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1. State Newtons first, second and third laws. 2. Parallelogram Law, Triangle Law, Polygon Law of forces. 3. Concurrent force, Parallel force, Coplanar force. 4. Equations of equilibrium for a system of Concurrent force. 5. Moment equations of equilibrium. 6. Rigid body, Particle, Principle of transmissibility of a force. 7. Types of Supports, free body diagram. 8. Equilibrium of a body. 9. Varignons principle. 10.Lamis theorem 11.Determine the horizontal force and a force inclined at an angle of 60 degree with the vertical whose resultant equals a vertical force F. 12.The greatest and least resultant of two forces acting on a body is 35KN and 5KN respectively. Determine the magnitude of the forces. What would be the angle between these forces if the magnitude of the resultant is stated to be 25KN? 13.Find the resultant of forces 2, root2, 5, root3 and 3 N that act at an angular point of a regular hexagon towards the other angular points taken in order. 14.Calculate the tension force in the cables AB and BC as shown in figure. Presume the pulleys to be frictionless.

15. Three forces of 2P, 3P, 4P act along the three sides of an equilateral triangle of side 100 mm taken in order. Find the magnitude and position of the resultant of the force.

1. Determinetheforcesinallthemembersofatrusswiththeloadingandsupportsystem showninfigure.

2. Determinethereactionandtheforcesineachmemberofasimpletriangletruss supportingtwoloadsasshowninfigure.

3. Atrussofspan9misloadedasshowninfig.findthereactionsandforcesinthe memberoftruss.

4. Determinetheforcesinallthemembersofacantilevertrussshowninfig.

5. Determinetheforcesintrussshown,whichcarriesahorizontalloadof12kNanda verticalloadof18kN.

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