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This is a totally new perception according to which no one has the right make exorbitant profits off of others.

Instead, we can discover that it is good business to work together to mutual advantage for everyone involved. This is totally opposite to our present approach and everything will change according to it.

Awaken Your Caring For The Whole World Within You

How can we start caring for the whole world and feel it inside our hearts? We all exist on one globe, in one circular, closed system, and it is impossible to selectively care for just one part of it, as one would care only about his arm or leg and not care about the rest of the body. Nothing exists partially in Nature. If a person does not care for the common system, the whole of mankind as his body, he does not care for himself. We just have to open our eyes and see that the world is an imprint of what we have inside. Therefore, the aim isnt for me to start caring for the world, but to open my eyes and see the truth in order to understand that caring for the world and caring for myself is the exact same caring. This is the inner revolution we have to go through. When a person begins connecting with others and identifying himself with what is outside of his self interest that he previously identified with, then this inner revolution occurs. This blindness and deception are the reason for all the anger, hate, bigotry, and crises we see now.

Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it. -Martin Luther King Jr

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A Small Step For A Person, A Giant Step For Humanity

In order to reach balance with natures integrality, we have to start treating each other differently in all areas of our activity. Even if the change is slight, even if its only 1%, yet if it happens all over the world, it will bring about radical, enormous changes for the better. In general, we underestimate small things. For example, over the last 50 years the worlds temperature increased by 0.1%, and look at what kind of changes this caused: the glaciers in Alaska and other places are melting, the ocean level has risen by several centimeters, and the climate is changing. And all this was caused by a mere change of 0.1% because it is happening in the whole world. In the same way, a tiny change in every individual will be multiplied by seven billion souls who are all tightly interconnected with each other, a circumstance that was not present before. There is already universal closeness among us in some regards, and therefore this tiny movement will cause tremendous changes, transforming the world in an extraordinary way. Since the current processes are happening on a very large scale, this small change in individuals will bring about many consequences in our lives. Under conditions of mutual influence, every person influences everyone else because we are all connected within a single network of thoughts, desires, plans, and so on. Scientists are proving this as well. As a result, our thoughts and desires are coming closer and becoming inter-included in one another.

This is creating a completely different territory and platform for humanitys existence. Through it, we, the people, magnify our changes due to every persons influence on everyone else. A small change in each person is multiplied by seven billion, while seven billion interconnected people influence every individual that much more powerfully.

How To Live In A New World: Produce Fewer Nonessentials

First, it is impossible to manage in the new world when each one thinks only about oneself. We have to think about everyone. There is no other choice. This is natures law that is being revealed in our times.

Second, every member of society should be concerned about others like organs in one body. In the global world, we need not build egoistic systems for media, governments, social systems, health care, education, etc., which today do not care about what happens to others. What we need to be concerned with is how to build a healthy person in a healthy society. All the systems should be focused on this purpose. This means that there must be one general plan. The leaders of society must understand that we need integrality and mutual responsibility and we should use our voices and votes to insist on this. Otherwise, each will continue with his protectionism, which will lead to opposition to and destruction of nature. We should aspire for this same mutually beneficial relationship to exist in the family, childrens education, neighborhoods, cities, nations, and the whole world. This means that we dont have to develop separate, specific systems for education, culture, and health, but rather we need to work in circles, moving from small circles to wider ones, and eventually encompassing all of humanity. We have to restructure all international organizations differently, so that this will be their goal and how they aim all their activity at. All the laws in the world should reflect integral laws so that integrality will become the essential law of our existence. The leadership, courts, and systems for human rights should be aimed only at that. What stems from the integral law influences all spheres of our lives, including factories, companies, and businesses. If a business doesnt match the essential production system, it is like a splinter that enters a body and infects and harms the whole body.

An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity. - Martin Luther King, Jr.

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