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THE SAN BERNARDINO STRAIT STORY In the Visaya lies the San Bernardino Strait, dividing the towns

of Allen and Matnog. A woman named Inday lived in the town of Matnog, while her boyfriend, Greg, lived on the opposite bank, in the town of Allen. Inday and Greg were very much in love with each other, and inspite of the distance between their places, would see each other as often as possible, passing through the bridge that stretches across the San Bernardino Strait. Unfortunately, one weekend a very strong thunderstorm struck, and the bridge was destroyed and washed away by the strong and rain. Time passed, and although Inday and Greg still wanted to see each other, they had no way of doing so. Land transportation was cut off and the only means of getting across was through a lone boat, which because it was the only means of transportation, was always full. Three months had passed, and there was no word from Greg. In the meantime, Inday was starting to hear rumors that her best friend, Lulay who also happened to live in the town of Allen was getting close and spending a lot of time with Greg. Understandbly, she was getting worried, and wanted to get to the town of Allen as soon as possible. Inday tried to get reservations in the lone boat that goes to the town of Allen, only to be told that the boat was fully booked till the next two months. Desperate, she decided to see the captain of the boat, Captain Santos. She explained her situation to Capt. Santos, and asked if she could in a way get into the boat and go to the town of Allen. Capt. Santos thought for a moment and then replied, Sure, you can ride the boat but under one condition. You have to stay with me in my cabin, as it is the only available space in the boat. This starlted Inday, and could not give an answer, and merely said that she would be back. She wandered along thinking of her situation, until she came upon one of her friends, Rosa. Inday narrated to Rosa her situation (her desire to see Greg and Captain Santos response). In turn, Rosa responded, Inday, dont bother me. I have my own problems. I dont care what happens. Inday walked on, until she came upon another friend, Nena, who after she informed of her predicament, responded, Ay naku, Inday! If you do that you will never be my friend anymore! A despondent Inday, her options exhausted, finally decided to go back to Captain Santos. She decided to stay in his cabin for the night. Inday sailed across the Strait and soon saw her beloved Greg. After spending a few delightful hours together, Inday felt compelled to tell Greg how she got to the town of Allen. After she had related the story, Greg completely blew up, and said, What? You did that? Thats it its over just forget about our relationship. I dont want to have anything to do with you anymore get out of my life! Distraught, Inday wandered off. She came upon her cousin, Bruno, a muscled, macho man, with little brains. Borrowing his shoulder to shed her tears, Inday related her story to Bruno. Bruno then went looking for Greg (with Inday close behind), found him, and started to beat him up. In the background, Inday could be seen smiling. And that is the end of the story.

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