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Candida albicans main strain normal part of bowel flora Yeast inhabits digestive system mouth, throat, intestines & genitourinary tract Function is to recognise & destroy harmful bacteria Is kept under control by the immune system & friendly bacteria such as Lactobacillus acidophilus, B bifidum, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, S thermophilus & L salivarius Bacteria are killed by antibiotics which are also in the food we eat If out of control it becomes a mycelial fungal form Candida is a non invasive, sugar fermenting yeast but in its fungal state it is invasive & can produce rhizoids which penetrate mucosa or intestinal walls, leaving microscopic holes & allowing toxins, undigested food particles & bacteria & yeast to enter the blood stream this is known as Leaky Gut Syndrome Symptoms Developing new allergies with age Fibro myalgia Always tired Poor digestion Gas bloating Heartburn Sugar cravings Irritable bowel syndrome Colitis Arthritis like symptoms Frequent headaches Poor memory Eczema Fogged in feeling Menstrual difficulties Prostatitis Skin rash Feeling miserable in general Urinary tract infections Infertility Psoriasis Hay fever Postnasal drip Habitual coughing Penis infection Sore throat Athletes foot Cold extremities Alzheimers Catch colds easily Recurring depression Vagina infections Dizziness Foods To Avoid Sugar Aspartame MSG Milk Honey Coffee Chocolate Margarine Food additives Refined oils Baking powder Water containing chlorine Hard & dry bovine milk cheese Junk foods Fried foods Smoked foods Alcohol drinks Sweet fruit & nuts until cured Carrots until cured Corn syrup Foods/Supplements To Heal Vegetable juices Vegetables baked, broiled, steamed Flaxseed oil Colloidal minerals Seaweed & seaweed teas Unrefined sea salt

Herbal Remedies Probiotics Homeostatic soil organisms Grapefruit kernel powder & extract Grapefruit cream & spray for skin/genital infections Olive leave extract Cloves powder Black walnut green hull tincture Wormwood powder in capsules Cayenne pepper

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