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The Balanced Scorecard

Planning for long-run organizational success

The Balanced Scorecard: A Good Idea in 1992

Balanced Scorecard in 1992

The Balanced Scorecard Measures that Drive Performance Harvard Business Review, 1992

The Balanced Scorecard: A Great Idea by 2002

Balanced Scorecard by 2002

21 translations

17 translations

50% usage in Fortune 500 Harvard Business Review Hall of Fame 50,000+ BSC on-line members

Balanced Scorecard Hall of Fame Implemented Strategies and Achieved Breakthrough Results Fast Mobil
3 years

Saatchi & Saatchi + $2b

Last to first Cash flow +$1.2b ROI 6% --> 16%

2-5 years

ATT Canada
3 years

+ $7b

2-5 years

Brown & Root

3 years #1 in growth & profitability

+ $3b City of Charlotte

3 years Customer Satisfaction = 70% Public Official Award

Duke Childrens
Customer Satisfaction #1 Cost/Case 33% 3 years

Southern Garden
3-5 years Least Cost Producer

Wells Fargo
# Customers 450% Best Online Bank 2 years 3 years

Chemical Bank
3 years 99% Merged Target Asset Retention

UPS Hilton Hotels

Customer Satisfaction Market Revenue Index Revenues Net Income 9% 33% 2 years

Question: How can complex organizations achieve results like this in such short periods of time?



The Balanced Scorecard process allows an organization to align and focus all its resources on its strategy






1998 Renaissance Worldwide, Inc. and Robert S. Kaplan, All rights reserved.

A Gap Exists Between Mission-Vision-Strategy and Employees Everyday Actions

MISSION Why we exist VALUES Whats important to us VISION What we want to be STRATEGY Our game plan


The Balanced Scorecard Links Vision and Strategy to Employees Everyday Actions
MISSION Why we exist VALUES Whats important to us VISION What we want to be STRATEGY Our game plan BALANCED SCORECARD Translate, Focus and Align STRATEGIC INITIATIVES What are the priorities TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT What we must improve EMPOWERMENT / PERSONAL OBJECTIVES What I need to do

Satisfied SHAREHOLDERS Delighted CUSTOMERS Efficient and Effective PROCESSES Motivated & Prepared WORKFORCE

Balanced Scorecard

Balance between

Financial measures of performance Long-range competitive abilities

Balanced Scorecard

Four aspects of firm performance

Financial Customer Internal business Innovation and learning

Financial Perspective

How do we look to stockholders?

Survive Succeed Prosper

Customer Perspective

How do our customers see us?

New products Responsiveness Quality

Internal Business Perspective

At what must we excel currently?

Manufacturing/service excellence New product/service introduction

Innovation and Learning Perspective

Can we continue to improve and create value?

Technological leadership Time to market Employee training and satisfaction

Perspectives are Interrelated

Innovation pleases customers which are necessary for good financial results Good financial results make financing improvements possible

The Complete Balanced Scorecard Strategy Map

Improve Shareholder Value Financial Perspective: the drivers of shareholder value
Productivity Strategy
Shareholder Value ROCE

Revenue Growth Strategy

Improve Cost Structure Cost per Unit Market and Account Share

Increase Asset Utilization Asset Turnover

Enhance Customer Value Customer Profitability Customer Retention Customer Satisfaction Product Leader Customer Solutions

Create Value from New Products & Services New Revenue Sources

Customer Acquisition

Customer Perspective: the differentiating value proposition

Customer Value Proposition

Product/Service Attributes Price Quality Time Function Relationship Service Relations

Low Total Cost Image Brand

Internal Perspective: how value is created and sustained

Operations Theme

Customer Management Theme (Processes that Enhance Customer Value)

Innovation Theme (Processes that Create New Products and Services)

(Processes that Produce and Deliver Products & Services)

Regulatory and Society Theme (Processes that Improve the Environment and Communities)

Learning & Growth Perspective: role for intangible assets people, systems, climate and culture

Human, Information, and Organizational Capital

Strategic Competencies Strategic Technologies Climate for Action

Overall Concepts

Not just a set of measures

Measures must relate to strategy

Critical success factors

Measures are interrelated

Must understand how the perspectives influence each other

Overall Concepts

Not a quick process

Implementation requires

Thought Analysis Data-gathering Time

Overall Concepts


What is our strategy?

What is critical to implementing the strategy? How can we measure our progress?

Overall Concepts


What are the linkages between functions?

What drives the achievement of goals? What measures correlate with the drivers?

Overall Concepts


What data is available? What isnt? How should it be gathered? Reported?

Overall Concepts


Cannot be done in an afternoon

Successful implementation may take several months Never-ending process

Implementation Steps

Initiative must start at the top

Only senior management has grasp of overall strategy

And the authority to make strategic decisions

Doomed without commitment from the top

Implementation Steps

Requires teamwork, collaboration

Different perspectives, expertise required Not a one-person job

Wont produce buy-in

Implementation Steps

Interview senior managers

Input on strategic objectives Input on critical success factors Input on possible measures

Implementation Steps

Gain consensus

Senior managers develop tentative scorecard as a group

Individual reactions

Suggested refinements

Implementation Steps

Expand consensus

Larger group refines tentative scorecard

Finishing touches

Consensus on vision, objectives, measures, targets, implementation program, etc.

Implementation Steps

Selection of metrics

Must relate to strategic goals Both leading and lagging May not be exact May come from external sources Not too many Not too few

Implementation Steps


Link to data bases and information system

Communicate to employees Develop scorecards for lower levels

Implementation Steps

Periodic reviews

Has strategy changed? Are the objectives valid? Are the activities valid? Are the measures valid?

The scorecard evolves with the organization

The Road to Disaster

Senior management not committed

No one else will be either

Lack of consensus

Lack of commitment

The Road to Disaster



Provide needed expertise


Take over the project Consensus, commitment of employees is lost

The Road to Disaster

Failure to communicate

Employees dont understand:

Strategy Their roles Importance of the scorecard measures

The Road to Disaster

Lack of push-down

Lower levels operating as before

Operations are not tied to corporate scorecard Scorecard is ignored at lower levels

The Road to Disaster

Carve it in stone

It wont be perfect, ever

Must evolve

Delay implementation until perfect

See above

The Road to Disaster

The compensation issue

Powerful motivator of performance

Poorly designed scorecard will not show strategic improvements even if individual measures show progress

The Scorecard as a Change Agent

Four steps

Translating the vision into action Communicating and linking Business planning Feedback and learning

Translating the Vision

Strategy must be reduced to a set of objectives and measures which can be operationalized

We want to be the best wont do

Communicating and Linking

Corporate strategy must be communicated to all levels

Lower levels must have objectives linked to corporate objectives

Business Planning

Integrate the financial plan with the business plan

Use the scorecard to allocate resources to critical activities

Avoids the short-term spending mentality

Feedback and Learning

Monitor short-term results to determine if progress is being made toward long-term objectives

May need to refine measures, activities, objectives, even strategy

Building Strategy Focused Organizations with the Balanced Scorecard

Dr. Robert S. Kaplan
Marvin Bower Professor of Leadership Development HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL


The Principles of a StrategyFocused Organization

Mission / Vision Strategy Maps Balanced Scorecard Targets Initiatives ORGANIZATION ALIGNMENT Corporate Role Corporate - SBU SBU - Shared Services External Partners

CEO Sponsorship Executive Team Engaged New Way of Managing Accountable for Strategy A Performance Culture CONTINUAL PROCESS Linked to Budgeting Linked to Ops. Mgmt. Management Meetings Feedback System Learning Process


EVERYONES JOB Strategic Awareness Goal Alignment Linked Incentives



The Strategy
Financial Perspective

Measurement is the language that gives clarity to vague concepts. Measurement is used to communicate, not to control. Building the scorecard develops consensus and teamwork throughout the organization

"If we succeed, how will we look to our shareholders? Customer Perspective "To achieve my vision, how must I look to my customers? Internal Perspective "To satisfy my customer, at which processes must I excel? Organization Learning "To achieve my vision, how must my organization learn and improve?

Mobil NAM&R Strategy Map

Increase ROCE to 12%

Financial Perspective

Revenue Growth Strategy

New Sources of NonGasoline Revenue

ROCE Net Margin (vs. industry)

Productivity Strategy
Become Industry Cost Leader Cash Expense (cpg) vs. Industry Maximize Use of Existing Assets Cash Flow

Increase Customer Profitability Through Premium Brands Volume vs. Industry Premium Ratio

Customer Perspective
Share of Targeted Segment Mystery Shopper Score

Non-Gasoline Revenue & Margin

Delight the Consumer Basic

Clean Safe Quality Product Trusted Brand Speedy Purchase

Win-Win Dealer Relations Differentiators

Friendly Helpful Employees Recognize Loyalty More Consumer Products Help Develop Business Skills Dealer Profit Growth Dealer Satisfaction

Build the Franchise Create NonGasoline Products & Services

New Product Acceptance Rate

Increase Customer Value Understand Consumer Segments

Achieve Operational Excellence

Improve Hardware Performance Yield Gap Unplanned Downtime On-Spec On-Time Improve Inventory Management Inventory Levels Run-Out Rate Industry Cost Leader Activity Cost vs. Competition

Be a Good Neighbor

Internal Perspective

Improve Environmental, Health and Safety

Environment Incidents Safety Incidents

Best-In-Class Franchise Teams

Dealer Quality Rating

A Motivated and Prepared Workforce

Climate for Action Competencies Functional Excellence Leadership Skills Integrated View
Strategic Skill Coverage Ratio

Technology Process Improvement

Learning & Growth Perspective

Aligned Personal Growth

Personal BSC Employee Feedback

Systems Milestones

The Balanced Scorecard Framework Is Readily Adapted to Non-Profit and Government Organizations
The Mission

"If we succeed, how will we look to our taxpayers (or donors)?

To achieve our vision, how must we look to our customers?

To satisfy our customers, financial donors and mission, what business processes must we excel at?"

To achieve our vision, how must our people learn, communicate, and work together?

The Mission, rather than the financial / shareholder objectives, drives the organizations strategy

Boston Lyric Opera Strategy Map

Our mission is to ensure the long-term future of opera in Boston and New England by (1) producing the highest quality professional productions of diverse opera repertoire that are artistically excellent as well as musically and theatrically innovative; (2) developing the next generation of opera talent; (3) engaging and educating a diverse community about opera to become enthusiastic audience members, educators, supporters, and volunteers. (HBS Case #9-101-111)


National/International Opera Scene



Target Generous and Loyal Contributors/ Prospects

Focus on Board Investment and Recruitment

Build Artistic Reputation for High Standards

Launch Unique Residency Program for Artists

Present Diverse Repertory

Promote Collaborations

Build Community Support

Focus on Educ./Comm. Programs for Greater Boston

Enhance Customer Relationships INTERNAL BUSINESS PROCESSES

Insure Operational Excellence

Increase Brand Awareness

Streamline Ticketing/Gift Acknowledgement Processes

Increase One-on-One Contact

Improve Board Support Systems

Develop Web-based Service/ Products

Contract Best Talent

Develop Innovation Review Process

Increase Cost Efficiency/Quality Assurance

Launch Comprehensive PR Campaign

Develop New Products/ Program

Develop Strategic Job Competencies

Strengthen Strategic Alignment

Build Growth-Enabling Infrastructure


Provide Staff with Skill Training

Leverage Board Effectiveness with Education and Fundraising Training

Develop Strategic Communications Plan

Incorporate Milestone Evaluations

Create HR Plan

Invest in Strategic Technologies

Develop Administrative Residency Program

Fiscal Health

Growth Planning


Increase Revenue

Systematize Financial Processes

Build Multi-Year Support

Create Long-Term Investment Strategy

Develop Realistic Pro Formas

Institutionalize Multi-Year Budgeting

A KPI Scorecard: The Four Ps

Profits Portfolio (loan volume) Process (ISO certification) People (diversity)

Whats missing from the 4Ps KPI scorecard? Where are the customers? What is the value proposition? How does ISO certification lead to increases in loan volume? How does a more diverse work force lead to ISO certification? Is there no role for information technology? Is innovation not important?

A Good Balanced Scorecard Tells the Story of Your Strategy

Every measure is part of a chain of cause and effect linkages All measures eventually link to organizational outcomes A balance exists between outcome measures (financial, customer) and performance drivers (value proposition, internal processes, learning & growth)

The Principles of a StrategyFocused Organization

Mission / Vision Strategy Maps Balanced Scorecard Targets Initiatives ORGANIZATION ALIGNMENT Corporate Role Corporate - SBU SBU - Shared Services External Partners

CEO Sponsorship Executive Team Engaged New Way of Managing Accountable for Strategy A Performance Culture CONTINUAL PROCESS Linked to Budgeting Linked to Ops. Mgmt. Management Meetings Feedback System Learning Process


EVERYONES JOB Strategic Awareness Goal Alignment Linked Incentives

Principles of the Strategy-Focused Organization: LINK AND ALIGN THE ORGANIZATION AROUND ITS STRATEGY
#3. #1. A Corporate Scorecard defines overall strategic priorities. Each Support Unit develops a plan and BSC for best practice sharing to create synergies across SBUs.

CORPORATE SCORECARD (Shared Strategic Agenda)

Themes Measures SBU A




1. Financial Growth 2. Delight the Consumer 3. Win-Win Relationships 4. Safe & Reliable 5. Competitive Supplier 6. Good Neighbor 7. Motivated & Prepared 8. Quality

xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xx xx xx xx

Finance Marketing Distribution Procurement Purchasing Safety Human Resources Information Technology

Customer Scorecards Distributor Scorecard Joint Venture Scorecard Vendor Scorecard New Venture Scorecard Outsourcer Scorecard

#2. Each SBU develops a long-range plan and BSC consistent with corporate strategic agenda.

#4. Plans and BSCs define relationships with external partners consistent with SBU strategy.

Strategies Are Executed Through Business Units. The Strategies of the Business Units Must Be Integrated If Organization Purpose and Synergies Are to Be Achieved.

Summary: Top-to-Bottom Strategy Alignment Unleashes Full Organization Potential

The Corporate Strategy is communicated to business units and agencies through key themes, opportunities for integration and synergies, and shared measures Cooperation and greater synergy between business units, staff and shared service functions, and across diverse organizational units becomes formalized through the Scorecard

The Principles of a StrategyFocused Organization

Mission / Vision Strategy Maps Balanced Scorecard Targets Initiatives ORGANIZATION ALIGNMENT Corporate Role Corporate - SBU SBU - Shared Services External Partners

CEO Sponsorship Executive Team Engaged New Way of Managing Accountable for Strategy A Performance Culture CONTINUAL PROCESS Linked to Budgeting Linked to Ops. Mgmt. Management Meetings Feedback System Learning Process


EVERYONES JOB Strategic Awareness Goal Alignment Linked Incentives


Principles of the Strategy Focused Organization: MAKE STRATEGY EVERYONES EVERYDAY JOB

HR Processes Are Essential for Moving Strategy From the Top to the Bottom

Top-Down Bridging Process To Share the Strategy & Align the Workforce


The Strategy Focused Workforce

Bottom-Up Process to Internalize & Execute the Strategy

Making Strategy Everyones Job

Creating a Climate to Support Strategic Change 1
Create Strategic Awareness

Insure that each individual has sufficient understanding of the strategy (You cant execute what you dont understand) Insure that each individual knows where they fit into the overall game plan

Align Personal Objectives

Align Incentive Compensation

Reinforce desired behavior and increase intensity of awareness

USM&R Strategic Themes ...

will guide us to our vision and are defined above each graph.

Win/Win Relationship
Improve Dealer/Wholesale Marketer profitability through customer-driven products and services and by developing their business competencies.

Good Neighbor
Protect the health and safety of our people, the communities in which we work, and the environment we all share.

Dealer/Mobil Gross Profit

Environmental Index Composite of: - reportable releases to air and water - reportable spills - community reported incidents.

USM&R Strategic Measures ...

that will keep us focused on achieving USM&Rs strategic themes are explained in the graphs and the bulleted text accompanying them.

Total profit earned at Mobil outlets and split between our dealers/whole-sale marketers and Mobil.







Financially Strong
Reward our shareholders by providing a superior longterm return which exceeds that of our peers.
ROCE Income divided by capital employed including all allocations. 12% 8% 7%

Safe & Reliable

Maintain a leadership position in safety while keeping our refineries fully utilized.
USM&R Days Away From Work Manufacturing Reliability Index

On Spec On Time
Provide quality products supported by quality business processes that are on time and done right the first time.
Quality Index Composite of incidents of: - product off spec - order shipped late - business process errors - customer complaints - cost of rework.













Delight the Customer

Understand our consumers needs better than anyone and offer them products and services which exceed their expectations.

Competitive Supplier
Provide product to our terminals at a cost equal to or better than the competitive market maker.

Motivated & Prepared

Develop and value teamwork and the ability to think Mobil, act locally.

Mystery Shopper The Mystery Shopper program rates how well each of our stations is delivering the best buying experience. Our cost to deliver product to the terminal vs. lowest cost provider.

Laid-down Cost Survey of employees to measure how people perceive the Mobil workplace environment.

Climate Survey










Employee Innovations: Mobil Speedpass

Making Strategy Everyones Job

Creating a Climate to Support Strategic Change 1
Create Strategic Awareness

Insure that each individual has sufficient understanding of the strategy (You cant execute what you dont understand) Insure that each individual knows where he or she fits into the overall game plan

2 Align Personal Objectives 3

Align Incentive Compensation

Reinforce desired behavior and increase intensity of awareness

Ultimately, Team and Individual Goals and Objectives Are Aligned to the Strategy
A performance model provides the framework for cascading and aligning personal goals
Customer Example Corporate Parent Customer Satisfaction Customer retention On time delivery First Pass Yield Schedule Adherence Line Availability Schedule adherence Division Financial Example
Corporate Measures Balanced Scorecard Financial
250 225 70 Earnings Net Cash Flow Overhead & Operating Expense

A personal scorecard focuses individuals on the part of the performance model they can impact

Business Unit Measures

1993 1994 1995 1996 Targets 1997 1.

Individual Goals
And Near Term Action Steps

Operating Margin




1996 Targets



120 450 85

160 200 80

180 210 75 Targets

Operating Margin
Variable Costs Period Expenses Variable Costs Mfg Overhead Scrap rate Labor/ Unit

100 100

64 82 110 Overhead & Operating Costs Finding & Development Costs Total Annual Production
(Indexed: 1993=100)



100 100 100

75 97 105

73 93 108

70 90 109

VP of Opns


Plant Manager

Corporate Objectives
Double our value in 10 years. Increase our earnings by an average of 20% a year Achieve an internal rate of return 2% above the cost of capital. Reduce our overhead & operating costs by a further 30% by 1997. Reduce our 5-year average finding & development costs by 20%. Reach the top quartile of industry profitability by 1997. Increase production by 10% by 1997.

Individual Measures
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4.

Shift Supervisor

If we can achieve all these business objectives, we will be a top quartile competitor

Name: Location:


Making Strategy Everyones Job

Creating a Climate to Support Strategic Change 1
Create Strategic Awareness

Insure that each individual has sufficient understanding of the strategy (You cant execute what you dont understand) Insure that each individual knows where he or she fits into the overall game plan

Align Personal Objectives

Align Incentive Compensation

Reinforce desired behavior and increase intensity of awareness

Mobil USM&R Incentive Plan

Poor Average Best-in Industry

Base Pay
Corporate Award (Return-on-Capital, Earnings Growth)




M&R (30%) SBU (70%) Total Pay (% of Market) 91% 98-104% 120% 0 5-8 20

Linking Compensation to the Balanced Scorecard

Experience with successful BSC users indicates that linking the BSC to incentive compensation is essential to success
Executive Perspectives Supported by Research
People got that scorecard out and did the calculations to see how much money they were going to get. We could not have got the same focus on the scorecard if we didnt have the link to pay. Brian Baker, Mobil It would be hard to get people to accept a totally different way of measurement - which the BSC is - if you dont reinforce that change through incentive compensation. Gerry Isom, CIGNA Mercer survey of compensation practices in 214 companies (1999) 88% of responding companies consider the use of balanced scorecard measures linked to reward systems to be effective.

The Principles of a StrategyFocused Organization

Mission / Vision Strategy Maps Balanced Scorecard Targets Initiatives ORGANIZATION ALIGNMENT Corporate Role Corporate - SBU SBU - Shared Services External Partners

CEO Sponsorship Executive Team Engaged New Way of Managing Accountable for Strategy A Performance Culture CONTINUAL PROCESS Linked to Budgeting Linked to Operational Improvements Management Meetings Feedback System Learning Process


EVERYONES JOB Strategic Awareness Goal Alignment Linked Incentives

Making Strategy a Continual Process

Imbed the Strategy in Ongoing Management Processes 1 Integrate Strategy
with Planning and Budgeting

Establish stretch targets; Select initiatives, Align operational improvement programs (TQM, Six Sigma, Activity Based Management); Allocate resources to projects Develop systems for data collection, analysis, and reporting

Introduce the New Reporting System

3 Conduct the New

Management Meeting

Open discussion of performance shortfalls; team problem-solving; adapting and learning

Mobil NAM&R: Setting Targets and Performance Factors

Business Group Variable Pay Opportunity . . . . . .
Variable Pay Percent 20

Performance Factor 1.25 1.20 1.15 1.12 1.09 1.06 1.03

Qualitative BEST IN CLASS Well Above Average

How to think about performance factors: Objective:

Above Average Average

External Benchmark 1.00 means target equals the average of competition 1.25 means target equals the top of the competitive group Subjective: Internal Benchmark 1.00 means the difficulty of the dive is average

1.00 0.90 0.80


Below Average

- 13 -

Achieving Stretch Target Performance May Require

Strategic Initiatives Capital Investments

New Products/Services
New Customers New Regions

New Partners

The Scorecard Process Provides Rigor for Selecting and Managing Initiatives
1 Identify All Potential Candidates for Strategic Initiative Consideration
OFS Projects, Activities, etc. Marketing Projects, Activities, etc. Development Projects, Activities, etc. Other Projects, Activities, etc.

Strategic Thrust(s): Primary Strategic Objective:

2 Screen Candidates to Identify Those That Qualify as Strategic

E-Bill Presentment
Area Strategic Importance Cost Benefit Required for Other Initiatives/Dependencies Time to Implement Overall Score Score


Continue Leadership in Superior Products

Points 8 -2 4 1 -2 9

The killer application X $ $ X # months X



Strategic Thrust(s) and Objectives(s) AC/IR/RC Cont. Leadership in Superior Products

Strategic Importance



Required for Other Initiatives/ Time to Implement Dependencies

Overall Score

Overall Points

3 Select Strategic Initiatives

E-Bill Presentment

Prioritized List of Strategic Initiatives

The Principles of a StrategyFocused Organization

Mission / Vision Strategy Maps Balanced Scorecard Targets Initiatives ORGANIZATION ALIGNMENT Corporate Role Corporate - SBU SBU - Shared Services External Partners

CEO Sponsorship Executive Team Engaged New Way of Managing Accountable for Strategy A Performance Culture CONTINUAL PROCESS Linked to Budgeting Linked to Operational Improvements Management Meetings Feedback System Learning Process


EVERYONES JOB Strategic Awareness Goal Alignment Linked Incentives

Using the BSC to Link Strategy to Operational Management

Activity-Based Costing Cost of Internal Processes Customer Profitability Shareholder Value Explicit Value Proposition Path for Revenue Growth Strategy Quality Programs Link to Customer and Financial Outcomes Identify New Processes; Set Priorities Integrated Strategic Management Approach

BSC Adds to Total Quality Programs

Explicit Causal Links from Operational Improvements to a Customer-Based Value Proposition Explicit Linkages to Productivity Enhancements and Financial Outcomes

Identify Entirely New Processes for Improvement

Set Priorities among Processes to Improve

The Principles of a StrategyFocused Organization

Mission / Vision Strategy Maps Balanced Scorecard Targets Initiatives ORGANIZATION ALIGNMENT Corporate Role Corporate - SBU SBU - Shared Services External Partners

CEO Sponsorship Executive Team Engaged New Way of Managing Accountable for Strategy A Performance Culture CONTINUAL PROCESS Linked to Budgeting Linked to Operational Improvements Management Meetings Feedback System Learning Process


EVERYONES JOB Strategic Awareness Goal Alignment Linked Incentives

Reporting and Feedback: Monthly Scorecard Summary


Maximize Shareholder Value Meet or Exceed Commitments Manage Investment Base Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Service Quality Priority On Safety Reputation, Brand and Trust Profitably Acquire, Retain and Manage Customers
Above target On Track (within limits) Significantly below target Data Not Available


Competitive Price

Internal Processes

Reliability and Cost Excellence

Develop, Acquire and Retain Profitable Supply Positions

Favorably Positioned for Success in a Competitive Environment


Priority on Safety and Environmental Excellence

Effectively Manage Risks

Learning & Growth

Develop, Acquire and Retain Needed Skills

Promote Innovation and Best Practices Sharing

Promote Diversity

Live Co Values (common version)

Regulatory and Legislative Compliance

Effective Strategic Management Is Based Upon a Double Loop Learning Approach

The Strategy
Financial Perspective Customer Perspective

Strategic Feedback That Encourages Learning

Internal Perspective

update the strategy

Learning Perspective

incorporate learning


Strategic Learning Loop

Balanced Scorecard

Strategic Objectives Financially Strong Delight the Consumer Win-Win Relationship Safe & Reliable

Strategic Measures Return of Capital Employed Mystery Shopper Rating Dealer/Pioneer Gross Profit Split Manufacturing Reliability Index Days Away from Work Rate Laid Down Cost vs. Best Competitive Ratable Supply Strategic Competency Availability


Competitive Supplier


Operational Control Loop



Motivated & Prepared

hypotheses about your strategy Assess changes in the environment Identify emerging strategies




Initiatives & Programs


The Principles of a StrategyFocused Organization

Mission / Vision Strategy Maps Balanced Scorecard Targets Initiatives ORGANIZATION ALIGNMENT Corporate Role Corporate - SBU SBU - Shared Services External Partners

CEO Sponsorship Executive Team Engaged New Way of Managing Accountable for Strategy A Performance Culture CONTINUAL PROCESS Linked to Budgeting Linked to Operational Improvements Management Meetings Feedback System Learning Process


EVERYONES JOB Strategic Awareness Goal Alignment Linked Incentives

To Succeed, the Executive Leader Must be Engaged in the Strategic Change Process

Achieve commitment and momentum at the top

Align and focus the organization on change

Breakthrough and Sustain

Institutionalize capabilities and culture required for breakthrough results

The Case for Change

Early Wins

Irreversible Momentum

A successful Balanced Scorecard program is a transformation process not a metrics project.


Middle Management Team: Lack of Senior Management Commitment (Bacon and Eggs Breakfast) Done Only by One or Two Individuals Held at the Top: For Senior Management Only

Too Long a Development Process: Best Becomes the Enemy of the Good
Just Do It! Treating the Balanced Scorecard as a Systems Project Just a checklist for compensation purposes (the 4 Ps)

Typical Balanced Scorecard Project Schedule

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Task 1: Define Strategic Architecture Project Kickoff

Task 2: Draft the Balanced Scorecard Workshop I Task 3: Develop Measures, High Level Targets & Initiatives Workshop II Task 4: Develop Implementation Plan Workshop III

2 Wks

4 Wks

4 Wks

2 Wks

Balanced Scorecard Project Team

BSCol Engagement Officer/ Principal (part-time) Overall project ownership Consultations/pre-presents as needed

Executive Sponsor/ Steering Committee

BSCol Project Leader (full-time)

2 days/week Client Project Leader Executive Leadership Team

BSCol Project Team

Client Core Team Staff knowledgeable of business strategies and organization

1-2 staff 2-3 days/week Briefings with others as needed

3 half- to full-day workshops One 90-minute briefing/ interview Consultations/ pre-presents as needed

1-2 Consultants (full-time)

How are Organizations Doing on the Journey?

A survey of online members of the BSCol: 500 responses; 250 reported, Yes, we have BSC. 50% of these: too early to tell about impact.

Of the 125 who had sufficient experience with the program:

Achieved breakthrough results Some progress No or limited results 15% 64% 21% (n = 19) (n = 80) (n = 26)

What Separates the Winners from the Losers?

Breakthrough Results Executive Team has created a sense of urgency Strategy translated to a strategy map and Balanced Scorecard Corporate/Business Unit measures are linked & aligned Employees are aware of the strategy Individual and team goals are aligned with the strategy The BSC is an integral part of the strategic planning process The budget is driven by the strategy 84% 84% 72% 56% 42% 100% 42% Some Progress 53% 41% 39% 32% 26% 40% 29% No Results 20% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

For further information, visit Our Mission:

To facilitate the worldwide awareness, use, enhancement, and integrity of the Balanced Scorecard as a value-added management process

Conferences Training

Membership Networking

Research Publications

Consulting Certification

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