Bare Conf

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Bare Demo of IEEEtran.

cls for Conferences

Michael Shell Homer Simpson James Kirk
Twentieth Century Fox School of Electrical and and Montgomery Scott Springeld, USA Computer Engineering Stareet Academy Email: San Francisco, California 96678-2391 Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, Georgia 303320250 Telephone: (800) 5551212 Email: Fax: (888) 5551212

AbstractThe abstract goes here.

I. I NTRODUCTION This demo le is intended to serve as a starter le for A IEEE conference papers produced under LTEX using IEEEtran.cls version 1.7 and later. I wish you the best of success. mds January 11, 2007 A. Subsection Heading Here Subsection text here. 1) Subsubsection Heading Here: Subsubsection text here. II. C ONCLUSION The conclusion goes here. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank... R EFERENCES
A [1] H. Kopka and P. W. Daly, A Guide to LTEX, 3rd ed. Addison-Wesley, 1999.

Harlow, England:

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