Law of Manu

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Both the Laws of Manu and Genesis begin with describing how the world was created.

Law of Manu: Everyone is separated into castes according to which part of the Manu is father of human race Starts off with sages asking him to tell them the sacred laws of the castes and

Genesis 1: God creates just by speaking God created heaven and earth god started off by speaking in the darkness that there should be light. From this he decided light would be day and darkness would be night. The first day passed and then he made earth the third day: put water in one place and dry land in the other. Made plants fourth day: made sun to light sky and moon and stars for the night fifth day: made life in the waters and skys. There were fish and birds sixth day: made animals. Made mankind to take care and enjoy all that he created seventh day: enjoyed looking at all he made everything created is good

in the Genesis 1 story god is separate from the humans. Only one god in Laws of Manu god participates in the creation of everything. More than one god Differences: tehom pre-existent matter for genesis, matter for laws of manu is devi/waters water is preeixstent matter in both both start off with universe being in darkness genesis by word, manu by thought manu- sun existed beforehand? Golden egg- earth In that earth brahma was born?

Laws of Manu: Darkness (Tamas) both physical and mental Internal organs (perceived beyond the senses)

Laws of Manu: Thought -> water (Devi) -> seed in water -> egg= sun -> brahma -> purusha/Brahma -> 1 yr in egg -> thought -> egg in -> earth, middle sphere between, heaven (8-point horizon?) ->?

Both believe in heaven Produced universe and man God wakes up = wold stirs -> spins? God sleeps = universe sleeps God calm sleep?

God saw it as good- pleasure with creation?

the reference of ``image of God'' is to a physical resemblance. Of all the creatures God made, only the human is similar to God, God creates light yet he leaves half the day dark. Does that have something to do with good and evil? Genesis 1- tannenim the great sea monster and Leviathan was evil, god must have created evil although he called them good?

Got the top part from Presenting Genesis 1, Constructively and Deconstructively

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