America award from your local or state adviser. (Upload a copy of the letter). Activity 20 Career Development/Business Required. Complete the Etiquette quiz with a score of 92% or higher. (Complete interactive form). Activity 21 FBLA National Organization and Programs Participate in the National Fall Leadership Conference or the Institute for Leaders. (Upload a summary of the benefits gained from this experience and a copy of a press release that includes a digital or scanned photo of all of your members that attended the NFLC or IFL). Activity 22 FBLA National Organization and Programs Submit an application for the FBLA Distinguished Business Leader Scholarship. (Upload a completed application form and accompanying documents). Activity 23 FBLA National Organization and Programs/Recruitment Plan an activity for your local chapter in which you participate in a joint project or social event with an FBLA-Middle Level or a PBL chapter. (Complete the interactive Project Activity Report for and a press release with a scanned or digital photo). Activity 24 FBLA National Organization and Programs/Recruitment) Visit at least one school that does not have an active FBLA chapter or FBLA-Middle Level chapter. Meet with school officials to encourage them to charter or reactivate a chapter. (Prepare a 100-word description of the experience). Activity 25 - Communications Invite a school administrator to a chapter meeting, a state meeting, or a state- or national-sponsored FBLA conference. (Upload a copy of a letter). Activity 26 Communications/Marketing Make a personal visit to an elected official. Research and discuss Perkins Funding. Take a photo with the official. (Prepare and upload a press release, a copy of the photo, and a 100-word paper on the effect of Perkins Funding on CTSOs and what you learned from the visit).

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