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MOODLE Learning and Course management system

in a teaching process

Individual consultation s Course materials

Communicatio n and Teacher feedback

Calendar events

Grades and Attendance

What is MOODLE ? Why Use MOODLE?

What is MOODLE ?
Moodle is a free open source software package for producing Internet-based courses. Modular, Object-Oriented, Dynamic Learning Environment


Moodle features:
Easy management of course participants Easy tracking the attendance and calendar events Support Grade book and auto calculation of grades Support Collaboration and Communication


Moodle activities and resources:
Support activities: Assignment, Quiz, Forum, Lesson Support resources: Files and directories

MOODLE benefits
For students: Support login any time, anywhere Support different learning and teaching style. Support collaboration and communication

MOODLE benefits
For instructors: Easy management of the course materials Flexibility with time. Efficiency

Individual consultation s

Communicatio n and Teacher feedback

Easy Easy eEasymonitor taking Easysetting Onlineand attendance mail creating, all office notification. and Grade hours. upcoming editing, Giveevents a Q &book.and time any A at control for considered time. Auto distribution calculation of response. totals
Grades and Attendance

Course materials

Calendar events

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