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BackTrack is a distribution based on the Debian GNU/Linux distribution aimed at digital forensics and penetration testing use. It is named after backtracking, a search algorithm. The current version is BackTrack 5 R2, codenamed "Revolution and its Revision.

BackTrack is a Linux-based penetration testing arsenal that aids security professionals in the ability to perform assessments in a purely native environment dedicated to hacking. In simple words, its a Linux-based penetration testing tool used by the hackers. BackTrack provides users with the largest and the greatest collection of security testing tools

Features of BackTrack
It is freely distributed to all It contains many useful security testing tools Fully Patched with all new and updated tools Can be used without installing Superb Look Can be boot from a USB drive Many more..

Well Known Tools In BackTrack

Metasploit integration RFMON Injection capable wireless drivers Kismet Nmap Ophcrack

Ettercap Wireshark (formerly known as Ethereal) BeEF (Browser Exploitation Framework) Hydra Cisco OCS Mass Scanner A very reliable and fast scanner for Cisco routers with telnet/enable default password. A large collection of exploits as well as more commonplace software such as browsers.

Tools in BackTrack are arranged in the following 11 categories:

Information Gathering Network Mapping Vulnerability Identification Web Application Analysis Radio Network Analysis (802.11, Bluetooth, RFID) Penetration (Exploit & Social Engineering Toolkit) Privilege Escalation Maintaining Access Digital Forensics Reverse Engineering Voice Over IP

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