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CSF examination

1. India ink Positive

:CSF India ink preparation

(indication) : Cryptococcal meningitis

1.) Negative ()
2.) Positive ()
(methodology) : India ink staining
( interference ) : clot

2. CSF protein
:CSF Total protein

(indication) : CSF
Cell count and differential count
- CNS infection viral meningitis, bacterial meningitis,
cryptococcal meningitis, TB meningitis neurosyphilis
- Brain abscess
- CNS Lymphoma
- Leukemia or other cancer involving CNS
- Autoimmune diseases SLE, GBS, CIDP, MS
- Hydrocephalus

: mg/dl (reference
value) 15-45 mg/dl
(methodology) : Colorimetric (Pyrogallol red)
( interference ) :
hemolysis clot

3. CSF sugar
:CSF Sugar

(indication) :
CSF Cell count and differential
- CNS infection viral meningitis, bacterial meningitis,
cryptococcal meningitis, TB meningitis neurosyphilis
- Brain abscess
- CNS Lymphoma
- Leukemia or other cancer involving CNS
- Autoimmune diseases SLE, GBS, CIDP, MS
- Hydrocephalus
: mg/dl (reference
value) 60-75 mg/dl 2 3
(methodology) : Enzymatic
( interference ) :
hemolysis clot

4. CSF Cryptococcal Ag Positive titer > 10,000

:CSF Cryptococcal Ag

(indication): Cryptococcal meningitis

1.) Negative ()
2.) Positive ()
(methodology): Latex agglutination
( interference )
1.) CSF Bacterial contamination
2.) Sodium azide false positive

5. CSF AFB stain


(indication): TB meningitis
1.)NO AFB observed (No AFB per 100 fields)
2.) 1-9 AFB per 100 fields ()
3.) AFB 1+ (10-99 AFB per 100 fields)
4.) AFB 2+ (1-10 AFB per field in 50 fields)
5.) AFB 1+ (more than 10 AFB per field in 20 fields)

(methodology): Cytocentrifuge and modified AFB


6.CSF gram stain

:CSF Gram stain

(indication): CNS infection bacteria

1. Slide preparation : Cytocentrifuge
2. Gram staining

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