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Analysis For Advert

I have asked 3 members from my media class to analyse my advert to help me get feedback to know how I can improve and make things better next time. Is my advert suitable for my perfume product? 1- Yes, it clearly displays the perfume bottle 2- Yes it is suitable 3- Yes it is suitable as you are able to easily indentify it is a perfume advert. What do you think of the fonts used? 1- I like the fonts used because they look elegant 2- The fonts make the advert look more upper class 3- I like the fonts but some people may find it hard to read. Does the advert suit my target audience? (young women) 1-Yes, there is a picture of a young women as the model 2-Using a young girl as your model makes it easy to understand it is aimed at young women 3-Yes, the advert clearly shows a young woman. Do you like the perfume bottle used? 1-No, the bottle could be made to look more summery to match the name. 2-Yes, I think the bottle is girly and young which is who the perfume is aimed at.

3- The bottle needs to look more like summer, perhaps add more flowers to the bottle. Does the advert make you want to buy the product? 1-The model you have used is young and pretty, this may make others want to feel young and pretty and buy the product, therefore, yes. 2-Yes, I like the bottle and the advert looks girly and pretty which is what I would buy. 3- Yes, the advert looks very girly with the pinks used and I would like to buy the product, but maybe their could be more information about the perfume Would you tell a friend about my advert? 1-Yes, I think it looks professional 2-Yes, I think the advert looks like a real advert. 3-Yes, I think it looks very realistic. How could I improve my advert? 1-I think the advert is fine 2- Maybe more information about the advert 3-Make the perfume bottle more like the perfume name Summer Breeze

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