MySQL Function

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SQL Function BIT_LENGTH (expression) CAST (value AS data type)

Table 10-1: Standard SQL2 Functions Description Returns the length of the expression, usually string, in bits. Converts supplied value from one data type into another compatible data type. Returns the length of the expression, usually string, in characters. Returns string converted according to the rules specified in the conversion parameter. Returns current date of the system. Returns current time of the system, of the specified precision. Returns current time and the current date of the system, of the specified precision. Extracts specified named part of the expression. Converts character string from uppercase (or mixed case) into lowercase letters. Returns the length of the expression in bytes (each byte containing 8 bits). Returns position of the char expression in the source. Returns the string part of a string expression, from the start position up to specified length. Returns string translated into another string according to specified rules.

CHAR_LENGTH (expression) CONVERT (expression USING conversion) CURRENT_DATE CURRENT_TIME (precision) CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (precision) EXTRACT (part FROM expression) LOWER (expression) OCTET_LENGTH (expression) POSITION (char expression IN source) SUBSTRING (string expression, start, length) TRANSLATE (string expression USING translation rule)

TRIM(LEADING | TRAILING | Returns string from a string expression where leading, BOTH char expression FROM string trailing, or both char expression characters are removed. expression) UPPER (expression) Converts character string from lowercase (or mixed case) into uppercase letters.

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