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Cache Coherence Protocols

in Shared Memory Multiprocessors

Mehmet envar
Cache Coherence Protocols 1


Introduction Background Information

The cache coherence problem Cahce Enforcement Strategies Consistency models

Simple Solutions Hardware Protocols

Snooping protocols Directory-based protocols

Compiler and Software protocols Future work and conclusions

Cache Coherence Protocols 2

The Cache Coherence Problem

Caches allow greater performance by storing frequently used data in faster memory Since all processors share the same address space, it is possible for more than one processor to cache an address (or data item) at a time If one processor updates the data item without informing the other processor, inconsistencies may result and cause incorrect executions

Cache Coherence Protocols

Cache Coherence Problem

Cache Coherence Protocols

Cache Coherence (cont.)

For correct execution, coherence must be enforced between the caches Two major factors are:

performance implementation cost coherence detection strategy coherence enforcement strategy precision of block-sharing information cache block size

Four primary design issues are:

Cache Coherence Protocols

Cache Enforcement Strategies

A cache enforcement strategy is the mechanism which makes caches consistent

write-update (WU) write-invalidate (WI) hybrid protocols, competitive-update (CU)

Performance of WU and WI vary depending on the application and the number of writes Hybrid protocols switch between WU and WI based on the # of writes to a block
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Consistency Models

A consistency model defines how the consistency of data values is maintained Some consistency models are:
sequential consistency weak consistency release consistency

Weak consistency models are more efficient to implement and require fewer coherence messages
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Shared Caches (1)

Processors share a single cache, essentially punting the problem. Useful for very small machines. E.g., DPC in the Encore, Alliant FX/8. Problems are limited cache bandwidth and cache interference Benefits are fine-grain sharing and prefetch effects

Cache Coherence Protocols

Non-cacheable Items (2)

Make shared data non-cacheable One of the simplest software solution Also at hardware, make cache locations unreachable

Cache Coherence Protocols

Broadcast Writes (3)

Every cache write request is sent to all other caches Firstly need to discover whether each cache hold this data Other copies are either updated or invalidated Significant additional memory transactions occur

Cache Coherence Protocols


Hardware Protocols

Snoop Bus Mechanism Directory Based Methods

Full Directory Limited Directory Chained Directory

Cache Coherence Protocols


Snoop Bus Protocol

Snooping protocols rely on a shared bus between the processors for coherence

On a processor write, the write is passed through the cache to main memory on the bus Any processor caching the address may update or invalidate its cache entry as appropriate

Snooping protocols do not scale well beyond 32 processors because of the shared bus The choice between WU, WI, and CU is especially important to reduce communication
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MESI (4-state) Invalidation Protocol

Each line in the cache can be in one of 4 states

Modifed (exclusive) : only in 1 cache, modified Exclusive (unmodified) : only in 1 cache, unmodified Shared (unmodified) Invalid

Cache Coherence Protocols


MESI State Transition Diagram

Cache Coherence Protocols


MESI Example

Cache Coherence Protocols


Directory-Based Protocols

Directory-based protocols do not rely on a shared bus to exchange coherence information (use point-to-point connections)

more scaleable (can have hundreds of processors) each processor can have its own memory implement weak consistency for efficiency

Cache Coherence Protocols


Directory-Based Protocols (cont.)

Each node maintains a directory storing cache information and memory information A processor communicates with the directory to access memory

if a processor requests a non-local memory page, the directory uses its information to find the page Then, it uses messages to retrieve the page and insure all other processors have consistent info. Since the directory maintains which processors are caching the page, it only needs to send messages to those processors
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Directory-Based Protocols (cont.)

Designing a directory requires defining:

cache block granularity cache controller design directory structure

Cache block granularity is the size of the cache and the size of a cache line

CC-NUMA machines have a separate, smaller cache from main memory COMA machines use nodes entire memory as cache for remote pages Block size affects performance (false sharing)
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Directory-Based Protocols (cont.)

Cache controller is hardware that maintains the directory and processes memory requests
custom hardware programmable protocol processor

The directory structure is how the cache and memory information is organized
p+1-bit full directory linked-list directories tagged directories

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Directory Models

Full Directory

Link to all caches for all shared locations

To some caches having shared data, n < N To one chache, form ths cache to others, single/double link

Limited Directory

Chained (linked)Directory

Cache Coherence Protocols


Directory Sample (full)

Cache Coherence Protocols


Lock-Based Protocols

New work that promises to be more scaleable than directory protocols Implements scope consistency which is similar to lazy release consistency Coherence information exchanged by reading and writing notices from the lock which protects the shared memory Currently, implemented in software similar to DSM, but may move to hardware if performance gains can be realized
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Software Protocols

Software protocols enforce consistency with limited hardware support by relying either on the compiler or specialized software handlers Similar to distributed shared memory (DSM) systems but at a lower level
sharing usually in blocks not pages needs to be more efficient for better performance architecture support for sharing

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Classification of Software Protocols

Several criteria distinguish software protocols:

dynamism - compile-time or run-time analysis selectivity - level of coherence actions restrictiveness - conservative or as-needed consistency enforcement adaptivity - can protocol adapt to access patterns granularity - size and structure of coherence data blocking - program block on which coherence is enforced positioning - position of coherence instructions updating - how memory is updated after a write checking - how incoherence is detected
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Software Coherence with Limited Hardware Support

Compiler must generate consistent code as no hardware coherence provided Hardware maintains time tags which are updated on every write On a read, compiler generates coherence reads which check time tags to insure data is consistent Relies on the compiler to detect read which may be inconsistent, and the hardware must maintain these time tags Using tags, it is also possible to perform dynamic selfinvalidation of blocks Many techniques based on using these time tags

Cache Coherence Protocols


Software Coherence with Limited Hardware Support (cont.)

If hardware has no time tags, Petersen and Li developed an algorithm which uses only page translation hardware and page status tables Sharing information is maintained by a software handler at the page-level On a page access or fault, the software handler checks the sharing information, updates page tables, and performs coherence actions Slower than hardware as software handlers involve the OS and are on the critical memory access path
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Enforcing Coherence by Restricting Parallelism

Compilers can also guarantee coherence by structuring the language to limit parallelism

easier to enforce coherence limits the programmer and potential parallelism simplifies compiler design good performance can be achieved with no hardware support

Parallel language restrictions include:

doall parallel loops master/slave processes

Cache Coherence Protocols


Optimizing Compilers

Optimizing compilers are designed to maintain coherence with limited hardware support without overly restricting the programmer

rely on detecting data dependencies may use synchronization variables (locks, barriers) can provide the hardware with hints can detect when coherence is not needed may have problems with dynamic sharing offer good performance, but are hard to design

Cache Coherence Protocols


Future Work

Hardware protocols are well defined, and the directory structure is near optimal Cost improvements can be obtained by mass producing cache controller chips Software protocols are a good area for future research because they are also applicable at higher-levels of sharing (DSM, databases, ...) Optimizing compilers need to be improved to detect data dependencies and optimize code for the parallel environment
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Hardware protocols offer the best performance but require high hardware costs Software protocols can be used when there is no hardware support with a slight performance penalty Optimizing compilers can enforce coherence or provide hints to the hardware A combination of hardware and compiler optimizations is the best

Cache Coherence Protocols


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