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a) Question No 3(a): change the question into State the types of support systems found in any one of the plants above. Nyatakan jenis sistem sokongan yang terdapat pada mana-mana satu tumbuhantumbuhan di atas. Plants Tumbuhan Support system Sistem sokongan : ........................................................................ : ........................................................................

b) Question No 5(a): change Diagram 5.1 to

c) Question No 5(b): change to No 5(a)(iv)

d) Question No 5(a)(iv): - Cancel/ delete Diagram 5.2 (set-up apparatus for digestion of starch) - Change the question to

After 30 minutes, the distilled water in both boiling tubes are tested with Iodine solution and Benedicts solution. The results of the experiment is shown in Table 5. Selepas 30 minit, air suling dalam kedua-dua tabung didih diuji dengan larutan iodin dan larutan Benedict. Keputusan eksperimen adalah seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam Jadual 5.

Boiling tube Tabung didih

Iodine test Ujian Iodin The brown colour of iodine solution remain the same Warna perang larutan iodin tidak berubah The brown colour of iodine solution remain the same Warna perang larutan iodin tidak berubah Table 5 Jadual 5

Benedicts test Ujian Benedict The blue colour of Benedicts solution remain the same. Warna biru larutan Benedict tidak berubah A brick-red precipitate is formed Satu mendakan merah bata terbentuk

Based on the results shown in Table 5, state why there is glucose in boiling tube M after 30 minutes. Berdasarkan keputusan ujikaji dalam Jadual 5, nyatakan mengapa terdapat glukosa di dalam tabung didih M selepas 30 minit. ............................................................................................................................. [1 mark] [1 markah]

e) Question No 5(c): change to no 5(d) - Change Diagram 5.3 to Diagram 5.2 - Change the word Diagram 5.3 to Diagram 5.2 for stem question 5(b) and 5(b)(i)

f) Question No 5(b)(iii): change 5(c)(ii) to 5(b)(ii) g) Question No 5(b)(iv): add this question List the end products of digestion that are absorbed in the small intestine. Senaraikan hasil akhir pencernaan yang diserap di dalam usus kecil. ............................................................................................................................. [1 mark] [1 markah] * SCHEME: Glucose, amino acids, fatty acids and glycerol. END OF ERRATA

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