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Project submitted on


In partial fulfillment of the Course-Dissertation Programme in Semester IV of the Master of Business Administration (July 2010 2012)

Under the Guidance of

Dr.Satish Kumar R
Prepared by: Name: Koppuravuri Bharat Reg No: 10SBCM0022


Bangalore Master of Business Administration


This is to declare that the report entitled A STUDY ON THE CONSUMER BEHAVIOR IN PURCHASING A SMARTPHONE is prepared for the partial fulfillment of the Dissertation course in Semester IV (July 2010 -2012) of the Master of Business Administration by me under the guidance of Dr. Satish Kumar R. I confirm that this dissertation truly represents my work. This work is not a replication of work done previously by any other person. I also confirm that the contents of the report and the views contained therein have been discussed and deliberated with the Faculty Guide.

Signature of the Student

Name of the Student (in Capital Letters)


Registration No


Bangalore Master of Business Administration


This is to certify that Mr. KOPPURAVURI BHARAT Regn. No. 10SBCM0022 has completed the dissertation titled A STUDY ON THE CONSUMER BEHAVIOR IN PURCHASING A SMARTPHONE under my guidance for the partial fulfillment of the Dissertation course in Semester IV of the Master of Business Administration (July. 2010 2012).

Signature of Faculty Guide:

Name of the Faculty Guide: Dr. Satish Kumar R.


It is with a great sense of accomplishment that I present this project. The satisfaction, successful completion of this task would be incomplete without acknowledging the people who made it possible. I would take this opportunity to express my gratitude Dr. Satish Kumar R for allowing me to work under his guidance who encouraged with his inspiration and his great efforts to explain things clearly and simply. He has provided valuable inputs to build up this report and has also been a constant support through his sound advice, good teaching and great ideas. It was a great learning experience as he has helped in enhancing knowledge in more than one way.

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