Sixth Form Student Handbook Update May12

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A Leading Edge School - Student Handbook 2012/2013

11 Montague Waye, Southall, Middlesex, UB2 5HF Tel No. Fax No. 020 8843 0984 020 8574 3405 Headteacher: Mr G Wadwa Director of Sixth Form: Miss N Meston


1.0 1.1 2.0 3.0 3.1 4.0 5.0 6.0 6.1 6.2 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 16.0B The Sixth Form Mission Statement Sixth Form Structure / Aims of the School Code of Conduct Dress Code for the Sixth Form Sport & Recreational PE Educational Student Bursary Enrichment & Ambassadors Programmes Examinations & Assessment Coursework (BTEC & A level) Private Study / Non Contact Periods Netbook, Computers & Email Policy Netbook Policy Behaviour, Smoking Drugs & Alcohol Policy Sixth Form Attendance Admissions into the Sixth Form Progression within Sixth Form AS & A2 Examination Resits Careers Education & UCAS Timings of the Day & Lessons Agreement Signature Agreement Signature School Copy PAGE 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 8 8-10 11 12-13 14-15 16 17-19 20 21 22 22 23 24

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1.0 The Sixth Form Mission Statement

TOGETHER WE ACHIEVE Our vision is to enable us as students to fulfil our full potential by creating a safe learning environment where each individual has mutual respect, trust and takes responsibility for their learning. We believe we can excel, achieve and aspire higher by developing a broad range of skills to allow us to adapt to an ever changing society and become responsible citizens of tomorrow.

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Director of Sixth Form Miss N Meston Year 12 TLR 1 Pupil Progress Mr Williams Year 13 TLR 1 Pupil Progress Miss C Muir

Year 12 TLR 1 Applied Learning Mr A Webb

Year 12/13 TLR 1 Teacher Development

Year 13 TLR 1 Enrichment Miss M Jaitley

1.1 - Aims of the Sixth Form Featherstone is a mixed comprehensive sports and vocational college consisting of 1400 students aged 11-18. In September 2008 the school extended its age range to include a Sixth Form with an 8 million building funded by the Learning and Skills Council (LS) that opened in 2009. The sixth forms vision reflects five key issues: High standards of teaching & learning Develop and support student aspiration High quality university and work related guidance Development of school and local community involvement Broad & balanced curriculum The aims of this code are to ensure that a high standard of student conduct is maintained, this will allow all students & staff to work together in a supportive atmosphere of trust and respect. All processes and procedures of the school are developed to support and promote these aims.

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2.1 - Code of Conduct Students will have their own Sixth Form Handbook which will be signed for on Target Setting Days by student, parent and tutor. The basic principles, which are in addition to the whole school policies, are:

I will follow the schools Sixth Form Dress Code; ensure that I am smartly dressed at all times within the school environment and on the way home, in line with the main school ground rules. I will wear my ID card at all times. Failure to do so may/will result in being sent home to retrieve ID card. I will attend school on every occasion I am expected to attend; in case of illness or unexpected events I will supply evidence of such in advance whenever possible. I will always behave in a mature manner, on the understanding that I am a role model for the rest of the school. I will never bring cigarettes, drugs, alcohol or weapons or anything that can be deemed as a weapon onto the school premises. I will always be on time for my lessons I will ensure I always have the necessary equipment for all lessons I will ensure that I am respectful of the school environment (sixth form building) which includes the computers and facilities that have been provided to support my learning I will comply with the safeguarding school policy and understand that i am required to wear my ID badge around my neck at ALL times During my non contact periods I will remain in school and use this time to complete work, research my subjects areas and for general study

2.2 - Lunch Year 13 will start at 8.30am with registration and will have the first lunch slot at 12noon. Year 12 will start at 10.30am and they will have their registration at 3.45pm. Their lunch slot will be 1.30pm. All students are to remain on the premises throughout the day. They may leave the premises for lunch only. If students are persistently late back from lunch the pass will be revoked. (It is important to note that the start times for year groups are a guide some timetables may indicate an earlier start due to the extended day and the accommodation of broad curriculum offer). Students wishing to attend the mosque must do so in their allocated lunch time slot. Food purchased from outside shops or cafs CANNOT be brought onto the premises - ALL food must be consumed inside the building and litter must be placed in the appropriate bins provided. 2.3 - Core Time Core Time: 8.30am until 12noon To deal with the volume of student i would like to introduce CORE TIME for Year 13. This is a period of time when students HAVE to be in school and after which students are able to leave the site to study. Year 12 follow the existing procedure of staying on site for the duration of their day using non contact periods to study. Exceptions: Core time is ONLY for Year 13 however if students are underachieving or significantly behind in coursework parents will be met and this privilege will be revoked and they would have to report to TLRs

0 S I X T H F O R M D R E S S C O D E 3.0 - Dress Code The sixth form ethos strives for a professional image and environment. Students will be required to be dressed professionally in the following when attending and representing the sixth form, including to and from school. ID Badges are to be worn at ALL times students will NOT be able to enter the building without and maybe sent home. Male Students Suit Shirt Female Students Formal Skirt or Trouser Suit (Skirts to be minimally of knee length & jacket to be waist length) Blouse or professional smart top Smart & appropriate shoes No trainers or open toed footwear of similar ilk

Tie Smart & appropriate shoes No trainers or footwear of similar ilk

Females: Abayas can be worn however the smart dress code must be worn underneath and jackets to be worn over the top at all times. Jewellery Students are to ensure that jewellery is kept to a minimum of a pair of plain studs & a narrow kara. Students will be requested to remove any items of jewellery deemed inappropriate. Students who are not wearing suitable clothing or not dressed in a professional manner will be required to return home and change and parents will be informed. 3 . 1 S I X T H F O R M R E C R E A T I O N A L P E

3.1 - Sport & Recreational PE Students will be required to wear the following when participating in recreational sports & PE. Male Students Female Students Plain White T-Shirt Blue Shorts or Tracksuit Bottoms Trainers Red / White Socks

Plain White T-Shirt Blue Shorts or Tracksuit Bottoms Trainers Red / White Socks

No jewellery is to be worn during these lessons for the safety of all students

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4.0 - Student Bursary Allowance 2012/2013 The new scheme will start in September 2011 and the money will be distributed directly by schools, colleges and training providers during the 2011/12 academic year. The 16 to 19 bursary is a new 180 million scheme to help the most vulnerable young people continue in full-time education. The scheme is made up of two parts:

1. There are guaranteed bursaries of 1,200 a year for the most vulnerable students which are
classifies young people: In vulnerable groups - young people in care, care leavers and young people in receipt of income support (typically, young people living independently of their parents, young people whose parents have died. Schools will ask to provide evidence of students being in these groups and a letter for the local authority must be included.

2. Schools, colleges and training providers will then be able to award discretionary bursaries to
any student who faces genuine financial barriers to staying on in education and training to help with costs such as transport, food or equipment. The school would allocate such discretionary bursaries in line with students who eligible for free school meals (FSM). This would take into account the following: Income Support Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance Income-related Employment and Support Allowance Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit

Child Tax Credit, provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income (as assessed by HM Revenue & Customs) that does not exceed 16,190 All students receiving bursaries would need to follow the Criteria for Bursaries to receive payment. Payments will be made to students bank account and their name MUST be on the account. It will be made monthly and in arrears. Students for September 2011 will be ask to complete a FSM form on target setting days and must evidence the above criteria with original documents.

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E N R I C H M E N T & A M B A S S A D O R P R O G R A M M E S

5.0 - Enrichment & Ambassadors ALL students will be expected to participate within the Enrichment Programme and they will also have the opportunity to on responsibility roles within the sixth form community, for example they may wish to be part of the sixth form committee, be a sixth form ambassador and / or apply for the opportunity of Head Boy or Girl. The role of ambassadors can be any student wishing to take active roles within the whole school to support various projects or initiates or help out on curriculum evenings and other school events. Each tutor group will have two sixth form representatives who will automatically form part of the sixth form committee. Head Boy / Girl roles will be advertised and students will have to write a letter of application to the Director of Sixth Form and Headteacher. The opportunities offered will give students the chance to learn new skills in their personal development and also reward them for the achievements. It will support students in learning about self management & responsibility and broadening their outlook towards society as a whole. Enrichment activities include Sixth Form Committee School Council Form Representatives Duke of Edinburgh Award Community Service Community Sports Leaders Award (CSLA) & Higher Sports Leaders Award Peer Subject Mentoring Development Qualifications

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. 6.0 - Examinations Students will have examinations in subjects that are exam based and these will occur at two points during the year. They are as follows

January - Examinations for AS / A2 level June / July - Examinations for AS / A2 level

Please note that exam leave will at the discretion of the Director of Sixth Form. Should students take time off outside of the prescribed study leave this will be deemed as truancy. 6.1 - Assessment & Parents Evening Assessments will take place throughout the year by the subject teacher. There will be three occasions where these assessments will be reported home to parents. They are as follows

November 2011 Target Setting dates will be on Thursday 8th & Friday 9th September Thursday 29th & Friday 30th March 2012 Curriculum Evening / Parents Evening will be Year 12 Thursday 6th December 2012 Year 13 Thursday 8th November 2012 6 . 1 C O U R S E O W O R K ( B T E C & A L E V E L )

6.1 - Coursework (BTEC & A level) BTEC & A level students will have a lot of coursework to complete throughout the year. It is important that student organise and plan themselves and the completion of their work within the parameters and deadlines required by their teacher. Subject teachers will offer support sessions when necessary. Those students who do fall behind will be required to attend coursework catch up sessions after or before school which will be held by the TLR team for that year group. Parents will be met with and informed and students may be placed on TLR report. In extreme cases students will be seen by the Director of Sixth and placed on AHT report whilst coursework is being caught up. 6 . 2 P R I V A T E S T U D Y / N O N C O N T A C T P E R I O D S

6.2 - Private Study We are unusual in offering our sixth form students private study time which is be taken during their non contact time/lessons. The aim of this is to enable students to develop independent study skills and to support them in their time management. Private study is a special benefit of being at Featherstone High Sixth Form and we should encourage students to value it in this way. 1. A working atmosphere a. Students should work quietly. Think of it as a university library atmosphere. b. Students will bring work to do. If they have no work, they should bring a book or journal to read. Insist they either work or read without disturbing others. 2. Monitor use of computers a. The computers / Netbooks in the study rooms are high specification models. Students need to ensure that they are used sensibly and that no damage occurs. A 70 (plus 10 admin fee) will required for the Netbooks and this will be returned at the end of Year 13. Once this has been paid the Netbooks will be assigned to specific students. They will have sole responsibility for their Netbook and any damage that may occur will be taken from the deposit. Netbooks are to be kept within the sixth form building at all times. The IT Pod & Library will have CCTV and therefore those areas and users will be closely monitored.

b. Computers are to be used for work. Games and net-surfing are not permitted. You may ask a student to vacate a computer if they fail to comply or contact ICT Support Team who will suspend their account. Please see TLRs 12 & 13 or the Director of Sixth Form if you have problems with any student in the study areas or if you are unsure of what to do.

Private Study
The study pods and your private study periods are a real luxury at Featherstone Sixth Form and they should be respected. If you use your study periods well you can dramatically improve your attainment grades. Poor use of study time can result in disappointing grades.

Respect your Fellow Students

Work quietly No mobile phones Personal music must be quiet

Respect the Equipment

Do not eat or drink in the rooms Report any defects immediately at the start of the lesson No games or downloads on the computers

Use the Time Productively

Always bring in work that can be completed without a computer If you have finished homework, revise Work quietly and diligently for the whole hour


Sixth Form Library Behaviour Management Strategy

Behaviour First response Behaviour continues Behaviour continues after return or is repeated later in day
Asked to leave for the rest of the double lesson. Record in log-book. Record in log-book

Refusal to leave/arguing/rude/atti tude

No return for the rest of the day. Log on SIMS/Refer (swearing/attitude)

Loud chatting/laughter Talking that is not related to school work Eating / drinking

Reminder to be quiet. Suggest that friends dont sit together or they go outside to chat. Given choice to eat outside, or put items away. Reminder to remove coat. Allow time to do so. Reminder that the Library is for studying/ information. E-Mail reminder

Asked to go outside. May return after 5 minutes. Items are confiscated until student leaves. Given choice : Remove coat or leave library. Asked to go outside. May return after 5 minutes. Names to Tutor then TLR. No further loans permitted.

Coats not removed

Record in log-book

Playing computer games

Overdue Library Books/ Outstanding Fines

Consistent failure to follow library rules. Can be identified from logbook. Using mobile phones

Discuss with student. Log-on SIMS. Refer to Explain rules. Identify Tutor/TLR. possible solutions. Final Warning given. As stated in the Sixth Form Handbook Phones should always be on silent and should only used in the Caf area. If phones are used in the Library they will be confiscated and given to Miss Meston. They will only be returned for a 2 fee to charity.

Asked to leave for the rest of the double lesson. Record in log-book. Banned from using the Library until loans/fines are cleared. EMA stopped. Banning period imposed. EMA stopped.

No return for the rest of the day. Log on SIMS/Refer (swearing/attitude) No return for the rest of the day. Log on SIMS/Refer (swearing/attitude)



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N E T B O O K / C O M P U T E R S , E - M A I L I N T E R N E T P O L I C Y


7.0 - Netbooks & Use of School Computers Each student at the start of their time in the sixth form will be required to give a 70 deposit to receive their own personalised Netbook. The Netbook will be stored at school at all times and should not be taken off the premises. At the end of each day or when students leave the premises to go home they are responsible for replacing their netbooks to the correct allocated recharging slots. Failure to do so or failure to look after their own Netbook could result in losing the deposit or in usage of the Netbook. Students are to ONLY use their allocated Netbook. Any damage or if the Netbook is not working correctly then it should be reported immediately to reception or IT services. The POD computers have a high specification. Students need to ensure that they are used sensibly and that no damage occurs. The IT Pod & Library will have CCTV and therefore those areas and users will be closely monitored. Computers are to be used for work. Games and net-surfing are not permitted. 7.1 - E-mail Students are expected to check emails everyday Students may only use approved e-mail accounts on the school system such as Group-wise. Students must immediately tell a teacher if they receive offensive e-mail. Students must not reveal details of themselves or others in e-mail communication, such as address or telephone number, or arrange to meet anyone. Access in school to external personal e-mail accounts may be blocked. Excessive social e-mail use can interfere with learning and may be restricted. The forwarding of chain letters is not permitted. 7.2 - Purpose of the Policy To help protect the School against liability for the actions of its students To help educate system users about the legal risks that they might inadvertently take To notify users of any privacy expectations in their communications To prevent damage to systems To avoid or reduce unnecessary time being spent on non work related activities. To make clear to users who they should contact about any particular aspect of the policy 7.3 - Internet Policy Rules for Internet access will be posted in all rooms where computers are used. Your internet use will be monitored & screen shots can be collated in instances of usage violation. Instruction in responsible and safe use should precede Internet access. A module on responsible Internet use will be included in the PSHE programme covering both school and home use. 7.4 - Chat Rooms Students will not be allowed access to public or unregulated chat rooms. Students should use only regulated educational chat environments. supervised and the importance of chat room safety emphasised.

This use will be


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8.1 - Netbook Computer Policy At Featherstone High School we are at a very exciting time in our journey towards sustained excellence. Featherstone High School will continue to go from strength to strength, with a committed staff and excellent facilities set within a respectful community. Our students are here to learn and, make no mistake; we will have challenging expectations throughout their time with us. We are proud of our success and will ensure we do all we can to recognise and celebrate individual student achievements. Our school motto together we achieve emphasises the importance of partnership in our success. We will ensure that parents are kept fully informed of our students progress and achievement in order to facilitate that crucial partnership. School Agreement will be between Featherstone High School (The School) & the student (the User): Function Featherstone High School has a responsibility to ensure that all data stored on its computer systems is appropriate to the needs of Featherstone High School, is securely held, is available in a complete and accurate form when needed and complies with the Data Protection Act. The Netbook increases the risks associated with the secure storage of data. The purpose of the Policy and Agreement is to set out the criteria for the provision of Netbook and the conditions of its use. Responsibilities It is the responsibility of IT Services to ensure the correct configuration of the Netbook. The Netbook user is responsible for ensuring the integrity of the configuration (e.g. not installing unauthorized software). IT Services will be responsible for checking the configuration of the Netbook, and any necessary software upgrades are completed. The Netbook holder must cooperate with the IT Department and ensure their Netbook is checked. Under this agreement you will: 1) The netbook is to be owned by the school and students are to make an overall contribution of 70. 2) The Netbook shall only be used by you the user ONLY 3) If a student damages the netbook, the student will forfeit their deposit of 70 4) A new netbook will only be issued to the student on an addition payment of 70. 5) If students leave for any reason other than graduation, they will return the netbook to the school in full working order. 6) Privately owned netbooks will not be connected to the school network unless there is special authorisation to do so. This is to ensure quality of service to all students. 7) The school will not provide or specifically recommend any additional peripherals as part of the Netbook. 8) Prior to netbooks being issued to students: Each netbook must be imaged with the permitted school Image for each year level and registered in the school database with a unique identifier against the students ID.

9) As notebooks are the property of the school they are not to be altered or personalised in any way that is irreversible. 10) Software installed by the school is subject to licence conditions and must not be distributed or deleted without written permission from the school. 11) Use of netbooks by students is governed by the Acceptable Use Policy that students and parents agree to for use of ICT within the school. Parents are also to familiarize themselves with the Acceptable Use Policy to further support their adherence outside of the school environment. 12) Any inappropriate use of the internet is unacceptable and is subject to disciplinary action and exclusion from the school networks and resources. 13) Students are recommended to use a username and password to access their netbook, to protect information in incidents of loss or theft. 14) Software, including music, movies and games will be allowed for academic and recreational reasons, provided copyright obligations are met. Personal MP3 and other music files may be stored on the netbook. Downloading music, games and videos from the internet during school hours is prohibited except when directed by a staff member. Students are permitted to listen to digital music and/or participate in games on their netbook while at school where given express permission by a teacher for an educational purpose. 15) It is the students responsibility to ensure that there is enough hard drive space and memory


available to engage in all educational requirements. 16) Student must abide by the schools User Agreement whenever the school equipment or services are involved. This includes the netbook regardless of location. The Internet User Agreement Policy contains specific responsibilities to ensure student safety: Students must keep themselves and friends safe by not giving out personal details, including full names, telephone numbers, addresses, images and passwords. Student should be respectful in how they talk to and work with other online, and never participate in online bullying. Using the technology at school for learning, using the equipment properly and not interfering with the work or data of another student. 17) All netbooks are to be fully charged at the commencement of every day. 18) Student work will be periodically backed up on the school server during the day. Laptop Details: You have been provided with the following; Netbook: Model: Lenovo IdeaPad S10-2 Product ID: Serial NO.:

Acceptance of Conditions Name: ________________________________ (User of Laptop) Accepts the conditions, as outlined in the Netbook Agreement, for provision of a Netbook by Featherstone High School, 11 Montague Waye, Southall, Middlesex, UB2 5HF. User: __________________________________ (Signed) Date: ______/______/______ IT Staff: ________________________________ (Signed) Date: ______/______/______ Damage to Netbook


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B E H A V I O U R , S M O K I N G , A L C O H O L P O L I C Y



9.0 - Safeguarding In order to identify Featherstone High School sixth form students all students will be required to wear a photo ID. This is to enable FHS sixth form students to be identified from potential intruders. Visitors will need to sign in and they will be issues with yellow lanyard for the duration of the visit. On payment of a 10 administration fee students will be issued with a sixth form lanyard and photo ID pass card which must be worn at all times. This will also allow them access to the Cafe the PODs (Year 13s will have additional access to the garden terrace). They will also be issued with a sixth form card wallet holder. 9.1 - Code of Conduct Students will have their own Sixth Form Handbook which will be signed for on Target Setting Days by student, parent and tutor. The basic principles, which are in addition to the whole school policies, are: 1. I will follow the schools Sixth Form Dress Code; ensure that I am professionally dressed at all times within the school environment and on the way home, in line with the main school ground rules. I will always wear my ID badge. Failure to do so may/will result in being sent home to retrieve ID card. 2. I will attend school on every occasion I am expected to attend; in case of illness or unexpected events I will supply evidence of such in advance whenever possible. 3. I will always behave in a mature manner, on the understanding that I am a role model for the rest of the school. 4. I will never bring cigarettes, drugs, alcohol or weapons or anything that can be deemed as a weapon onto the school premises. 5. I will always be on time for my lessons

6. I will ensure I always have the necessary equipment for all lessons 7. I will ensure that I am respectful of the school environment (sixth form building) which includes the computers and facilities that have been provided to support my learning 8. During my non contact periods I will remain in school and use this time to complete work, research my subjects areas and for general study 9.2 - Lunch Year 13 will start at 8.30am with registration and will have the first lunch slot at 12noon. Year 12 will start at 10.30am and they will have their registration at 3.45pm. Their lunch slot will be 1.30pm. All students are to remain on the premises throughout the day. They may leave the premises for lunch only. If students are persistently late back from lunch the pass will be revoked. (It is important to note that the start times for year groups are a guide some timetables may indicate an earlier start due to the extended day and the accommodation of broad curriculum offer). Students wishing to attend the mosque must do so in their allocated lunch time slot. Food purchased from outside shops or cafs CANNOT be brought onto the premises - ALL food must be consumed inside the building and litter must be placed in the appropriate bins provided.


9.3 - Mentoring One learning mentor will be attached to each year group. The team will provide support & guidance to pupils & their families on social issues. Their work relates directly to the Every Child Matters agenda. The school has a clear focus on behaviour, attendance & the motivation to learn. 9.4 - Additional Learning Support The schools team of teaching assistants will also continue to support students in the sixth form with their learning. If students have specific educational needs they will receive support.

9.5 - Transport Cars or mopeds will not be allowed onto the school site. Students may however use a push bike to travel to school and can request a bicycle locker for safe storage during the school day. 9.6 - Mobile Phones, IPODs & MP3 Players Students are permitted to bring their mobile phones & MP3 players into the Sixth Form Building, The following guidelines must be adhered to: 1. Mobile phones and MP3s must NOT be visible around the main school buildings and surrounding areas.

2. Mobile phones & MP3 players can be used ONLY in the CAF AREA and must be kept
on silent at all times, however if a member of staff requests a student to stop using their phone they must do so without question. Please note the school WILL NOT take any responsibility for any of these items being lost, damaged or stolen. If students are caught using these items inappropriately then they will be confiscated and given to the Director of Sixth Form. A fee of 1 which will be given to charity will be requested in lieu of returning the item(s). 9.7 - Smoking, Alcohol & Drugs Featherstone High School is a non-smoking site which includes the surrounding areas of the grounds Smoking among students during school hours is not permitted Smoking among students on school outings or trips is not permitted Contravention of no smoking rules will be regarded as breach of discipline and/or behaviour and the matter will be pursued through the appropriate procedures The no smoking policy applies to all students within the boundaries of the school & in the immediate vicinity Any student who brings cigarettes, drugs or alcohol onto the premises will be dealt with according to the behavioural procedures set out by the school, this could lead to a fixed term or permanent exclusion


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10.0 - Attendance The success of students learning and making good progress within their subjects and achieving the highest possible grade relies upon students ensuring that they attend school every day and every lesson. Within the sixth form students will be expected to take full responsibility in aspiring to maintaining 100% attendance record, with minimum required of 95% attendance. Student absence will be recorded in the SIMS cover software package which will also support the monitoring of those students eligible for Student Bursaries. 10.1 - Authorised/Unauthorised Absences / Lateness Any absence will be considered to be unauthorised, unless there is a valid reason otherwise. If you a student arrives after the bell this is considered as NOT PUNCTUAL and in addition if you are over five minutes late this counts as NON- ATTENDANCE. If the claimed reason for absence is foreseeable, then you should apply for authorised absence in advance. In such cases, it is unacceptable to miss classes and then claim that the absence should be authorised. It is extremely important that your parent or guardian rings the school on the following number on the day of absence if you are ill 0208 571 8581 In all cases of foreseeable absences a form must be completed at least 72 hours in advance of the absences. You will be requested to seek authorisation from your subject teachers via signatures on the absence form where the TLR for the relevant year group will then give final authorisation. Where the claimed reason for absence could not reasonably have been foreseen, consideration will be given as to whether the absence was really unavoidable. 10.2 - Lateness Time Back Detentions Every morning a TLR will be on duty monitoring those students who are late. If a student is late more than twice in one week then they will automatically attend a time back of 40mins detention with the Director of Sixth Form on the day of the second late. If the student continues to be late in that week then subsequent time back detentions will be held on each of those days. If lateness continues then parents / guardians will be contacted. 10.3 - Sickness It is extremely important that you ring 0208 571 8581 before 9am if you are ill. Absence due to sickness will remain unauthorised until the attendance officer receives a written explanation from your parent/ carer/doctor. If we do not receive this within two days a letter will be sent home and you may not get your student bursary.


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11.1 - Course Admission & Criteria - Internal Students Internal students are actively supported and encouraged to apply to the sixth form. Access to courses will be based on the admissions criteria set out in the Sixth Form Handbook. Using on line resources such as Survey Monkey, students will indicate their early intentions of where they would like to study Post 16 during the autumn term. They will receive advice and guidance through the Heads of Year and Tutor and students and based on their mock GCSEs will complete a second survey application basing their choices on the mock results and which criteria their best suite. Conditional offers will be sent to students based on their mock GCSE grades and the admissions criteria at that time. These are subject to change in accordance to their ACTUAL summer results. Access to levels of courses will be based on the following: Actual GCSE grades Admissions criteria Individual student data Advice and guidance of the sixth form team

Courses will be deemed full when the maximum class size of 20 for practical based subjects and 22 for classroom based, is reached. The school will look at all students on an individual basis and whether they are suitable for the courses chosen. It will be up to the discretion of the Sixth Form Team as to which courses students are able to follow. Course options could be subject to change during the autumn term if students are making less than the expected progress or struggling at the level they have been awarded. Students Causing Concern Where a students prior effort, punctuality or attendance is a cause for concern, their placement on courses will be on a probationary basis and subject to a written agreement where specified targets must be met. Targets will be reviewed by TLRs fortnightly with a formal review at the end of each half term. Failure to meet the targets will result in the student being deemed to have failed his or her probationary period. 11.2 - Course Admission & Criteria External Students External students will be admitted onto courses subject to the following: Fulfilling all admissions criteria which apply to internal students Original certificates of relevant qualifications being shown A reference from their previous educational institution Subject to spaces being available on the course. The school will look at all students on an individual basis and whether they are suitable for the courses chosen Students will have an interview with their parents to ensure they are fully informed of the expectation and ethos of the sixth form. At this interview they must produce:

1. Their UP number from the previous school 19

2. A reference from their previous school detailing attendance, punctuality (students can obtain an FHS proforma to help them gain a reference) 3. All examination results with certificates as evidence of the results The administration team will contact the previous to obtain full school history and records Failure to produce references will delay applications and jeopardise placement

Within the first two weeks of term external students will receive an induction welcome workshop on the safeguarding, expectations and behaviour of Featherstone High School 11.3 - Students from Overseas Students will be requested to show their birth certificate, current passport, documentation of residency and all relevant qualifications in line with the admissions course criteria. The school will look at all students on an individual basis and whether they are suitable for the courses chosen. It will be up to the discretion of the Sixth Form Team as to which courses students are able to follow. This could be subject to change during the autumn term if students are not making the expected progress. All students MUST have relevant Exam Board slips to confirm their qualifications and photocopies will be taken by the school. Students who fail to produce the appropriate documentation will not be offered a place within Featherstone High Sixth Form.

11.4 - A Level Course Criterion All students MUST have relevant Exam Board slips to confirm their qualifications and photocopies will be taken by the school. Students who fail to produce the appropriate documentation will not be offered a place within Featherstone High Sixth Form In order to access A level courses students will need to have attained a minimum of 5 GCSEs at C (including English & Maths) or above grade and Bs in the courses that they wish to study. In certain subjects like Maths and Physics A level applications must be endorsed by the Head of Department; in addition students would need to attain a minimum score of 42 points. In subjects not taken at GCSE an associated GCSE will be taken into account. For example: B in Maths to Economics, B in History or English for Government & Politics or a B in English for Psychology. BTEC grades would only be accepted as one grade within the 5 A*-C grades and for sciences a B must be obtained in both in the core & additional science. An assessment will be undertaken within 5 weeks of students starting their course in Year 12. Students will be assessed and those students who are struggling will be provided additional support and where needed will have their pathway adapted and offered an alternative. Students who are on the borderline of the admissions criteria for A level will be closely monitored. An assessment will undertaken within 4 weeks of starting their course. Students will be assessed and those students who are struggling with adapting to the A level pathway will be identified and offered an alternative course pathway Post 16. 11.5 - BTEC Level 3 Certificate Course Criterion Students will be requested to show their birth certificate, current passport and all relevant qualifications. The school will look at all students on an individual basis and whether they are suitable for the courses chosen. It will be up to the discretion of the Sixth Form Team as to which courses students are able to follow. This could be subject to change during the autumn term if students are not making the expected progress. All students MUST have relevant Exam Board slips to confirm their qualifications and photocopies will be taken by the school. Students who fail to produce the appropriate documentation will not be offered a place within Featherstone High Sixth Form. In order to access BTEC level 3 certificate courses students will need to attain a minimum of 5 GCSEs at grade A-D. This can include BTEC courses previously followed and in addition they must have at least a D grade in English; for the Applied Science level 3 course a GCSE grade D in Maths is also required. Options at this level will be to retake GCSE English and / or Maths if they have a D grade. Classes will have maximum of 20-22 students 11.6 - BTEC Level 3 Award Course Criterion


Students will be requested to show their birth certificate, current passport and all relevant qualifications. The school will look at all students on an individual basis and whether they are suitable for the courses chosen. It will be up to the discretion of the Sixth Form Team as to which courses students are able to follow. This could be subject to change during the autumn term if students are not making the expected progress. All students MUST have relevant Exam Board slips to confirm their qualifications and photocopies will be taken by the school. Students who fail to produce the appropriate documentation will not be offered a place within Featherstone High Sixth Form. In order to access BTEC level 3 award courses students will need to attain a minimum of 5 GCSEs at grade D or above. This can include BTEC courses previously followed and in addition they must have at least a D grade in English; for the Applied Science level 3 course a GCSE grade D in Maths is also required. Options at this level will be to retake GCSE English and / or Maths if they have a D grade. Award course are combined with certificate courses making a total of three A level equivalence. Classes will have maximum of 20-22 students 11.7 - BTEC Level 2 Certificate Course Criterion Students will be requested to show their birth certificate, current passport and all relevant qualifications. The school will look at all students on an individual basis and whether they are suitable for the courses chosen. It will be up to the discretion of the Sixth Form Team as to which courses students are able to follow. This could be subject to change during the autumn term if students are not making the expected progress. All students MUST have relevant Exam Board slips to confirm their qualifications and photocopies will be taken by the school. Students who fail to produce the appropriate documentation will not be offered a place within Featherstone High Sixth Form In order to access BTEC level 2 certificate courses students will have 4 GCSE passes. If they have a D grade in Maths and or English then students will have the opportunity to retake them. If students have E or lower grades in Maths or English then Numeracy and Literacy course will be undertaken. Classes will have maximum of 20-22 students 11.8 - BTEC Level 1 Foundation Course Information Students who have U grades at GCSE then they will follow a curriculum of the following. Classes will have maximum of 20-22 students BTEC Foundation Course Life Skills EAL ASDAN

Once students have chosen their course, class lists will be submitted to subject leaders for them to review. If a student is flagged up as a concern for the course choice then decisions in pursuit of that course will be made on an individual basis. Parents and students will be met by the Sixth Form Team and half termly targets will be set and MUST be met in order for them to continue on the course. Students Causing Concern Where a students prior effort, punctuality or attendance is a cause for concern, they may be admitted on probationary basis and subject to a written contract where specified targets must be met. Failure to meet the targets will result in the student being deemed to have failed his or her probationary period. 11.9 - Extended Project Qualification Course Criterion The extended project qualification is course with the equivalence of AS weighting in students choose an area that they would like to research and they work alongside a supervisor to develop a plan for their research, write up their project and the present their findings to an audience. Increasingly students are being expected to have this qualification alongside their A levels for the top universities. This qualification show students are passionate about the subjects or an area assimilated to their subjects and can work independently. Student will be able to access the course by meet the following criteria and will be based individually GCSE APS 48 Aspiring to Oxbridge / RG universities Meeting projected grades of A & A*


Attendance Not on Academic mentoring list or underachieving

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12.1 - A2 In order to continue into Year 13 students will need to have attained a minimum of 3 Es at A Level and in addition the following will be considered in each case:

Attendance 95% Effort Quality of class and home work Ability to meet deadlines

Normal requirements to progress into Year 13 are 3 E grades. Special consideration will be given to students who fail this requirement and ONLY in EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES. In these cases students will be required to attend an interview with the Director of Sixth Form. If successful in the interview students will be required to: 1. Repeat prescribed modules from the summer exams 2. Be re-coursed onto Applied Courses back into Year 12 12.2 - BTEC Level 3 In order to continue into Year 13 students will need to have attained a there minimum target grade at BTEC level 3 in all of their subjects alongside the following criteria:

Attendance 95% Effort Quality of class and home work Ability to meet deadlines

Students who breach the level 3 Levels of Intervention and have been on Senior Teacher Report will have their position within the sixth form reviewed alongside this criterion. BTEC students who


meet their target grades, attendance percentage and behaviour & conduct agreement will continue into Year 13. 12.3 - BTEC Level 2 to 3 For students to move from level 2 to level 3 they must have a minimum D grade in English; if they wish to follow a Applied Science they must have a GCSE grade D in Maths. Students must gain a MERIT or above within their chosen course, in addition their overall Year 12 portfolio will be looked at on an individual basis before a final decision is made and this will include:

Attendance 95% Effort Quality of class and home work Ability to meet deadlines

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A 2


R E - S I T S

13.0 - AS & A2 Examinations & Re-sits Students will be given the opportunity to resit GCE modules, however the recommended guidelines to the amount of resits is no more than 2/3. In order to resit students must follow the following protocol:

An assembly will take place led by either Director of Sixth Form / Director of Assessment / Pupil Progress prior to the process to ensure that all students fully understand the potential benefits of resits, the dangers of sitting too many resits and how to be strategic about module choice. Complete the GCE proforma form in FULL ensuring grades and UMS marks are included Consult with each subject teacher and tutor to ensure sound decisions are being made using the UMS tracker on SIMs. Subject teachers will need to sign off the proforma relating to their subject along with the Head of Departments signature An appointment with the TLR to look at the overview of resits being taken and present module and to agree all resits

13.1 - Appeals In situations where a TLR does not sanction one or more of the resists then students are able to appeal to the Director of Sixth Form and a meeting will be held with student and parents. If a satisfactory agreement has not been reached then a final appeal with parental consultation can be made to an appeals panel of the Headteacher, Director of Sixth form and Assistant Headteacher for Assessment. 13.2 - Guidelines on the amount of resits Whilst there is no specified number of resits any one student can take the Sixth Form Team and TLRs will ensure that a bigger picture of resits and current module exams are taken into account


and students are encouraged to re-sit no more than 2/3. Decisions will be made on an individual basis with close scrutiny of grade boundaries and exam loads taken into account. Students are expected to pay the fee for each resit exam. 13.3 - Guidelines on coursework (BTEC & A level) BTEC students will have a lot of coursework to complete throughout the year. It is important that students organise and plan themselves and the completion of their work within the parameters and deadlines required by their teacher. Subject teachers will offer support sessions when necessary. Those students who do fall behind will be required to attend coursework catch up sessions after or before school which will be held by the TLR team for that year group. Parents will be met with and informed and students may be placed on TLR report. In extreme cases students will be seen by the Director of Sixth and placed on AHT report whilst coursework is being caught up.

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14.1 - Careers Education & UCAS ALL students will have access to guidance and support in planning about their future beyond Featherstone Sixth Form. They will be supported throughout their studies to discover & develop their skills and abilities and which career might best suit them. Students will receive advice in finding the right University and making an UCAS application, including writing personal statements. Advice will also be available on making the most of a gap year or entering full time employment. The school has a Work Related Learning Co-ordinator, who is responsible for careers education and guidance throughout the school. Sharan Sond is responsible for the EMA. 14.2 - Library The Library is available to students for reading, research and study purposes. There are books, magazines and other resources to support your courses. Opening times will be advertised and is to be used as an area of study and research. Non contact periods on student timetables are to be used for private study. The aim of this is to enable students to develop independent study skills and to support them in their time management. NON CONTACT PERIODS on student timetables should be used for private study and independent research. Private study areas are available in the PODs and library or break spaces. Students should conduct themselves in the following way: A working atmosphere:

c. Students should work quietly. Think of it as a university library atmosphere. 24

d. Students will bring work to do. If they have no work, they should bring a book or journal to
read or research their subjects using the resources of the library. The librarians will insist that students either work or read without disturbing others. Please see TLRs 12 & 13 or the Director of Sixth Form if you have problems with any student in the study areas or if you are unsure of what to do.

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15.1 - Timings of the Day 2012/2013 Year 12 Period Three 10.30am - 11.15am Period Four 11.15am - 12.00pm Period Five 12.00pm - 12.45pm Period Six 12.45 - 1.30pm Period Seven Lunch 1.30 - 2.15pm Period Eight 2.15pm - 3.00 Period Nine 3.00pm - 3.45pm -12.45pm Period Nine 3.00pm - 3.45pm Registration 3.45pm - 4.00p SGT 4.00pm - 4.15pm

Year 13 Registration 8.30am - 8.45am Period One 8.45am - 9.30am Period Two 9.30am - 10.15am Break 10.15am - 10.30am Period Three 10.30am - 11.15am Period Four 11.15am - 12.00pm Period Five Lunch 12pm Period Six 12.45 - 1.30 Period Seven 1.30pm - 2.15pm

Please note: This is a GUIDELINE; individual timetables may indicate that your lessons start either earlier or finish later. Please also note that students are NOT allowed to the leave the school premises EXCEPT for break or lunchtimes. If students persist on being late back from these breaks then the privilege maybe removed. Registration will take place at every lesson and lateness will be recorded.

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F O R M H A N D B O O K ( H O M E C O P Y )


Parent Copy I have read & understand fully the Sixth Form Handbook and I agree to these guidelines as an acceptance into the Sixth Form and I will ensure that it is part of my daily equipment. Name of Student . Signature . Form . Tutor Name Signature Date: Student Copy I have read & understand fully the Sixth Form Handbook and I agree to these guidelines as an acceptance into the Sixth Form and I will ensure that it is part of my daily equipment. Name of Student . Signature . Form . Name of Parent/Carer... Signature Name of Parent/Carer... Signature


Tutor Name Signature Date: School Copy I have read & understand fully the Sixth Form Handbook and I agree to these guidelines as an acceptance into the Sixth Form and I will ensure that it is part of my daily equipment. Name of Student . Signature . Form . Tutor Name Signature Date: Name of Parent/Carer... Signature

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F O R M H A N D B O O K ( S C H O O L C O P Y )


Parent Copy I have read & understand fully the Sixth Form Handbook and I agree to these guidelines as an acceptance into the Sixth Form and I will ensure that it is part of my daily equipment. Name of Student . Signature . Form . Tutor Name Signature Date: Student Copy I have read & understand fully the Sixth Form Handbook and I agree to these guidelines as an acceptance into the Sixth Form and I will ensure that it is part of my daily equipment. Name of Student . Signature . Form . Name of Parent/Carer... Signature Name of Parent/Carer... Signature


Tutor Name Signature Date: School Copy I have read & understand fully the Sixth Form Handbook and I agree to these guidelines as an acceptance into the Sixth Form and I will ensure that it is part of my daily equipment. Name of Student . Signature . Form . Tutor Name Signature Date: Name of Parent/Carer... Signature


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