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Audience Classification John Pierre

Socio-economic - This the class of finance that you come into for example the average football season ticket for a premier league club is between 250-600 pounds Chelsea being the most therefore. There I would say its more for middle class and working class. Geo-demographic- Football is a global sport therefore its open to all people who adore the sport. Psychographic,- The lifestyle of a football fan could be seen as very laddish by this I mean a stereotypical working class man this the beer drinking little bit cheeky and streetwise. Ethnographic,- Football has become a multi gender and multicultural sport making it open to literally anyone. Sexual Orientation- Football makes sure that they accept everybody and it doesnt matter what there sexual orientation. Occupation- I think that people who work and earn a wage of working or middle class pay would be more interested as the upper class may have other things going on.

Education- I think that people that look at football related things could be people that go to public schools for example football is always the talk of the playground and in the office. Media preferences Internet and Football podcasts, Newspapers, Radio Magazines. Product preferences- The product preferences will be football badges in cars or football kits and apps on peoples phones that are quite common with football fans. Buying habits- Pint of beer, white trainers, Jeans, old cars (Vauxhall caviler)

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