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Reflection on Counseling Experience COUN 541 Stephanie Graupmann Counselor: Lynn Moore, PhD Licensed Psychologist Phone number:

503-781-2275 Dates of sessions:

October 14 October 20 October 27 November 3 November 11 November 19 December 3

When I considered the assignment to attend counseling sessions in order to reflect upon them, I debated within myself. Should I use the experiences I had so recently had with a therapist six months before, or should I see a new counselor while attending counseling classes? Financial concerns were outweighed by curiosity and the learning experiences I was sure to have. In fact, this experience has been educational not just for the class and my future profession, but personally, as well. I continue to see this new therapist as I write this paper. In the initial search for a counselor, I found that even this was educational from a clients perspective! I was looking for a professional who: specialized in theories other than my previous experience (cognitive behaviorism), would work with my limited student budget, and had years of experience and expertise from which to draw. I found myself looking up quite a few counselors who had been recommended by friends or from the lists provided by graduate courses. Some had websites, others I spoke with on the phone. I found many qualified counselors, yet I was sure Id found a good fit when I spoke with Dr. Lynn Moore on the phone. She was polite but very thorough in her answers, and made me feel at ease in setting up an initial interview to see if wed be a good fit. I appreciated this willingness to give up an hour of her time, and lessened the pressure I felt. She even assured me that she wouldnt charge me for the visit if we decided not to work together. Dr. Moore also communicated small, but important, details such as directions to the building, parking, and paperwork (which she faxed to me ahead of the appointment). On the day of the initial appointment, I arrived early. The office, shared with several other psychologists, is within a historical building and everything was impeccably decorated. The waiting room was

decorated in muted colors and featured furniture one could sink down into; the overall effect was very peaceful and soothing (but perhaps a little too much like my grandmothers living room?). There were quite a few magazines fanned out on a table, but I found only Gourmet and Oprah. I happened to walk in with another client, which was fortunate because she was able to point out the bathroom down the hall and the switch I needed to flip in order to signal my arrival. After a few moments, Dr. Moore glided into the room, held out her hand, and quietly introduced herself. Her unassuming manner was somehow comforting. She then led me back to her office. The office itself was spacious, warm, and comfortable. Dr. Moore indicated where she sits, so the client can choose the space where they feel most comfortable. The next fifteen minutes or so were spent discussing fees (both her regular rate and the discount she was extending for ten sessions), scheduling, and discussing the paperwork. I chose to disclose that I was completing the assignment, which she is fully aware of, but also let her know that I had sincere work to do on a personal level, as well. She shared her theoretical perspective (which I didnt grasp in that first session), and talked about how she perceives the counseling relationship to work. The rest of the session was devoted to discussing the issues I was struggling with, as well as to forming a few specific goals. Dr. Moore listened empathically, with much nodding and occasionally leaning in. From time to time, she would put her hand up to indicate that she would like to respectfully ask a clarifying question. Toward the end of the session, she interrupted me to say that we only had five minutes left and she wanted us to wrap up. Dr. Moore then summarized what Id said, agreed with two specific goals, and suggested one other. This last suggestion floored me, as she had clearly listened and understood me (in a way I had not experienced in a year of counseling previously). Thus, when she asked if Id like to continue

meeting, I was happy to agree! She confirmed that she felt we could work together well. Since then, I have met with Dr. Moore six more times. She has been gracious in scheduling a different appointment time when the original time became a conflict with my class schedule. She also gives me the impression of a high degree of professionalism, without being cold or distant (with the exception of initial greetings and closure, when she seems determined to get right to work or move on). I appreciate her willingness to let me lead the direction of our discussion that day, but also her ability to remind me of our shared goals as we talk. Occasionally, though, Im not sure how to begin and we can sit in silence for some time; I would like some question or prompt from time to time. Dr. Moores ability to discern patterns and transference- and how she presents her insights to me- may well be the greatest educational piece I am gaining from her. I have quite literally been blown away by the insight I have gained from a point she has made, which has caused me to reframe my thinking (this did not happen in my previous experience in counseling, either- unless they were self-revelations). For exampleand speaking abstractly- I had been struggling with a relationship with two people and she spoke of them as symbolizing two parts of myself. This was not only true on a symbolic level in my self perception, but has helped me to gain perspective in realistically dealing with the two people in question. I actually thanked Dr. Moore for this; I hope when I am a counselor I will be able to understand my clients worlds in such a way that I could see such symbols and patterns! Furthermore, I appreciate when she points out an example of things I struggle with. She confronts me in a respectful manner and allows me to decide if I agree that some phrase or behavior is working or part of a pattern on which weve been working. I may be generally aware of certain patterns, but when she points out concrete examples, it helps me to perceive them on my own. When my perspective does shift and I begin to choose

differently, Dr. Moore is good about praising me; this positive encouragement has fueled my desire to continue to visit with her week after week. Finally, Dr. Moore has used multiple techniques in our work towards achieving the goals weve set. As I have taken counseling classes and learned of various techniques, Ive identified techniques shes used with me in action. It is education in practice, and all the more powerful because it has helped me in a profoundly personal way! In the session before this paper was due, I asked Dr. Moore to identify her personal theory and perspective. She asked me if Id like to speculate. I told her that I thought her style was primarily Adlerian, with a strong emphasis on person centered practice. She nodded and agreed that she sees herself as drawing mostly from the psychodynamic field, but that she likes to apply techniques from many other theories. She thought my comment on her humanistic leaning was a compliment to her expression of empathy. She also suggested that all counselors combine approaches and not stick to any one theory alone, as every client is unique and has different needs. I have heard many students in class say that their counselor disclosed too much of themselves or were otherwise inappropriate. I can say that my previous counselor gave me some concern, as well (including excusing herself in the middle of a session to get coffee or turn off her cell phone, or yawning numerous times quite conspicuously while I talked). While I am not stating my current counselor is perfect, I would say this experience has been a very positive one for me. Perhaps it is her expertise, perhaps we are just a good fit. Regardless, I have learned a good deal, both personally and professionally, from this exercise, and I look forward to working with Dr. Moore for the last few sessions we have together.

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