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Section A( Physical Measurements) Name Formula in words Weight = mass x acceleration due to gravity Density = Mass/Volume Formula in symbols W = mg = m/V


Simple Pendulum

Period = two pi x square root of (length/gravity) B (Mechanics) Moment of a Moment = force x perpendicular distance force Principle of Sum of clockwise moments = Moments sum of anticlockwise moments Hookes Law Force = spring constant x extension

F = kx or F = ke

Constant speed only Constant acceleration Changing speed Changing velocity

Equations of Motion ( )

Motion in a vertical plane free fall

Circular Motion Newtons Law Momentum and impulse

Created by Mr. Jerrord Thomas

Force = mass x acceleration


Page 1

Law of conservation of linear momentum

Objects not embedded Momentum before collision = momentum after collision Objects embedded Momentum before collision = momentum after collision (


Work, Energy Power


Law of conservation of energy applied to potential and kinetic energy Machines

Created by Mr. Jerrord Thomas


Page 2

C Thermal Physics

Converting Temperatures Linear Expansion Remember always convert temperatures to Kelvin when solving problems involving the Gas Laws Charles Law T1 = initial temperature T2 = Final Temperature V1 = initial Volume V2 = final volume P1 = initial Pressure P2 = final Pressure Pressure Law k = constant

Boyles Law

General equation


Specific Heat Change

Specific Latent Heat

Created by Mr. Jerrord Thomas 2012 Page 3

D- Waves & Vibrations and Motions Light Wave equation Speed of sound and echoes

Refractive Index ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Total internal reflection Lens u = distance of object from lens v = distance of image from lens f = focal length of lens nification =

The lens equation

Youngs double slit

E Electricity & Magnetism

Static Electricity

Current Electricity

Created by Mr. Jerrord Thomas


Page 4

Ohms Law

Series Circuit

For identical resistors RT = nR

Parallel circuit

For identical resistors RT = R/n For two (2) resistors



If K >1 it is a step-up transformer If K < 1 it is a step-down transformer F: Physics of the Atom

Created by Mr. Jerrord Thomas 2012 Page 5

The emission of alpha-particles

The emission of beta-particles

Einsteins Equation

Energy released = mass excess x (speed of light)2 Mass deficit m = mass of reactants mass of products

E = mc2

Created by Mr. Jerrord Thomas


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