AWOutline 2nd 9 Weeks

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Ancient Warfare

2nd 9-weeks

Week 1-3
I. Gallic Invasion from the North
a. Battle of Telamon

II. The Second Punic War

i. Characters
1. Roman: Fabius Maximus, the Scipios, and Cato the Elder
2. Carthaginian: Hamilcar, Hannibal, Mago, and Hasdrubal
ii. The dark days for Rome
1. Battle of the Ticinnus
2. Battle of the Trebbia
3. Battle of Lake Trasimene
4. Battle of Cannae
iii. Archimedes and the Siege of Syracuse
iv. Scipio turns the tide
1. Battle of Ilipa
2. Battle of Zama
Week 4
III. Invasion into Greece
a. Philip V and the Battle of Cynoscephalae

IV. The Third Punic War

a. Cato the Elder and Publius Cornelius Scipio Aemilianus Africanus
b. Changes in the Roman army

V. Marian Reforms
a. The Germanic Invasions
i. Battle of Arausio
ii. Battle of Aquae Sextiae

Week 5
VI. Late Republic
a. Spartacan Revolt and Crassus
b. Julius Caesar
i. Rise of Caesar and the First Triumvirate
ii. The Gallic War
1. Battle of Bibracte
Week 6
VII. Caesar, continued
a. The first invasion of Britain
b. End of the Triumvirate
i. Death of Crassus, Battle of Carrhae
ii. Battle of Pharsalus (Caesar and Pompey)
1. Death of Pompey

Week 7
VIII. Octavian
a. Hunting the assasins, Battle of Philipi (w/Antony)
b. Civil War, the Battle of Actium (vs. Antony and Cleopatra)
i. The Chinese legion
IX. Massacre of the Teutoburg Forest

X. Siege of Masada

Week 8

XI. Rebellion in Britain

a. Boudica’s Revolt
b. Battle of Wattling Street

XII. 3rd Century Crisis

a. Battle of the Milvian Bridge
b. Battle of Andrianople

Week 9
Wrap-Up, Review, and Final Exam

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