Diablo III Key Bindings

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Force Stand Still Move/Primary Skill/Interact Secondary Skill Action Bar Skill 1 1 2 3 4 Q T B Action Bar Skill 2 Action Bar Skill 3 Action Bar Skill 4 Potion Button 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Town Portal Button Move Banner Toggle Advanced Skill Tooltip q

Key Bindings
Follow Give Thanks Sorry Bye Die Run Wait Go Help Yes No Stay There Attack Retreat Hold Take Objective

Close All Open Windows Game Menu Toggle Framerate Display Take a Screenshot Master Volume Up Master Volume Down Toggle Music Toggle Sound s R d = M S

Toggle Friends List Toggle Achievements Open Chat Input Close Chat Input Reply to Last Whisper Re-Whisper Cycle Chat Targets Page Up Chat Page Down Chat O Y b s R qR t r

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