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GEOGRAPHY 2245 Paper 1 27 May 2012 45 minutes Additional Materials: Writing papers

READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Do not turn over the question paper unless you are told to do so. Write in dark blue or black pen. You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working. Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid. Answer ALL questions Sketch maps and diagrams should be drawn whenever they serve to illustrate an answer. The question paper contains Photograph 1 for Question 1 At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together. The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question. The duration allowed for the paper is 35 minutes The total marks for the whole paper is 17 marks.

This question paper consists of 2 printed pages including the cover page.

1. The photograph shows a type of hard engineering measure.

Photograph 1. (a) Describe the type of hard engineering measure that is shown. [2] (b) Explain how the measure has helped to protect the coast as seen Photo 1. [2] (c) Using evidence from the photograph, explain the effects of the longshore drift. [5]

2. Planting mangrove is effective in protecting the coast from excessive corrosion. Evaluate the statement above with reference to the examples you have learnt. [8]

3. Fig 2. shows a seafront holiday resort facing the threat from coastal erosion.

Figure 2 (a) With the aid of well-labeled diagram, accounts for the coastal processes that have contributed to the retreat of the cliff. [6]

Answer scheme: 1(a) Groyne (1) Low wall built at right angles with one end attached to the coast and the other extending into the sea. (1)

1(b) 1(c) From photo, materials transported from west to east Trapped materials on left side of groyne Longshore shift theory( copy from textbook) Designed to prevent materials from being transported away by longshore shift In the pic, the groynes has successfully trapped materials to the left side

2. Effectiveness Ineffectiveness

Level marking. Use HOWEVER TO SHOW BALANCE. Description explanation example. TEB

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