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7th June 2012 Kezia Dugdale MSP M1.07 The Scottish Parliament Edinburgh EH991SP

Dear Kezia, Edinburgh Airport Friday marked the beginning of an exciting new chapter in Edinburgh Airport's history, as ownership passed from BAA to Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP). During the sale process, it became obvious to GIP that Edinburgh Airport provides a good service to passengers and airlines. Equally, we are confident that GIP's track record of investment at London City and London Gatwick airports means we can, over time, deliver significant improvements for passengers using Edinburgh Airport. We can only achieve those improvements with a motivated team of people working at the airport, and by working with our stakeholders to better understand the role Edinburgh Airport plays in promoting economic growth in Scotland. At the airport, we will strive to set new standards of customer service. We will also leave no stone unturned in looking for opportunities to grow the business, and to provide passengers with a greater choice of routes, particularly to and from international destinations. We will manage Edinburgh Airport from Edinburgh, and all of our important strategic decisions will be taken in Scotland. In GIP, we have an extremely supportive owner that is excited by its investment in Edinburgh. We very much look forward to working with you, to build a dynamic and competitive airport team of which Edinburgh and Scotland can be proud.

Yours sincerely,

Sir John Elvidge Chairman

Gordon Dewar Chief Executive Officer (designate)

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