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PHYSICAL EDUCATION - I Quarter 1 General Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of personal health and fitness in developing individual

wellness for quality life.

Quarter 1 : Physical Fitness

Topic: Time Frame: 8-10 hours Components and importance of physical fitness Physical Fitness Tests Physical activity Fitness planning Stage 1 Content Standard: Performance Standard: Learner demonstrates understanding of the concept and The learner plans for physical activities to improve and sustain principles of physical fitness to improve oneself. the desired level of physical fitness. Essential Understanding(s): Essential Question(s): Why is it important to be physically fit? Sustaining the desired level of physical fitness is a personal responsibility of the individual. How can one improve and sustain the desired level of physical fitness? Learner will know: Learner will be able to: Sub-topic 1 the importance of physical fitness how to be a physically fit person the components of physical fitness Sub-topic 2 physical fitness tests and their importance how to analyze the results of physical fitness tests how to use the results of physical fitness tests Sub-topic 3 importance of physical activity how to choose appropriate physical activities 2 explain the importance to physical fitness through creative ways value being physically fit explain the differences of each component of physical fitness perform physical fitness tests interpret physical fitness test results use the results of physical fitness tests in designing a personal fitness plan set goals design a personal fitness plan

how to set goals the principles of a fitness plan how to design a personal fitness plan Product or Performance Task: Appropriate personal fitness plan

critique a fitness plan implement/perform the personal fitness plan Stage 2 Evidence at the level of understanding Learners should be able to demonstrate understanding using the six (6) facets: EXPLANATION Explain ones understanding of physical fitness and its importance in improving oneself Criteria for assessment: Clear Comprehensive Evidence at the level of performance Assessment of the appropriateness of the personal fitness plan using the following criteria: Completeness of the plan Relevance to needs Doability

INTERPRETATION Describe a physically fit individual. Interpret performance result of physical fitness test through graphical representation. Criteria for assessment: Accurate Clear

APPLICATION Apply the principles of physical fitness 3

in preparing a personal fitness plan. Criteria for assessment: Responsive Comprehensive

PERSPECTIVE Analyze the bases of an ideal/desired level of fitness Criteria for assessment Critical Accurate

EMPATHY Express your feelings about an elderly person who has managed to keep himself/herself fit Criteria for Assessment Truthful Sensitive

SELF KNOWLEDGE Set personal goals and identifying appropriate physical activities Assess personal level of fitness Criteria for assessment 4

Teaching-Learning Sequence:

Realistic Responsive Stage 3

Sub-topic 1: Components of Physical Fitness A. EXPLORE In this phase, learners are provided with activities that will allow reflection on their fitness habits and realization on the importance of physical fitness. The personal fitness plan shall be presented as the evidence of learning for this topic which will be assessed based on the criteria: completeness, doability and relevance Activity : Reflecting on ones fitness habits Fitness Survey 1. Let learners reflect on the physical activities they participate in. 2. Using the ready-made survey questionnaire, ask learners to complete this form in order to learn more about their fitness habits:
Always Do you participate in fun games? Do you participate in ballroom dancing? Do you do bike? Do you participate in hiking or mountain climbing? Do you do brisk walking? Do you engage in hip hop dancing? Do you engage in aerobics? Do you exercise just for fun? Do you participate in sports? Sometime s Never

Do you participate in sports that you can enjoy as you age?

3. Ask these questions: o How do you feel about the physical activities you are engaged in? o What influences the choice of your physical activities? o How would you assess your level of participation in the physical activities you are into? o What do these activities require of you? o What challenges do you encounter in performing/doing the activities? o How do these activities affect you and your lifestyle? o How do you benefit from engaging in these activities? Activity 2: Introducing the topic and the expectations from the learners EQ Puzzle Game 1. Divide the class into three groups: F group; I group; and T group. 2. Ask the groups to respond to the puzzle question;

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(Why is physical fitness important?) 3. Let the groups list down as many answers (words/phrases) as they can. Ask someone from the group to report or present the output of the group. 4. Have students present the result of their discussion. Come to a shared understanding of what a physically fit person is and 6

emphasize the importance of being one.

B. FIRM UP In this phase, learners are presented with theoretical inputs on the topic to check their understanding of the Components of Physical Fitness. Activity: Analyzing the different components of physical fitness Question-and-Answer Game 1. Distribute a piece of paper to each learner. Ask the learner to write down questions about the components of physical fitness that they want to be clarified about. All questions will be placed in a jar. 2. Ask learners to form a circle. Ask each learner to pick one question to be answered by him/her or thrown to those who wish to respond. 3. Facilitate the discussion of the answer. PowerPoint Presentation 1. Deliver a presentation or a lecturette on the Components of Physical Fitness. Outline of Presentation Physical fitness and its importance The components of physical fitness o Skill-related fitness o Health-related fitness Activity: Checking for Understanding 1. Pose questions or provide performance tasks to learners to check for understanding (refer to the Six Facets). The results of this formative assessment are not used for grading but as basis for firming up understanding.

C. DEEPEN In this phase, learners are to reinforce and enhance their understanding of activities that are appropriate and responsive to the different fitness components. Learners will also reflect on how they perform in the given task.

Activity: Identifying appropriate activities to enhance components of fitness 1. Divide the class into two groups. Assign which group will work on skill-related fitness and health-elated fitness. 2. Instruct each group to set up five stations with an activity per station. The activities must respond to the fitness component areas. 3. Ask the groups to provide task card for each station reflecting the mechanics of the activity. 4. At the end of the activity, allow time to discuss how each activity develops the fitness component it represents. Assess the activity and the performance of the learners.


Station Animal Walk Station 5 Skill Related Fitness Station 4 Station 2 Station 5

Station 1 Walking on the Bench Station 2 Health Related Fitness Station 4 Station 3

Station 3

Activity: Checking for Understanding 1. Pose questions or provide performance tasks to learners to check for understanding (refer to the Six Facets).

D. TRANSFER In this phase, learners demonstrate their understanding of the relationship of the different fitness components using a creative presentation. Activity: Describing relationships between the different fitness components and ones fitness 1. Divide the class into groups of ten. 2. Each group will come up with a creative representation of the relationship between the different components of physical fitness to ones health using their bodies. Explanation may be oral or written. 3. The outputs will be rated based on the following criteria: originality, clarity of the message, creativity, etc. 4. As an assignment, instruct the students to gather information about the different physical fitness tests: mechanics, equipment, facility requirement and the scoring procedures. Teaching-Learning Sequence: Sub-topic 2: Physical Fitness Tests A. EXPLORE In this phase, learners are introduced to activities that will enhance/develop the pre-requisite skill in performing the tests, the different physical fitness tests, and how to analyze and use the results. Learners will also identify strengths and weaknesses and draw insights from the results of their testing experience.

Activity 1: Developing/Enhancing pre-requisite skills Follow the Leader 1. Remind learners about the wearing of appropriate clothing including a comfortable pair of shoes in doing the physical activities and the tests. 2. Introduce the game called, Follow the Leader. a. The class will work in pairs. Assign the leader and the follower. The leader will stay at the back of the follower while he/she is being blindfolded. The leader will tap the right or left shoulder/upper back/back of the head of the follower for him/her to execute the corresponding movement. Make sure that the leaders will keep their followers from bumping each other. Leader Tap the right shoulder Tap the left shoulder Tap upper back Tap the back of the head . Follower Turn right Turn left Walk straight Stop

3. After the game, gather the class to conduct assessment of the activity. Emphasize with the learners that this is an activity on following directions/instructions. In taking physical fitness tests, following instructions/procedures properly is necessary to ensure correct and valid result. Activity 2. Knowing the test Test Interpretation 1. Divide the class into small groups (number of groups should correspond to the tests). 2. Let the learners/groups decide what test they will be discussing. After arriving at a decision, distribute task cards containing the importance of the test, testing protocols, procedures/mechanics, equipment and facility requirement. 3. Each group will study and discuss the chosen test for presentation before the class. The presentation must include 10

demonstration of the test. 4. Facilitate the discussion of the test and ensure that procedures are followed strictly and properly. B. FIRM UP In this phase, learners are introduced to the tests and their purpose/importance, equipment, facility requirement, testing protocols and scoring of the tests to prepare them for the different tests. Activity 1: Performing the physical fitness tests 1. Set up stations for the physical fitness tests. Each station should post with the testing procedures and scoring system. Make sure that the order of the tests will not affect the performance of the learners. If tests are to be administered for two days, consider dividing them according to their difficulty level and physical requirement. 2. Instruct learners to do their warm-up activities to prepare the muscles of the body for a more complicated activity. The exercise should focus on the muscles or part(s) of the body which will be used during the tests. Ask someone to lead the exercise. 3. The class may be divided into 4 to 5 groups. All learners must bring with them their fitness record cards to document the result. Each group shall be given a starting station. At a signal, all groups will be performing the tests simultaneously. The groups will move at once to the next station at a given period, provided that all members are done with the tests. Ensure that group leaders are monitoring the members if they are following the testing procedures and scoring system. Emphasize to the learners the value of honesty and accuracy in their recording. Note: In the absence of a physical fitness test manual, the teacher may use any Physical Fitness book, or access the Internet, etc. Activity 2: Checking for Understanding 1. Illustrate a physical fitness testing station showing the facilities and equipment of the different test. The results of this formative assessment are not used for grading but as basis for firming up understanding. 11

C. DEEPEN In this phase, learners are provided with activities that will require them to analyze and interpret test results, reflect on their performance on the tests and draw insights from the results. Activity 1: Analyzing and interpreting test results 1. Tell learners to secure their score cards and accomplish them correctly using the scoring system. 2. Post on the board two sheets of manila paper showing the following data: Flexibility (Zipper Test) Tony 5 cm Cesar Remarks Happy Health-related fitness Cardiovascular Endurance ( 3 minute step test) Tony 190 pulse rate 120 pulse rate Remark Needs improvement Maintain Etc.

did not Needs Cesar touch improvement

Skill-related fitness Coordination (Paper Juggling) Tony 10 hits Cesar 15 hits Remarks Needs improvement Maintain Balance (Stork Balance Stand) Tony 2 mins 30 sec Cesar 5 mins Remark Maintain Maintain Etc.

3. Each learner will complete the form to indicate how he/she feels about his/her performance. Let learners decide how they will describe their feelings, whether in writing, or through music, acting, drawing, etc. 4. After the form has been accomplished by the class, ask them to reflect on the outcome of (or their performance on each


test) each test. 5. Let them identify three fitness areas that they need to maintain and three fitness areas that they need to work on or improve further. Activity 2: Drawing of insights 1. Introduce a creative activity (game, dance, song/rap, etc) that will require learners to draw their insights from their performance in the activity. 2. Prepare a non-traditional assessment strategy/method to assess insights presented. Activity 3: Checking for Understanding 1. Interpret own performance result in physical fitness test through graphical representation. This is a summative assessment and the results of this can be used as a basis for grading. D. TRANSFER In this phase, learners shall reflect on the fitness components that need improvement and identify the desired level that they have to achieve. Activity 1: Identifying the desired fitness level My Target 1. Instruct learners to use the results of their performance on the tests in identifying the desired score for the three fitness components that they intend to improve. Example: Tony Fitness Component 1. Cardio Vascular Endurance 2. Balance 3. Power Present Score 190 pulse rate 2 mins 30 sec 13 Target Score 120 pulse rate 5 minutes or even better -

Teaching-Learning Sequence: Sub-topic 3: Physical Activity A. EXPLORE In this phase, learners are introduced to the concept of physical activity using their experience. Activity: Activating prior knowledge Group Dynamics 1. Let the class form one big circle. Assign one or two learners to publish the answers on the board. 2. At a signal, a learner will start telling the group a physical activity that he/she is fond of doing. Make sure that answers will not be repeated. A learner who misses or fails to share an activity sits down or stays out of the circle or takes over the tasks of publishing answers on the board so that those assigned to do this can participate in the activity. This continues until learners run out of activities to share. 3. At the end of the activity, make a tally of those who do the activities. Example: watching television 20 malling 8 playing with the computer 11 going to the disco/party 5 4. Ask the following questions: Why do you do these activities? What do you like about them? What influences your choice of these activities? How often do you do each activity? What benefits do you derive from engaging in these activities? How long do you intend to engage in these activities? B. FIRM UP In this phase, learners are introduced to what physical activity is and the Pyramid of Physical Activity to guide them in identifying appropriate activities to be undertaken.


Activity: Understanding physical activity Word Association 1. Provide learners with meta-strips. Tell them to write a word or phrase that can be associated with the term, PHYSICAL ACTIVITY. 2. Encourage learners to participate and post their meta-strips on the board. 3. On a separate meta-strip, let each learner write a statement that will describe PHYSICAL ACTIVITY. These statements will be shared with the class afterwards. 4. Summarize all the statements by the class to form a definition. My Own Pyramid 1. Ask each learner to draw on a bond paper a triangle divided in three parts. See illustration.


Give the following instructions: o For the bottom part, let the learner identify and write the physical activity/ies that he/she often does in a week. o For the middle part, let the learner identify and write the physical activity/ies that he/she seldom does in a week. o For the upper part, let the learner identify and write the physical activity/ies that he/she does once a week.


Pyramid of Physical Activity

3. After the activity, show the illustration of the Pyramid of Physical Activity or distribute to each learner a copy of the pyramid. 4. Ask them to compare their physical activities vis-a-vis the pyramid. Let them share their thoughts and realization with the class. Activity 2: Goal Setting 1. Ask the class what they intend to do with their realizations? Connect these intentions to goals. 2. Have a lecturette on goal setting: o What makes a good goal? (Characteristics of a good goal) o How to formulate clear fitness goal/s? Activity 3: Checking for Understanding 1. Enumerate at least 5 intentions as regards ones performance. The results of this formative assessment are not bases for grading but for firming up understanding. C. DEEPEN In this phase, learners are provided with an activity that will facilitate the designing of a fitness plan in consideration of the fitness goals and appropriateness of the activities to be undertaken.


Activity: Understanding the principles of a fitness plan Designing a Fitness Plan 1. Conduct a discussion on the following: Explain to learners what a fitness plan is. Show samples of fitness plans Have learners explain the importance of a fitness plan. Explain the principles and mechanics in designing a fitness plan.

2. Divide the class into groups of 8-10. 3. Create and present to the class an imaginary person with distinct physical characteristics and limitations (e.g., a middle aged female teacher who is suffering from osteoporosis) 4. Identify objectives or goal for the imaginary person. 5. Ask the class to identify the physical activities to be undertaken by the person and in response to the following questions: (F) Frequency (I) Intensity (T) Time (T) Type How often will you do the activity? How hard/intense will you perform the activity? How long will you do the activity? What type of activity will you perform?

6. Have the groups consolidate the responses and report to class the plan Activity 2: Checking for Understanding 1. Set personal goals applying the principles of a plan and physical activity. Learners can be rated using the criteria, realistic and responsive. OR 2. Learners should be able to explain creatively these questions. a. Why is it important to be physically fit? b. How can one improve and sustain the desired level of physical fitness? 17

D. TRANSFER In this phase, learners will design a personal fitness plan to address fitness areas to be improved and to provide basis for his/her lifetime activity. Activity: Designing appropriate personal fitness plan My Fitness Plan 1. Given a time frame, let learners execute/implement their individual fitness plans. 2. Gather insights from learners with regard to the implementation of their fitness plans. 3. Reiterate to learners the need for continuous and regular participation in appropriate physical activities to attain the desired level of fitness. 4. Ask learners to further improve their individual fitness plans in order to fully develop all the components of physical fitness and to provide basis for their lifetime activity. Product Assessment 1. Introduce an activity to assess the product (i.e. the individual fitness plan) through peer and self assessment. Assess against the performance standard 2. Allow for learners to reflect on the plan, the process of doing it, and the value of doing and implementing it . Note: Conduct the same test at the end of the school year and see how one improves in his/her performance or achieves the desired level of fitness.

Resources (Web sites, Software, etc.) MAPEH Book PFT Manual Sample Fitness Plan Materials/Equipment Needed: Illustrations Meta strips Survey Questionnaire 18

Jar Tailors Tape Measure Weighing Scale Tape Measure Stopwatch Whistle Meter Stick Ball 2 Pieces Short Bond Paper


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