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Issue: Sales orders update in PH Go-Live What happened?

? Zero prices updated on invoiced sales orders which were came from CRM. Why it was happened? Requirement is like below 1) Update the product hierarchy values on open and invoiced (Closed) sales order item level. 2) Update the new pricing procedure for only open sales orders. NOT for closed or invoiced. For this created one time custom program ZUVO2494. As per logic in program ZUVO2494, Passing all the open sales orders with below parameters to BAPI BAPI BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE EXPORTING Sales order Number Order_header_inx Logic_switch TABLES Return Order_item_in Order_item_inx

Here Logic_switch has structure with below fields and populated with below values PRICING ATP_WRKMOD SCHEDULING NOSTRUCTURE COND_HANDL = B -> to carry out the new pricing

= X -> this will not create a new entry but update the existing one

But BAPI has treating Logic_switch-Cond_handl like below.

* * * * * * * Split up handling of header conditions into two different cases: a) standard R/3 handling via function module SD_SALES_CONDITION_MAINTAIN (every line checked and processed sperately) b) handling of header condition coming from a so called 'trusted source' as e.g. MSA or CRM (no checks, just take over result) See also comments at section 10, item processing.

As per the point B, Invoiced CRM orders got updated with NULL. Proposed solutions : ??????????????

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